
the first ingredient

A few days later yuuji informed everyone that he would be going off world for some time alone, at first his siblings were reluctant but after some persuasion by their parents they let go,

right now yuuji was suspended in his pocket dimension as he started to see if his theory about other fictional worlds existing was true , he used a new power that he had recently discovered , he named this power the soul force because of how it was generated from his very soul, he used this power to scan the vast number of universes out there , slowly he started to integrate his kaleidoscope into it as well, soon enough he found what he was looking for which brought a smile to his face, he then used his power to teleport


agent rumenoff was not having a great day right now , she had just returned to the carrier with Dr.Banner , coulson had returned with steve rogers, tony stark was on his way,

as soon as they had arrived they started causing trouble, tony and bruce had hacked into SHIELD terminal allowing them to view top secret files, thor started accuse SHIELD for causing loki to come to this world, steve was now arguing with tony as banner took up the scepter and was very close to releasing the hulk,

the fighting stopped after they found the tessaract location but then they were attacked by loki's backup, they managed to save clint barton but lost coulson,

soon the team found loki on stark tower, he opened a portal his army and that brings us to her current mood,

she was right now fighting an army alongside captain america while the rest of the team tok care of other things, soon hulk and the others came together just in time for a leviathan to arrive, but before they could do anything a massive presure suddenly came out of nowhere as another portal, this one in multiple colors formed in mid air,

"is that another one of loki's portals??" steve asked to which thor replied,

"no, it does not originate from the tessaract but i can sense it is something far more ancient!!" he said , this alarmed everyone because dealing with loki was problematic enough,

suddenly a handsome man came out of the portal , he looked around himself and when he spotted the leviathan he slowly raised his arm a mysterious ball of energy formed on his finger tips, when the energy shot out , it completely vaporized the creature into nothing,

"sir, the energy readings from that attack is equivalent to that of a focused supernova!!" came the voice of jarvis to tony, just as he was about to say something the man suddenly teleported neat the team and said,

"i will help you deal with these intruders on your planet but in return i want something from this planet and you will help me find it, do we have a deal??"


yuuji actually did not need the help of the avengers to find what he was looking for ,but if his hunch was right then he will need the SHIELD the access the location where the metal is stored,

tony shrugged his shoulders and said "fair enough!!"

nodding his head yuuji immediately set to work , he fist went to the cube, he found that it was covered in a barrier made of cosmic energy , it wasn't that surprising as the cube is said to be the embodiment of space itself however this worrier yuuji, because he knew that this is the only infinity stone in existence capable of manipulating cosmic energy, he came to a decision to destroy it to avoid future troubles, he brought out incurcio and started to channel his unholy amount of cosmic energy into the energy blade,


"sir , the amount of energy he is using is absurd, it is already at the level of energy equivalent to that of an entire galaxy , and it is still climbing!!" said jarvis in worried tone to which the now sweating tony nodded, everyone on the battlefield had stopped what they were doing and watched as the man dressed in a black armor similar to a futuristic iron man suit swung the energy blade down on the cube , instantly the cube along with the infinity stone inside it were destroyed


what happened next was something yuuji never thought possible, all the energy inside the stone dispersed and then suddenly all of it entered his body, he felt his energy reserved go up by 10 times, but the energy was trying to destroy his body, it was only through his soul force that he was able to control the rampant energy and bring it back under control. He had gained unplanned benefits from this fight alone ,but he cannot forget his original goal


soon he met fury and asked him about the location of the metal, the man first refused to acknowledge the existence of the people that he was talking about but yuuji managed to convince him

he was right now in Alaska , in a broken dam where the infamous metal said to be indestructible was located and stored by a military general,

he arrived infront of a tank in which the metal was still kept as a hot liquid ,

"finally , i have fount one of the two ingredients i need, adamantium" he said while looking at the metal, suddenly he felt someone try to enter his mind but he forced him out through with his will, he turned around to find a man sitting in a wheel chair looking curiously at him while beside him stood two people, one man who looked like a savage animal with claws, and a woman with white hair who seemed to be charging up an attack, the man stopped them and came forward,

"hello, i am charles xaviour , may i know what you are doing in this place??"