
Rebirth Into A Wolf: I Can See My Evolution Paths

Su Ming was reborn as a white wolf. He thought he would live a normal wolf life until he started to realize that the world was changing. The snow leopards’ teethes started to grow longer and sharper, the brown bears could now turn their arms into as hard as stone, the golden eagles could summon lightning and even the goats could now emit poisonous gas. Just as Su Ming had no idea what to do next, a notification appeared. [Known Evolution Paths] 1. Moon Herd Silver-clawed Wolf 2. Frost Bosch Wolf 3. Ancient Battle Mark Wolf

Oak Peter · Sci-fi
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488 Chs

Fengyu village (2)

Translator: 549690339

As for his hunting dog, Tian Ya licked the blood at the corner of his mouth and followed the Wolf Pack with a passionate expression, as if he saw them as his companions.

Obviously, su Ming's previous action of throwing out the leopard leg had made the Hound grateful. It had changed from a guarded attitude to approval.

Maybe it was because the four wolves were similar in appearance to him, but there was a big difference in their body size, Tian Ya really treated them as the same kind. At the same time, he also learned from Su Hui and the other two and walked behind su Ming, as if he had already treated him as the leader.

About ten minutes later, under the lead of the Hunter yang xuneng, the four wolves successfully walked out of the forest and came to a wide lawn. They could vaguely see the village in the distance and the rising green smoke.

Just as the young hunter had said, Fengyu village, where he belonged, was indeed near the forest.