
Chapter 2

I'm surrounded by darkness. I think the reincarnation process takes some time. I also feel my thoughts slowing down.

'What...is...with...this...darkness...thing', I said in my mind.

'System?', I tried. There was no reply to my question. Seems I really cannot use the system now. Such a shame, I could do so much more with a system assisting me.

'Well...whatever...I...guess...I'll...sleep...then', I said in my mind as I started feeling drowsy.


Time passed. I don't know how much because I fell asleep but I guess some time has definitely passed. I can think clearly now and don't feel drowsy at all.

I think I can actually feel my limbs now. Two legs with three claws on the front and one on the back each. Excellent! Perfect for grabbing things. I also feel my wings but I can't control their movements yet.

I also have a beak now. I guess it'll be inconvenient to eat without chewing my food. I hope I don't choke.

I guess I should do some light exercise before the destined time of my official birth.


I'm starting to feel stuffy now. I also feel a little hungry. I guess it's finally time to say hello to my new home, my parents, and maybe siblings. I'm really excited to see them because I've been very bored in this darkness.

I use my beak to start breaking the shell.

Peck! Peck!

I see a crack. Oh yeah this is fun. I enjoy the feeling when my beak hits the shell. I guess I'll be getting my face into things a lot since I'm a bird. I won't be able to do everything with my claws.

Peck! Peck! Peck!

Finally light is coming from the cracks in the shell. I squint from the light. Let's keep going and make the crack bigger.

Peck! Peck!


Finally I'm out. And I see no one nearby. Guess mama's not here yet. I move out from the pieces that held me in.

I examine myself. A plump and fluffy red bird.

Yellow legs ending with sharp claws. No signs of being a legendary bird.

'I guess it's stupid to think babies as badasses. I'll need to rely on my mother until I'm capable of hunting myself', I sigh mentally.

I'm in a nest. I guess this'll be my first base in this new world. I examine the nest carefully.

'Looks like I have no siblings', I sigh mentally. There are no other eggs here.

Having nothing else to do I wait for mama phoenix to come, hopefully with some food.


It's been half a day. No signs of mama phoenix. I chew on pieces of my eggshell. They're not tasty.

I look around the nest. I'm in a forest. No one nearby. It's quiet. It's boring so I look around.

Suddenly I spot a worm on the ground among the fallen leaves. I start salivating.

'What? Why does that worm look so tasty?! Is it because I'm a bird now?' I wonder.

I got too close to the edge of the nest and as expected fell down.

'Ahh i'm falling', I try to say but all that comes out is a cute voice.


Tears well in my eyes as I wonder if I'll die again. Unexpectedly I survived. No wonder, I'm so light that I'll not get injuries from that height. I'm so relieved that I'm light.

Out of the corner of my eye I see the worm still wriggling. I get near it step by step and suddenly launched my lethal weapon(my beak) at it.


With a gulp I swallowed the worm. Surprisingly I don't feel grossed out. I felt it was quite tasty. I guess I'm a bird now alright.


It's been quite a while now and still no signs of mama phoenix. I don't feel hungry now so I guess I'll walk around while I wait for her.

I see trees all around, no signs of predators which is good and i see plenty of worms wriggling around. Alright, food source secured.

I look around for more useful things. One of the trees around my nest has a hole. I guess it'll suffice as a temporary home before mama phoenix comes back.

I sit in the hole and stare into the air absentmindedly.

'What might have happened to mama phoenix, why isn't she coming back', I wonder.