
Rebirth: Super gene

When Dave died, he wasn't expecting to be reborn. His shock only grew when he found out the world he was reborn in was a novel he once read, supergene. But unlike supergene, just one tiny detail was off. Han Yan was born before Han sen. The only advantage he had in this new world is some information on a novel he read years ago. How will he fare?

toniloba_ · Others
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83 Chs

Beauty of Zoasis

"Shit!" Bezo tanked a punch from Bian and rushed towards Mark.

Man Tian swept down and picked him up. His muscles swelled and he escaped into the distance.

Bezo ignored them and aimed for Tinker. Holy Angel swept down with her powerful wings and took her into her embrace.

Bezo cleared the smoke with a single swing of his arms, the angel and Tinker were gone.

He set his eyes on Vincent, or rather, on Bian who stood beside Vincent. Bian picked him up and kept his distance.

"You damn bas~" BOOM!

Bezo was sent flying by a punch from the Tyrant Minotaur, he was instantly put in a disadvantaged situation.

Anytime he tried to attack any of the Devon Trio, they would fall back. The relentless Minotaur was just extra salt for his wound.

"What the fuck! Stop running around!" Bezo nearly vomited blood. His companion would be killed any moment now, yet he couldn't even take out one of them.

"Dieee!" He lost his marbles and exchanged blows with the Tyrant Minoaturs.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Each of their punches broke the sound barrier. More black energy rose from the minotaur.

"Is it getting stronger?" Man Tian holding Vincent asked.

"No, it's dying" Bian who had a connection with the Tyrant Minotaur could feel its precarious situation.

Bian now knew the Tyrant Minotaur had a serious problem, the black light oozing from it was actually its damaged potential.

normally each punch it received literally forced out this potential, this was why it got stronger. Now the black ooze leaked out because it couldn't be contained within its body any more.

Crack! With a chop, Bezo nearly severed the neck of the Tyrant Minotaur. The black essence around its body instantly gathered within it.

The entirety of its eye turned black and its body became motionless.

"No!" Bian unsummoned the Tyrant Minotaur, he quickly checked its status.

[Super pet beast soul: Tyrant Minotaur(damaged)]

Bezo looked at them with a bloody smile. Without the minotaur to block him, even with a bloodied leg, he could finally kill.

He used his arms and remaining leg to burst out with great speed towards Tinker and the Holy Angel.

In response, the Holy Angel flapped her snow-white wing, with astonishing speed and flew black.

'Got you' with a maddening smile, Bezo ignored his condition and used full strength with his only good leg.


His ligament snapped and joints creaked, in exchange his burst of speed was too great.

Not stupid enough to attack a flying creature, he zoomed towards the closest person, Man Tian.

"Noo!" Man Tian realized the danger he was in, he turned his back to at least protect Mark.

Bezo made a claw with his palm, planning to rip through Man Tian and Mark in a single attack.

'I got you, hahaha! I win' Bezo who was smiling manically didn't notice the palm that slapped his face.

He was instantly turned into a bloody mist, as fragments of meat and blood scattered everywhere, Sebas wiped the gore from his palms.

The Holy Angel and Bian met up with Man Tian.

"Thank you so very much!" Sebas gave a bow for a good minute.

After the kids went over, he told Man Tian a few things before greeting them goodbye.

"I will see you in the sanctuaries!" Man Tian said goodbye before leaving.

"He's gotten so strong" Bian felt amazed by the moves Man Tian used.

'Forgive me, your moves are mine' Bian mused to himself. He heard sirens in the distance and made himself scarce.

The enemies must have used some method to conceal their fight just now. The authorities quickly assembled at the site of the battle.

_ _ _ _ _

Bian traveled directly to planet Zoasis, where the ceremony would take place.

The competition had officially ended, after one more week, they would announce the winner.

Bian took the time to tour planet Zoasis, appreciating its wonders more thoroughly. After descending his spaceship he used his membership card to get a human attendant.

A friendly guide, Zara, greeted Bian with a warm smile. "Welcome to Zoasis, Bian! Prepare for an otherworldly experience." With that, they embarked on a tour.

Their first stop was the Luminescent Gardens, where radiant flora from various planets illuminated the landscape.

Zara explained how these plants thrived on the diverse cosmic energies present on Zoasis. Bian marveled at the surreal beauty, his steps accompanied by the gentle glow of alien blossoms.

"Cosmic energies, can human feel them?"

"No, it is like a certain frequency mixed light. Only plants can absorb feel and absorb them." Zara replied, after some thought she added, "some demigod can clearly sense the cosmic energy."

Next, they ventured into the Avian Aviary, a vast dome filled with birds of unimaginable colors and melodies.

It was a symphony that transcended language, resonating deep within Bian's soul.

"This would be a big hit if it got out"

"Sadly it wouldn't be the same. Machines can't quite capture the exquisiteness of these birds."

As they strolled through the Butterfly Canopy, delicate insects with iridescent wings fluttered around them.

Zara spoke softly, "The Monarch Butterfly, with its vibrant orange and black wings, embarks on remarkable migrations.

The Morpho Butterfly boasts iridescent blue wings, dazzling in sunlight. The Painted Lady Butterfly showcases a delicate dance of orange, black, and white, gracing gardens across the alliance.

The Swallowtail Butterfly captivates with its elegant wings, often adorned with vivid patterns and hues."

Each of these fluttering wonders contributes to the kaleidoscope of nature, their intricate wing patterns forming a ballet of colors as they navigate the skies.

Observing these butterflies is like witnessing a mobile work of art, where each wing stroke adds brushstrokes to the living canvas of the air.

'Damn it, Philip set me up!' Bian felt his blood boiling, Zoasis was packed with top notch service and locations. It was the perfect locations for trips, picnics and even dates.

While waiting for the time to conclude Bian would occasionally rest, while most of his time was spent exploring the planet.

Zoasis wasn't a zoo, it wasn't a cage for animals. Rather it was a safe haven for them. When given a chance, animals with high enough IQ actually chose to stay on this planet.

Free food, no poaching, no predators, easy life. Who said the grass is always greener on the other side, what if it is brown?

Six days later, several spaceships had arrived during the week, only VVIP members and a lucky few were allowed into the event center.

The event center had a span of 2 kilometer all round. With strict entry permits, it wasn't even half way full.

Bian walked up to the gate, after passing through various security checks, he flashed a virtual card on the machine and entered the plaza.

The power of luck was truly astonishing. If you weren't a V.V.I.P, you could only buy a lottery ticket and hope to be chosen to get in.

Influential fellow would buy over a million of these tickets. Even if the chance was 0.0001 percent, times a million equals 100 percent which is a guaranteed entry. Most people in the auditorium belonged to a big group or company.

Individuals like Bian who could enter alone were extremely lucky and virtually non-existent. After a few hours the event starts.

Philip who was passing by was surprised to see Bian. Even those who buy a hundred tickets don't have guaranteed chance of entry, Bian only bought one ticket and got in. This type of luck was too enviable.

They exchanged nods as a greeting and Philip went to meet his competitors and family members.

"Who will win this year?"

"Obviously Great Uncle, Zoasis has no opponents."

"Well second position isn't too bad either. Philip you've been doing well recently, what do you think of second position."

"First position hasn't been settled yet!" Philip said with a fiery determination.

"Haha! Look at this fool"

"How good it must be to be young and delusional."

"Didn't you borrow money for emergencies in the sanctuaries? Don't let the flatter get to your head."

Philip ignored them and looked at his great Uncle who walked through the door, his thoughts unclear.

"The donations and funds sites will temporarily cease for the duration of this event. One more minute before the servers pause." Strass Kenneth said, his black and gray stripped hair slick and combed backwards.

A minute later, the doors were locked, the sites shut down, cameras rolling and the event began.