
Rebirth of a Hollywood Socialite.

This is a translated Chinese novel. I am not the author, just translating for fun. Translator: Doyenro (Fan Translate) Author: Zhuang Jiang Alternative universe (AU) She can produce the most terrifying horror films and also create the most profitable commercial films; she can turn artistic films into commercial successes and turn commercial films into artistic achievements. Future critiques of Laila all say that she is synonymous with the Hollywood miracle, one of the greatest directors of all time. She even unintentionally becomes the most skilled photographer and strategist. However, she knows that all of this comes from her biggest secret, which is—she has been reborn! T/N: * The Female Lead(MC) is very patriotic to her old country, so it may be annoying to some people. * The English gets better from chapter 65, the chapters 1 - 65 will be edited soon. * The actors' or actresses' characters may be different from reality. It is just an alternate universal fictional novel. * Alternate History * Contact me if a novel of the same is officially translated so that I can stop. * Original Chinese novel completed.

Doyenro · Urban
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875 Chs

Chapter 685 - This is Awkward

What happened to the agreement not to insult each other and not to hit below the belt?

Why start by poking at the softest spot in his heart? Can they still be friends?

He was already quite concerned about the rumors circulating in the outside world about Laila being interested in Downey, among other things. Is he really trying to compete with him for Laila's affection?

"She likes all of me, any objections?" Despite feeling uneasy, Roy wouldn't show it in front of someone he considered a "threat."

In fact, Downey was just asking casually, as he often joked with him. He never expected Roy to respond so seriously, looking like a startled hedgehog, with all his spines standing on end.

"No, you two are a perfect match. I was just joking," Downey quickly raised his hands in surrender. But he was genuinely curious. He was not someone who couldn't take a joke, so why did Roy suddenly get all prickly?

Could there be an issue between him and Laila? This was not good news. One was a good friend, the other a boss. If there was a problem in their relationship, it would undoubtedly be a serious situation!

Roy was probably just bad at wooing girls. In Downey's experience, a girl like Laila was not the type to be easily swayed. If there were issues, it had to be on Roy's side. It seemed he needed to give him a lesson on courting girls.

Roy felt uncomfortable under Downey's strange gaze, realizing that something was bothering him. There was a significant misunderstanding between them.

After the premiere, Laila went home first, while Roy was dragged by Downey to a quiet bar. Since the last incident, he has been hesitant about going to bars. This one was owned by a Hollywood star, a relatively private place where only members were allowed. Although not as lively as the previous one, it was peaceful, and there was no need to worry about trouble.

As Downey helped Roy open a beer, he contemplated how to "help" him. Laila was a woman that one could hardly find even with a lantern – wealthy, talented, and not inclined to "play around" like many other wealthy girls. She was a rare find, but being with a powerful woman could also be stressful, especially for someone who had high self-standards.

As a friend, Downey felt the need to help Roy untangle any knots in his heart. Regardless of the problem between them, it needed to be resolved.

Roy's heart felt heavy. After the premiere, he was brought here by Downey, and the serious expression on Downey's face heightened his anxiety.

Was he going to confront him?

Or did he think he was qualified to take Laila away from him?

Sure, even idiots could see that Iron Man would be a summer blockbuster, detonating the summer, and he would also soar to new heights in Hollywood thanks to his role as Tony Stark.

But so what? That didn't mean he had the right to take Laila away from him!

"I won't let Laila be with you!"

"When you have time, just coax Laila more."

Both spoke at the same time, staring at each other inexplicably after hearing each other's words.

This was awkward.

Downey widened his eyes, incredulously staring at Roy. "What did you say, not let Laila be with me? Laila?" Damn it! When did he show any interest in Laila?

Swear to God, even if he agreed that Laila was an extraordinary girl, that didn't mean he liked her! He preferred passionate and fiery women. Even someone as powerful as Laila, despite being a good friend, would make him feel trapped if she became his girlfriend. He wouldn't deliberately seek out trouble!

Roy was a bit dumbfounded. He thought they were having a serious talk, but what he heard was "coax Laila more." What did that mean?

"What do you mean by 'coax Laila more'?"

"Wait, let me sort out my words." Downey raised a hand, "Do you think I would compete with you for Laila? What have I done to make you think that? It's terrifying!"

"...," Roy didn't speak. He felt that if he answered, he would become a fool, although he felt pretty foolish already.

But not speaking couldn't escape Downey's eyes. Downey couldn't help but cover his forehead with his hand. "Listen, buddy, you're my best friend. Without you, there wouldn't be the current me. Just based on that, I wouldn't compete with you for a woman, okay?"

Being able to join Laila was largely thanks to Roy's introduction. If he hadn't recommended himself to her, would Laila even know who he was?

His words sounded helpless, but it wasn't the answer Roy wanted.

"So, if we weren't friends, you'd try to take her away from me?"

"No! Absolutely not!" Downey wanted to cry. "Roy, my dearest buddy, believe me, I've never thought about having a closer relationship with Laila. Look at me, I often can't even breathe in her presence. You've seen her on set; do you think, after being scolded by her for months, I could develop any other feelings for her?" He wasn't a masochist!

Roy wasn't convinced. "I've also been scolded by her many times when filming, but I never found her terrifying. In fact, I find that kind of Laila very charming, dazzling, and hard to look away from."

Downey wanted to criticize, but he didn't know where to start. There were too many points to criticize.

"You love her, so of course, you see everything about her as good. I've heard an Eastern saying: 'Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.' Don't tell me you've never heard of it!"

Thanks to the boss's fondness for Eastern culture, Downey was exposed to various things from the East. Other than saying "Xi Shi" as "Xi Xi," his pronunciation was quite standard.

Roy was not in the mood to discuss this. "What's the matter with telling me to coax Laila? Did something happen?"

"Forget it, I feel like such an idiot!" Downey sighed lightly. Now he wondered how he could have misunderstood that look Roy gave him earlier. It wasn't about problems between them but about Roy worrying that he might take away his beloved Laila!