
Rebirth: The Fake Heiress Stuns The World!

Author: Mountain Springs
Completed · 2.9M Views
  • 570 Chs
  • 4.1
    63 ratings
  • NO.200+

What is Rebirth: The Fake Heiress Stuns The World!

Read ‘Rebirth: The Fake Heiress Stuns The World!’ Online for Free, written by the author Mountain Springs, This book is a Romance Novel, covering ROMANCE Fiction, REVENGE Light Novel, FACESLAPPING Internet Novel, and the synopsis is: Twenty years ago, she was taken in as the Lin family’s young heiress through a twist of fate. But mistakes would eventua...


Twenty years ago, she was taken in as the Lin family’s young heiress through a twist of fate. But mistakes would eventually be corrected one day. When the real daughter of the family returned and her foster parents begged her to stay, she obliged. Unbeknownst to her, this was actually a scheme disguised as familial affection. They only kept her around to squeeze her dry of all her value! One day, Lin Yun woke up and found herself and her future brother-in-law in a compromising position in a hotel room. She was about to escape but reporters aggressively pressed her for answers. In the face of their interrogation, Lin Yun could only respond with a pale face. Yet, her childhood friend, and now brother-in-law heartlessly accused her of setting him up while her sister, whom she had doted on for four years slapped her hard. Her former mother complained disdainfully to the reporters about her ‘despicable actions’ and announced severing ties with Lin Yun. The consecutive betrayals traumatized Lin Yun. Before she could clear her name, she was killed in an accident. Just before she died, she learned the truth… that this was all a scheme by her sister, the real heiress. Since the beginning, the Lin family only saw her as an item… All her love and affection turned into resentment the instant she died. She was reborn after that, and she would seize her life in her own hands this time! When news of Lu Chen getting involved in a car crash spread throughout the internet, Lin Yun remembered that it was Lu Chen who extended her a helping hand when she was thrown out of the Lin family. He probably even died for her. So before she exacted her revenge, she decided to repay Lu Chen for his kindness by becoming a nameless donor for his blood transfusion! However, ideals never go as planned, and the man became attached to her after waking up. Although Lin Yun wanted to wreak vengeance on her own, she found that she had the backing of her original family and Lu Chen this time Lin Yun, who had never known so much love, felt touched. Only… since when did she become Lu Chen’s woman?

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Table of Contents
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Volume 1


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love the summary definitely can't wait for face slapping to start ❤ But just how many more fake real daughters are there in pilot read this time 😅


Raw link anyone [img=update]🥺 . . . . . . ... .. ... . . . . . . . . .. .. .. . . . .. .....,................................................


I don't understand why it suddenly ends. I don't understand the ending. Someone, please explain the ending to me. I'm confused. There are so many loose ends.


Amazing and awesome story. The characters building are awesome and fulfilling. I am looking forward to read the rest of the story. Please choose this novel 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍


It’ nice so far but I’ waiti for few more chapte to understand the character plot better. So far it is just self defence and hiding in the dark.


I liked the plot it seems interesting . Anyone know the raw name? 🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂😉😉😉😉😉🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂😊😊😊😊😊😊😊☺️☺️☺️☺️


Very unruly ending that doesn’ feel satisfying. Ending in general never really had any serious consequences for the antagonists either. Felt like there was another 100 chapters that should be included. Regret the purchases.


This story was great until it decided to just not continue. I have a hard time believing that we novel didn't have some warning of this and I would have preferred some indication that the end was coming up so soon so I could have been prepared for such a disappointing ending.


Nothing is finalized. it’s like the author decided i‘m bored and someone else wrote last two chapters. Its a shame because it was well written & other than a few pronoun issues well translated. It combined two of my favorite tropes. So i was disappointed Don’t waste your time unless you don’t plan to finish it.


Quite an interesting story but its dragging out too much... i hv read up to 267 chapters yet fl have not taken her revenge and shes still being bullied and giving in to her adpotive parents.... she will say she’s cutting off ties with them but the next chapter shes back to calling him dad and going back to them.... its So annoying. and whats with the ml lead still sitting in a wheelchair when he can walk? Secondly, i hv read most webnovels where the male lead is usually immobile... is sitting in a wheechair attractive? Do chinese girls like Men in wheelchairs? Thats weird🤮




Umm... how is that an ending?? There are so many unexplained things. There's so much that the Author never wrapped up. It feels like the last few chapters were just rushed so that they could end the book. I feel jipped.


I don't think it finish yet.interesting story but there is no ending


Abrupt ending. Will there be season 2???????


I rarely give such poor reviews but this one just didn’t cut it. The story was enjoyable but after a point the plot just dragged on. And then the author suddenly realized that ok this isn’t making it so decided to wrap up within 5 chapters, or maybe even less. I hate open ended climaxes and this was one of those. Left me with a big huh?


At first I was so engrossed in this book. couldn't stop reading it. After a while it seemed it seemed to change direction and some things dragged out that didn't need to. Like why don't Lu Chen tell Lin Yun he likes her when they have dinner together on that first date? And why the secrecy from Lin Yun about being the hacker genius at that dinner. That was the perfect moment for them to open up. Also, Lin Yun seemed cold to her real parents after they purchased her new home. And Lin Yun constantly lies to her best friend/cousin....lies thru omission are still lies.


Reveal spoiler


Good book but the ending is off I am com pletely c onfused


The story was very good, but the author rushed with the ending. But overall worth reading.


i try to read till more than 200chapter but the story still dragging there,FL cant do anything even tho she got alot of chance,and keep on repeat same cycle of frame ,slap face,apologized,after more than 200 chap,i cant see any progress at all


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