
I found evidence of your poison

Bi Su looked at the clothes and accessories in the chest, and could not help but be dumbstruck! She covered her mouth, looked at Xu Rouzhi, then looked at Uncle Lin, and asked foolishly: "Uncle Lin, this is … "What do you mean?"

The Uncle Lin smiled, "Princess, these are all things that you have been paying attention to over the past few days. The Prince has sent people to buy them all, I hope you would like them."

Bi Su was both surprised and happy. The thing that surprised her was that the Duke had sent people to follow her and the Royal Concubine over the past few days, but she didn't discover anything at all! He was overjoyed because the prince had treated his princess consort well. So long as it was something that she had noticed before, would the prince buy it to please her?

Bi Su pursed her lips, unable to conceal her joy. "Royal Consort …"

Xu Rouzhi laughed, "Your highness, you are kind! "Then I won't be polite!"

Uncle Lin bowed and said with a smile, "It's good as long as you like it!"

Xu Rouzhi slightly smiled, nodded and said: "I like it very much. "Let's carry the things to the inner room first!"

Thus, a few large boxes were carried into the house.

The Uncle Lin led the servants and left. Bi Su joyously pulled on Xu Rouzhi's sleeves. Last night, the wangfei said that something interesting was going to happen today. Indeed, it was true! However, how did the wangfei guess this? "

Xu Rouzhi laughed, and tidied up her hair, "This is not something interesting."

Bi Su was startled: "Then what other interesting thing?"

"Let's eat breakfast first!" Xu Rouzhi sat in front of the dining table and picked up her chopsticks, "Err, so many delicious delicacies, Bi Su, quickly come and snatch them!"

Bi Su hesitated for a while, then sat down at the dining table: "Those who cook should not eat together with the master, Bi Su broke the rules, if the prince sees this, I'm afraid he will punish Bi Su."

What rules are you playing with, "Xu Rouzhi said as she placed two pieces of fragrant goose meat into Bi Su's bowl," You were brought here from my home, and are just like my family, when have I ever treated you as a servant?

That's true. Bi Su nodded gratefully. No matter if it was the current clever Xu Rouzhi or the weak Xu Rouzhi in the past, he had never treated her as a servant.

Xu Rouzhi also gave herself a bowl of dishes: "Besides, with me here, I'll decide on the rules, it doesn't matter to others."

"Does This King really not care?"

Chu Yixuan's voice lightly sounded outside the door.

Bi Su had already pushed open the door. Chu Yixuan, wearing a black fur cloak, quietly stood outside the door.

Bi Su nervously and uneasily bowed towards Chu Yixuan. Even she herself could hear the trembling in her voice, "Your Highness."

Chu Yixuan slowly walked into the room and took down the cloak for him. Then, he closed the door.

Chu Yixuan's face was expressionless as he glanced at Xu Rouzhi, "Just now, this duke seemed to have heard someone say that the rules here are none of your business."

Xu Rouzhi curled her lips, and muttered: "Prince Qi just likes to come uninvited!"

"What are you saying?" Chu Yixuan sat down with a cold expression, he glanced at the table and said, "This is my own backyard, is it still possible for me to come?"

"Come, come!" Xu Rouzhi continued to stick out her chopsticks, "You can also send people to follow me, since I'm the daughter of the Crown’s Master, you have to be careful of me!"

"No matter what you say, you are still the princess consort of the Prince Qi Palace, so this duke naturally trusts my consort." Chu Yixuan said lightly, "So, that wasn't following them. This king had sent people to protect Princess Hua-Yang in the dark."

"Yes!" Xu Rouzhi nodded his head, "Since you said it's open, then there's no need to protect me anymore! You can follow me today! But I'm not going out today. "

With that, Xu Rouzhi made a face at Chu Yixuan and continued to eat. As she ate, she shook her head at Chu Yixuan arrogantly.

Lu Ming had never seen Xu Rouzhi act like such a ghost horse, and could not help but stare blankly.

Chu Yixuan looked at Xu Rouzhi silently: Are you really not going?

Ah!" Xu Rou nodded seriously.

Chu Yixuan slowly rested his elbow on the table, he leaned his body forward slightly and stared at Xu Rouzhi with his deep eyes: "Don't tell me, you're going to do something big soon?"

Xu Rouzhi smiled proudly: "Please look forward to it!"

Chu Yixuan nodded his head and adjusted his clothes, "Alright then, I will stay and watch the show."

Xu Rouzhi waved at Bi Su: "Sit down and eat."

How would Bi Su dare do that? She looked at Chu Yixuan, "Bi Su … "I don't dare."

Xu Rouzhi glanced at Chu Yixuan, "In the Prince Qi Palace, this room is my territory, Royal Highness, can I make the decision on my own territory?"

Chu Yixuan thought about it, then nodded his head: "Alright!"

Xu Rouzhi nodded in satisfaction. She had no choice but to bite the bullet and sit down.

"Your highness must have eaten it, right?" Although Xu Rouzhi asked this, she did not have the intention to invite Chu Yixuan to a meal.

Chu Yixuan deliberately wore a cold face: "So you're not allowed to eat with me again after we've eaten?"

"What a waste of food!" Xu Rouzhi glanced at the chest inside the room, "The prince has always been low key, why is he so generous today to waste so much money for my concubine, I don't know what is the meaning of this."

"As long as wangfei likes it, it's fine to be high-profile once in a while." Chu Yixuan said indifferently.

"Oh!" Xu Rouzhi nodded her head, "Your Highness has played such a good method to win the hearts of others!"

Chu Yixuan looked at her. "Is that what consort doesn't want?"

"Eat!" Of course I eat! Didn't I already accept the gift? " Xu Rouzhi raised her chin, and revealed a bright smile towards Chu Yixuan. But before Chu Yixuan could reply, she stopped smiling.

Chu Yixuan frowned, he looked at Xu Rouzhi quietly, his face was gloomy, but he did not say a word.

To Bi Su, it had already been an uncomfortable situation for him to sit and eat together with his master and concubine for the first time in this world. Now that she saw her master and his concubine talking like this, Bi Su felt like she was going to be put to death.

The two of them finally did not speak any further. She quickly put down her bowl and chopsticks, stood up and said, "My prince, my princess, Bi Su is full."

Xu Rouzhi said: "Alright, then ask Uncle Lin to gather everyone here!"

Lu Ming was startled, and looked at Chu Yixuan.

Chu Yixuan looked at Xu Rouzhi in confusion: "Why do you want the Uncle Lin to gather everyone here?"

Xu Rouzhi was still smiling proudly, "Please look forward to it!"

Alright, let's look forward to it!

Chu Yixuan straightened his clothes once again, and picked up the teacup on the table.

The servants of the Prince Qi Palace had already gathered outside Xu Rouzhi's room under the summons of the Uncle Lin.

When Su Leyao and Sang Woruo appeared at the door, Bi Su opened it and said clearly: "Princess said that it was cold outside, everyone please come in. The two ladies, please enter first. "

Su Leyao frowned, this Xu Rouzhi, what kind of trick is she playing now? Sang Woruo first saw Chu Yixuan sitting at the same table as him, and couldn't help but be startled! I touched Su Leyao: "Elder sister, the king is actually eating with her!"

Su Leyao also saw it, and immediately a wave of anger "rose" from her chest.

What's going on? Ever since Xu Rouzhi had resurrected from the dead, the Duke's attitude towards her had completely changed!

He had ignored Xu Rouzhi before, but now, he was sharing a room, sharing food and drinks with him?

Xu Rouzhi waved her hands: "Uncle Lin, get people to put away the dining table! "Thank you."

The casual "thank you" caused Uncle Lin to feel somewhat terrified. The dining table was quickly put away. The room seemed very spacious, but the servants of the manor did not dare to enter. They only crowded outside the hall and exchanged frightened glances.

Why had the Princess called them together? Perhaps it was because they had neglected her back then, and now that she was favored by the prince, she began to cherish and cherish her geniuses, wanting to take care of them and settle old scores with them?

Thinking of the attitude that Xu Rouzhi had towards Su Leyao and Chu Yixuan after she resurrected from death in front of the Sky Hall, everyone shuddered!

Even the once delicate and delicate Princess Hua-Yang had a rather frightening reaction when she changed her face!

Xu Rouzhi walked to the door, looked at Su Leyao and Sang Wo, and clapped. "Beauties, why aren't you coming in? Do you find my shack unworthy of letting the two of you have a foothold? "

Su Leyao glanced at Chu Yixuan, who was drinking his tea quietly, as if nothing had happened. She was filled with discomfort, so he coldly snorted and turned his face away, ignoring Xu Rouzhi.

Sang Woruo looked at Chu Yixuan, then looked at Su Leyao, although she was full of unwillingness, she still replied: "Royal Concubine has spoken, how would I dare to disobey!"

However, although the words were said in such a manner, Sang Woruo still stood below the porch and did not move an inch.

Xu Rouzhi turned and looked at Chu Yixuan, "It seems like Princess Qi's words in Prince Qi's Palace are useless!"

Lu Ming said to the people outside: "Princess allowed everyone to come in, so come in! It's cold outside, so it's hard to talk. "

Lu Ming's words represented Chu Yixuan's intentions. Thus, everyone had no choice but to silently walk in. Only Su Leyao and Sang Woruo were still standing outside the door, not moving an inch.

Xu Rouzhi said: "It doesn't matter if you two madam do not want to come in, since you two will be leaving soon, it would save you the trouble."

Su Leyao was angered: "Xu Rouzhi, what do you mean?"

Xu Rouzhi shrugged her shoulders, "What I mean is, I have already found the evidence of you poisoning your husband!"

Xu Rouzhi's words shocked everyone present! This shocked everyone so much that their gazes landed on her, and then uniformly landed on Su Leyao's face!

What did Princess Xu mean? She said that Mrs. Su poisoned her husband?!

"What did you say?" Su Leyao opened her eyes wide in shock, and pointed at Xu Rouzhi: "Xu Rouzhi, you can eat whatever you want, but you can't say whatever you want! You were the one who tried to poison the king, and now you dare to slander me? Do you think I'm a soft persimmon that you can pinch as you please? "I'm telling you, if you dare to speak nonsense and slander people, don't blame me for disrespecting your status as an imperial concubine!"

"What do you want?" Xu Rouzhi frowned, "Could it be that you want to kill us to keep our mouths shut, Su Leyao!"

"You … "You …" Su Leyao was so angry that her entire body was trembling, she turned to Chu Yixuan and said with tears in her eyes, "My prince, Xu Rouzhi hit me on the head and carelessly slandered my body. My prince doesn't care about her, do you really want to allow her to act so atrociously in the Prince Qi's residence?"