
Attack of the Dragons

Now in the underworld Aurora was 16 years while Junior was 11 years of age but they were far more powerful than most of the warriors of the empire and they decided to meet their father as they had waited long enough, suddenly the gates to the underworld opened wide and a maid and a dragon stepped in but as the maid came in she transformed into a ghoul mother and all the demons bowed, it was Clara and Alex dragon son Delora as she named him. Lisa went up to her in disbelief, she thought the ghoul mother died but she didn't and Lisa hugged her like they were sisters. Clara told Lisa everything that happened but to her surprise Lisa wasn't angry that she slept with her husband to carry the dragon rather she was happy that Alex had sent another help to aid them in rallying the dragons. When Lisa went up to Delora he spoke to her through her mind as dragons don't speak outwardly, now Delora had some dark magic in him making him the most powerful dragon that had existed and this was because of Clara���s magic in him. Junior, Aurora and Delora were siblings and so they felt their bond as Aurora and Junior stepped forward to meet Delora. Delora was a very big dragon and the first the children had seen so they were marveled as they touched the creature. Lisa then ordered the demons to prepare that they were going to fight against the human empire and the demons and ghouls took their weapons and marched to the hell gate the largest portal that could send all of them into earth at once, Now in the empire it was midnight and Fred and his siblings were awake in the royal chambers discussing family issues when a guard ran into the castle and announced that a portal opened 10 miles away from the Empires gate, Fred and his siblings were shocked as they never expected the attack from the underworld and they thought that Alex had come to kill them so they rushed and got prepared for the war but told their children and spouse to hide in the underground layer of the castle that was built on emergency situations. The demon army came out of the portal first then the ghouls came out but disappeared into the shadows and Delora flew out carrying his mother Clara and his siblings then Lisa and the hell riders came out all wanting to attack the empire, Fred watched the army approach but couldn't find Alexander so he decided to have a chat with the enemy before the war and a bison carried him down and he went up to Lisa who was in the front of the army and she stepped forward and told him to release her husband to prevent the war as she hadn't come to take the empire but Fred told her that Alex had disappeared from the empire three years ago when he broke the chains and as they spoke they heard a roar of a dragon but thought it was Delora but another dragon emerged from the sky and behind it were hundreds of dragons, now Delora was the king of the dragons so he roared but the dragons didn't heed and on the leader of the dragon herd was a man on its back riding it, it was Alex and he jumped of the dragon falling straight into the ground causing the earth to tremble creating a great ridge from the army and the empire now Lisa and Fred were on the other side of the ridge. Delora was angry as man commanded his dragons and he thought the man to be a wizard as he moved Clara told him o stay still that it was his father the Dragon lord. Alex flew and landed in front of Lisa and Fred and said that Lisa should take the army back to the underworld and she agreed but a demon commander that was blood lust refused and as he spoke Alex appeared and slid his hand into the chest of the demon ripping its heart out killing it, this made everyone tremble in fear as Alex had changed from the man they knew him to be, Alex then told Fred that he was going to show them a little taste of the favor they had shown him while he was taken prisoner and he signaled his dragons and the dragon flew into the empire and burned down buildings and killed, Alex however made the dragons not to destroy the empire but devastating it. Fred was shocked as Alex teleported every demon and ghoul with a snap of his finger then Alex said to Fred that the next attack he would single handedly take out the entire empire and he vanished with the rest of his allies.