
Rebirth of a Killer

What if a man who has killed 5000 people and who has never been caught by the authorities, reincarnates into a world full of other reincarnated people, new species, new continents, and just in general a whole new world which is bigger than earth, a lot bigger something he couldn't fantom or any other human for fact. What will the most famous killer of the 21st century do in this new world? This is my second novel, my first novel is called the knight of war. I'm still a beginner so If you want to leave a comment on how I can improve my writing or anything else, pls do. I've changed the genre as I have first put it as an action novel(which it certainly is) : but if you search the book up it comes up as an action: martial art novel, which it is not, so I've changed the genre to fantasy.

SandWarrior878 · Fantasy
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38 Chs

Giants colony

Smith looked around 'stupid animals.'

He started killing of these giants again, they were all low level beings the highest level was 25 which was not much.

And as far as how he killed them. He just clawed their necks open, used his mouth to bite chunks out of them and sometimes used his fire if he wanted to rest for a second.

The fight went on for a few hours, the low giants started to loose hope once they saw their numbers diminish.

Their weapons didn't even penatrate the hide / scales of the lizard.

[low gaints (lvl 10) killed] x705

[low gaints (high) (lvl 10)killed] x970

[13'400'000 exp]

[lvl 61 - > 63]

Some of the giants started to run away as they felt that they couldn't defeat this beast.

Smith didn't run after them as they were way to stupid to plan something against him.

So Smith just walked towards one of the huts to sleep in, fully coated in blood he layed his head down an started to sleep.


{somewhere far away}


The God of harems grabbed his chair and almost broke it. "Fuck!"

Some of his workers started to enter inside of his tent and immediately fell to their knees.

"what's wrong lord?" one of them said.

The god gnashed his teeth "one of my sponserd one's died."

All the workers gasped at the same time. One of God's sponserd one's dieing so early on was really rare.

"lord, do you want us to notify the other sponsored one's?"

The harem god looked at his workers a thought about it for a few seconds. "yes, and I'll be back in a few minutes I'll quickly check on something."

"yes, lord" the workers quickly left the tent.

The god of harem then teleported away to the ant goddess.

"What is it Okina?"

"one of my sponserd one's died in the same region of your sponserd one's death, and the weird thing is that they weren't killed by another sponserd one."

The an goddess looked at the harem god. 'damned high ranking god, he has more info'

"so you mean that we can't do anything?"

The harem god started to smile "their is something, but we will first have to gain permission."


Smith woke up, and felt the smell of blood assaulting him.

He got up and looked for a nearby river or anything else that held water.

After a few minutes of walking deeper in the giants territory he found a forest.

After entering it he saw a river which ran straight trough it, he quickly washed himself.

But while washing him he smelled something else in the air. It didn't smell that good, but he still followed the smell upstream.

He was now swimming against the current in towards the smell. After five minutes of swimming he saw where the smell came from.

It was a village with even taller giants than he had seen before, and here their were females, males and kids all together.

The village layed right next to the village and by the river, where the smell came from, Smith saw humans impaled on a stick, and getting roasted.

'so the books weren't completely wrong'

As smith got closer towards the village he could hear them talking and laughing.

And this time he could understand what they were saying.

"Charla when are the humans done cooking?"

"in a few minutes chief."

Their conversation would probably hold no relevant information for Smith so he would just show himself and ask a few things.

A few of the giants quickly spotted Smith and started yelling for their chief. "chief, chief!"


"a weird lizard looking thing is heading towards the village!"

The chief immediately stood up and ran towards the river bank, seeing a lizard only 10 meters away.

"Who are you and what are you doing here?" the chief called out. All the other villagers also quickly assembled curious because of the uninvited guest.

"I'm here to ask a few questions and then I'll on my way again."

The giants looked suspiciously at Smith. "how did you pass the border?"

"they just let me trough." Smith said.

Some of the giants their eyes narrowed but they quickly went back to normal.

"okay then you are welcome in our village." the chief said with a smile.

Smith then entered the village and sat down with the chief.

"so what questions do you have?" the chief asked.

"hmm, why aren't you in a friendly relationship with the humans?"

"hoh, well those humans didn't want to give us land when we nicely asked it, so we took it."

'so their are a type of colony.'

"What about your homeland, why did you leave it?"

The chief looked a bit pained at the moment, "me and my family had to flee because of the orcs, we were way to weak to fend them off, and because we were of lower ranking we couldn't enter the Mass City."

"and what is this Mass City?, and what are orcs?" asked Smith

"the mass city is a big city, and the orcs are vile beasts, they eat their weak brothers and sisters and they only respect the strong."

Smith now looked uninterested in the orcs, 'another stupid race'. 'and I'm also acting a bit stupid, I don't even know if I'm on top of the food chain, I'm lucky that these bastards are stupid.'

Suddenly a weird noise could be heard coming from the forest.

3 giants started to approach the village, 2 of the taller giants were holding a smaller giant who was making the weird noises.

They then started to yell towards the village. "Chief something happened at the borders, but I don't exactly understand what this low giant is saying! ."

"okay bring him here!"

Once they entered the village the low giant started to make even more noise and pointed towards Smith.

The other giants looked confused, but Smith immediately acted. The chief who was about to stand up and meet the low giant got his brain pierced by smith's claws.

[mid giant (lvl 30) killed]

[15'000 exp]

The other giants were shocked. But Smith didn't care and started to kill the rest of them, after a few seconds the giants shot into a frenzy and started to attack Smith.

Half an hour later all the gaints were dead.

[mid giant (lvl 11-25) killed] x62

[low giant (lvl 10) killed] x 1

[628'000 exp]

'I'll have to search for more creatures of my species, these low level beings are starting to irritate me.'

So Smith departed again with a more clear goal in mind now.