
Rebirth of Magitechnologist

Alan a genius prodigy who went along with his parents wishes and abandoned the things he liked the most, he lived a mediocre life and when the world faced catastrophe he became nothing but a cannon fodder for the strong and died. Reborn back to the time where everything had gone wrong he decided to change his fate.

Alan_White · Games
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18 Chs

Level 10

Alan White. level.10


Vice Profession:N/A

Race: Spirit Emperor

Titles: Absolute Spirit Emperor, Nature's Favourite, True Ruler

Elements: All (EX)

Str: 115

Agi: 111

Int: 250

Mana: 100000

Gold: 99Billion



Attribute Points: 1020

Skills: Spirit Language, Supreme Spirit Magic(lvl.1), Rulers Authority(lvl.2), Appraisal, Mana Arrow (lvl.97), Dagger mastery(lvl.99).....

Equipment: Black Coat(Black), Black Pants(Black), Mask, Storage Ring(Red), Bow(Black), Dual Daggers(Black)

Looking at my status I was quite satisfied, I levelled up to level 10 in these 5 days of continuous hunting.

The occupation and vice profession are finally unlocked and for leveling up further you will require to gain a occupation from NPCs where as vice profession were optional.

The equipment in the game are divided into different categories and low rank equipments are divided into White, Black, Yellow, Orange, Red, Silver, Gold, Platinum, and Purple Grades.

Black was the highest grade weapon I could get in the village.

My skill Rulers Authority have leveled up to level 2 and skills like appraisal are no grade skills which don't have any special mastery if you want better functioning then you have to get evolved version of these skills.

The mastery of skills are not on the basis of how much you used them but how good are you at it and judging at it you are given evaluation.

In my previous life the mistake I made can't make me level up faster like others making me leaving weak but then also I levelled up my skills in order to compete with stronger opponents to such a degree that skill wise only few people could catched up to me and 100 is the highest level any skill could reach.

With my level increased my mana also increased 100 times which is quite a huge reserve thanks to my racial advantage, with level increase the attributes of a person doesn't grow but gets Attribute points before the merger where he or she could distribute them according to their needs, only intelligence is the criterion where attribute points can't be used.

I divided 1000 of my attribute points in between charm and luck attributes equally. The remaining 20 were divided in between strength and agility making them 120, leaving only 3 points with me.

How many attribute points you can get too are dependant on the race and i get 100 attribute points every time I level up unlike humans who get 6 attribute points every time, looking at the racial advantage I felt a bit bad and unfair for others but then also I was happy and excited for my growth, i am not a kind of a person who thinks naively and believes in equality, the society whether in the past or now was always unequal, the nature's law of strong eating weak even if the civilization grew to point where people think everyone is equal I'm sorry but it isn't, if it was nature didn't gave birth to so many different races with each having its own advantages, in the past strength was scale of measuring one's superiority and now money replaced it, if you want to survive in this harsh world then you need power of both strength and money in your hands for living in this world peacefully or else your fate will always be in the hands of the strong who are always ready to trample on weak.

I was done dismantling the bodies of wolf monsters and took out there cores, and stored them in my storage ring, the ring was a red grade item and can store upto a thousand things, i was lucky that the store had one last storage ring left, there were now less than 10 free slots remaining in the ring and the whole ring was filled with monster cores and all the stuff I got.

I began to walk back to the village, it took whole day to come back to the village it was already 7 evening now the whole place was livelier than usual and a lot of new players were busy hunting monsters, i paid no attention to them and entered the village gate, various people were teaming up and new guilds were recruiting players, the player guilds was one of the most profitable business after Arcania Online was founded and various multinational companies began investing in them I never joined any guild in my previous life as my strength was not enough and which allowed me to enter were putting a lot of restrictions on me and were really what we can call a black company.

It was already evening i was planning to just leave to the city as soon as I enter the village through village's teleportation disc but decided not to as there was one important thing in the village which I have to take.

The Blackmoon village was special and known for too many monster spawns and hidden quest in the game which were beneficial for newbies and most of the rewards of those quests are not necessary for me to get based on my future plans, but there was one important quest whose reward made a lot of guilds to fight over one person to join their guild who later became one of the strongest human of the earth.