

After Clara left with the baby Dragon Fred, Miranda and Michael rushed down as they sensed the magic coming from the dungeon but they were disappointed to find out that Alex was alone and Fred picked Alex from the ground and questioned him about what happened and Alex laughed and said that his doom was closer than ever Fred was shocked to hear Alex say those words and he dropped him now the siblings had lost all thoughts of Alex being their sibling as he had undergone so many years in punishment they all regarded him as a traitor, Michael rushed to hit him but was surprised as Alex caught his hand and pinned him to the floor under his feet when Miranda tried to attack Alex simply warned her that he could easily kill Michael with the position he was all he needed to do was to snap his neck then she stayed still, unexpectedly Fred hit Alex with his magic but Alex was defenseless against magical attacks so he fell of Michael while Miranda chained him up once more and ordered for Alex to be hung upside down but Fred refused and said Alex should be chained on the neck that while they punished him Alex took it to train himself and he had a personal trainer that was why he easily overpowered Michael. Michael was pissed that even without his powers Alex overpowered him and after Alex was chained he kicked Alex all over and ordered the guards to beat him up but Alex surprised them once more by dodging and blocking all the hits from the guards and hit them on spots that paralyzed their arms and legs now Miranda remembered a maid in the castle that paralyzed people whenever she wanted to treat them and immediately she went in search for her but Alex cleared her thoughts by telling her that the maiden she is searching for was his ghoul mother and now a free ghoul and Clara has left the castle with his dragon child to the underworld, Fred was shocked that Alex had someone on the inside but decided not to escape then he asked that Alex be released but Alex said loud and clear that anyone that steps closer would die instantly now after what Alex had done they were very scared of moving then Fred ordered everybody to leave except for his siblings and he asked Alex but Alex said that they were no longer siblings as he heard that they denounced him Alexander out of the El family which cannot be possible as he is the eldest his younger ones cannot just decide what would be done but Fred laughed and said that Alex meant nothing to them as they were concerned he was of lesser threat than his army and these words made Alex pissed and Alex broke the chains used to bound him, everyone was shocked at his strength and Alex said that he had been training for eight years and he had stayed improving his physical strength and Alex broke the chains used to bound his neck and legs and he went forward and the guards attacked but their attacks were futile as he dodged and defeated them all putting them to the ground now Miranda and Michael brought their weapons and attacked but Alex placed his wrist in the line making the blades cut the magical cuffs off his hands and Alex felt his magic bubbling inside of him but he just vanished from the dungeon without a trace. Alex appeared in the Dragon realm but it wasn't his domain of the dragon realm it was the domain of the dark flame dragon flame the dragons that have never been commanded by any being before and Alex hid but the dragons had picked up his scent and chased him, After running for hours Alex found a cave where the dragons couldn't enter and being a vampire he needed no light in the dark so he went in after many hours of wandering Alex came to a place inside the cae where dead bodies of beast and other demons where and Alex heard some sound of creatures moving the scents were familiar, they were ghouls but they were the higher ghouls he heard of a lost species as they were about to attack him he raised hs hands and they stopped and bowed to their master and he spoke the ghoul language and they stood up and led him to the edge of the cave and it was night but the dragons were still searching for him when he yelled at all of them and smiled now the dragons saw him and he grew his dragon wings and flew into the sky then a black dragon came out and he supposed it was the king of the dragons then he landed and stood then the dragon attacked while he dodged he didn't attack back but rather he waved of each attack by the dragon king then when the dragon breath fire he raised his hands and the fire stopped ion mid air then he started speaking to the gragon king in the dragon tongue making the king submit before him and bow, when the other dragons saw that the king had submitted they did the same and bowed their head down for their master. Alex remained in this realm for three years before deciding to show himself.