
Rebirth Into A Wolf: I Can See My Evolution Paths

Su Ming was reborn as a white wolf. He thought he would live a normal wolf life until he started to realize that the world was changing. The snow leopards’ teethes started to grow longer and sharper, the brown bears could now turn their arms into as hard as stone, the golden eagles could summon lightning and even the goats could now emit poisonous gas. Just as Su Ming had no idea what to do next, a notification appeared. [Known Evolution Paths] 1. Moon Herd Silver-clawed Wolf 2. Frost Bosch Wolf 3. Ancient Battle Mark Wolf

Oak Peter · Sci-fi
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488 Chs

Entering the village (1)

Translator: 549690339

"Eh? Isn't that the Yang family's kid?"

"What's wrong? He seems to have returned a little early today."

The two women were surprised to see Yang Xu running away.

"Xu Neng, what happened?"

The old village head was much more wise, directly cutting to the core and asking the key question.

Yang Xu swallowed his saliva and quickly said, "

"Elder Gao, I have something important to tell you."

When the old man heard this, he had a serious expression on his face. He stepped over the two women and came in front of yang xuneng.

"What is it?"

it's like this, elder Gao. This afternoon. Tian Ya and I went out to hunt. We didn't expect to be attacked by leopards ...

When they heard that Yang Xu could go hunting in the afternoon, the three of them, including the old village chief, couldn't help but be amazed.

"Heavens! There's a monster that Tian Ya can't deal with in the forest outside. What should I do ..."