
Rebirth of a Hollywood Socialite.

This is a translated Chinese novel. I am not the author, just translating for fun. Translator: Doyenro (Fan Translate) Author: Zhuang Jiang Alternative universe (AU) She can produce the most terrifying horror films and also create the most profitable commercial films; she can turn artistic films into commercial successes and turn commercial films into artistic achievements. Future critiques of Laila all say that she is synonymous with the Hollywood miracle, one of the greatest directors of all time. She even unintentionally becomes the most skilled photographer and strategist. However, she knows that all of this comes from her biggest secret, which is—she has been reborn! T/N: * The Female Lead(MC) is very patriotic to her old country, so it may be annoying to some people. * The English gets better from chapter 65, the chapters 1 - 65 will be edited soon. * The actors' or actresses' characters may be different from reality. It is just an alternate universal fictional novel. * Alternate History * Contact me if a novel of the same is officially translated so that I can stop. * Original Chinese novel completed.

Doyenro · Urban
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875 Chs

Chapter 684 - Premiere: Success

Downey was momentarily stunned, and after a few seconds, he recalled that she was referring to the question she asked him when the movie was about to start, about whether he was ready to become a top Hollywood star.

What did he say at that time?

Right, he didn't say anything; he diverted the conversation to his salary. Because he thought it was unlikely, considering he had been away from mainstream movies for so long, that a single film could bring him to the peak.

But now, after seeing the movie with his own eyes, he began to feel that it was not impossible. This kind of movie, he felt he could watch countless times! It wasn't just because he was the lead; the movie itself was genuinely charming. Whether it was the designed armor or the action scenes in the film, everything was outstanding!

When he stood in the attacked town and effortlessly dealt with a group of villains, Downey felt his blood boiling.

Listen to the real fans behind him! Hearing those cheers, he knew "Iron Man" was a success! How much box office would it have? Three hundred million? Definitely. But that was not the end, four hundred million? Or... five hundred million?

Downey placed his hand on his chest, feeling the wildly beating heart beneath his palm.

The pinnacle of Hollywood, a top-tier movie star, yes! He was ready! After so many years, he had finally found what he wanted the most! He wanted to stand at the very top of Hollywood!

"Laila, I'm ready!" He lifted his head, gazing at the imposing image of himself on the big screen, and said with utmost solemnity.

Laila's lips curled slightly. "Then, let's climb. 'Iron Man 1' might fall a bit short, but for the second and third, believe me, Downey, with this movie, you will stand at the peak!"

Laila's words ignited Downey's passion. He wanted to start filming the next movie right away. "Good! Whatever you need me to do, I'm in! My life is yours!"

"What do I need your life for?" Laila chuckled. "Just help the company make money."

Downey also laughed, "I'll take care of it!"

Both of them spoke in very low voices, not to disturb others. Even Roy, sitting next to Laila, could see them talking but couldn't hear what they were saying.

The movie was great and exciting, but were they talking too closely to each other?

A hint of jealousy crept into Roy's heart. In the past, he wouldn't have thought about putting the two together, but recent media speculations and rumors, suggesting that Laila was using Downey, an outdated star, for some hidden purpose, lingered in his mind.

Of course, he knew that it was all untrue, but knowing it was one thing, and feeling awkward in his heart was another.

"What are you talking about?" He finally couldn't help himself and joined in the conversation.

"I'm asking Downey to work hard for me and make more money for the company." Laila didn't notice the weirdness in his tone and explained to him with a smile.

Roy was even more disgusted now: "I can also make more money for you!"

"Of course!" Laila patted his hand, feeling like she was consoling a kitten worried about other pets stealing its owner's affection. Suddenly, an image of Roy with cat ears, a tail, and fluffy cat paws appeared in her mind. Should she find an opportunity to make him wear such an outfit?

Roy shivered inexplicably and looked around. The air conditioning here wasn't that cold; why did he suddenly feel a chill?

The movie had gradually entered its final intense stage. Celebrities invited to the premiere, fans who got tickets, and critics who found a way in, all were now focused on the images on the big screen.

In the realm of superheroes, there were few like Iron Man, who had no superpowers but relied on his own abilities. This made him more relatable because no one knew when such a hero might actually appear.

He had no superpowers, but he used technology; he had no divine strength, but he used weapons; he had no wings, but he could still soar freely in the sky.

Everything came from his mind and his hands. With a superhero so close to an ordinary person, the immersion was strong.

Compared to other superheroes who hid themselves, living an ordinary life in the human world, Tony Stark's declaration, "I am Iron Man," undoubtedly made him the most charismatic superhero.

Flamboyant, proud, carefree, bohemian, and peerless wisdom...such a person who doesn't look like a superhero is actually a superhero worthy of respect!

After the movie ended, the audience stood up and applauded the film and everyone involved in its production.

Fans, especially comic book fans, were delighted. This was their Iron Man! This was the superhero they wanted! This was the movie they hoped to see! Let those who invest and produce a bunch of crappy movies go to hell; what they wanted was a movie like "Iron Man"!

"Downey, you acted superbly, you're a true superhero!"

"I love you, Laila, you always know what we need!"

"This is the kind of movie that should be in the summer box office!"

Listening to the voices pouring into his ears, Downey couldn't help but stand up and wave to the audience behind him.

At this moment, his chest was full, and intense emotions were almost overflowing.

He wanted to shout and release all the suppressed dark emotions of the past few years. He also wanted to cry and wash away the pent-up feelings in his heart for years.

Finally hearing cheers for himself again, he stood tall, tears almost falling from his eyes. This was a beautiful moment, and he shouldn't cry.

A hand landed heavily on his shoulder, and he turned to see Roy's face, looking like it was waiting for him to make a fool of himself so he could mock him.

"..." All the words of gratitude that Downey wanted to say were held back when he saw that face. Despite his deep gratitude, he didn't want to express it in words.

How could someone smile with such a handsome face that made people itch to give him a good beating?

It was a very serious question, and he felt he might never find an answer in his lifetime.

"What does Laila like about you?" Somehow, he blurted out this question.

Roy's face immediately turned dark.