
Rebirth: My Fiery Marriage With Mister Dragon!

~Our love will bring chaos to the world...but who cares~ Many eons ago when dragons still roamed the lands bringing peace and prosperity to it’s people. Then one day a dragon decided to rebel, it was known as the black dragon, the creature known to bring chaos and destruction along its wake. His actions had angered the gods and with that a curse was laid on him. That he would suffer for eternity, day and night, feeling the pain and sorrow of those he had cause pain and suffering to. But one god was merciful and said for if the black dragon found the reincarnation of the goddess Nu Wan and she remembered who he was, he would be made whole again. Fast-forward to the present day... "I've waited centuries, watching civilizations rise and fall, waiting for the day you'd arrive. And now, you deliver yourself to my doorstep?" The 199cm tall CEO of DK Corporation, with eyes that burned like embers, pinned a nervous-looking woman against the bedstead. He could smell the scent of the goddess all over her. "Pardon me, sir, I'm just a maid who got hired today. I don't understand what you're talking about?" The man's face paled, his grip on her arms tightening. "Do you not remember who I am?" The woman shook her head, confusion etched on her face. This was her first meeting with the enigmatic CEO. "They deceived me! What is your name?" "Nu Wan..." The man's voice was low and husky as he pulled her closer. "Listen, Nu Wan. You belong to me now. You'll love and adore me, and no matter what it takes, you must remember who I am." Nu Wan's ordinary life is turned upside down when she meets the eccentric CEO, who turns out to be the dragon king and her betrothed. Now, she's tasked with the mission to remember their past and break the curse that has haunted him for centuries.

Little_North_Star · Fantasy
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20 Chs

Houdan province

"Why must everything be vulgar with you?"

Ling Xiaoting chuckled and nodded, at least the prophecy was correct and things were falling into place.

"I can't help but compliment pretty women when I see them...." His voiced trailed off as he took a step out of the room.

"Take a shower and meet me downstairs, we'll continue our discussion there.."

Ling Xiaoting smiled and closed the door behind him.

Nu Wan rubbed her hands slightly, she could still remember what happened in that cell

but she wasn't scared anymore and the voices in her head had disappeared.

"No longer human huh?."

She wasn't even human to begin with, Nu Wan walked into the bathroom and turned on the faucet, hot water slowly filling the tub.

She walked to the closet and saw her bags on the table erected at the middle of the closet, unzipping it she arranged her clothes neatly before taking out a beige floral gown and two white hairpins.