
The Betrayal from within

**Chapter 13:

The triumph at Stonehelm had bolstered the Black faction's confidence, but the storm clouds of war were ever-present, gathering ominously in the skies of Westeros. Despite their victories, Jaehaerys Velaryon never allowed complacency to creep into his mind. His extraordinary abilities granted him foresight that others lacked, and in those whispered thoughts, he sensed an unsettling disturbance.

In the weeks following their success, Dragonstone swelled with activity. Armies were being reinforced, supplies stockpiled, and strategies meticulously planned. Amid these preparations, Jaehaerys remained vigilant, frequently walking the halls of the ancestral Targaryen stronghold at night, often accompanied by his dragon Vermax soaring overhead.

One such midnight, as he wandered the shadowed corridors of Dragonstone, his telepathic senses picked up a wave of conflicting emotions—hesitation, guilt, and betrayal. They were faint, like ripples on a still pond, but distinct enough to draw his attention.

Following the thread of these troubling thoughts, Jaehaerys arrived at one of Dragonstone's lesser-used courtyards. Concealed in the shadows, he detected the wavering mental signatures converging below—a secret meeting. Ensuring he remained unseen, he sharpened his telepathic focus, the voices of the conspirators transmitting clearly into his mind.

"We must be cautious. If Rhaenyra discovers our plans, it's our heads on spikes," hissed a familiar voice, dripping with treachery.

"Patience," urged another. "The Greens will reward us generously. Once we signal them, Dragonstone will fall, and Aegon will be king."

Jaehaerys cataloged the voices, their identities becoming clearer with each conspiratorial word. These were men trusted by his mother, corrupted by greed and ambition. With a mental command, he directed Vermax to fly nearer, ready for immediate action if needed.

Deciding he couldn't afford delay, Jaehaerys stepped forward, revealing himself from the shadows. "Treason against House Targaryen," he declared, his voice cold and authoritative. "Do you think to betray my mother, your rightful queen?"

The traitors froze, their faces draining of color as they recognized Jaehaerys. Before they could react, he extended a telekinetic grip, wrenching their weapons from their hands and pinning them against the courtyard walls.

"You have aligned yourselves with the Greens," he continued, his tone deadly calm. "Betrayed your queen... your kin... for what? Gold? Power?"

Their fear was palpable, their minds racing with panic. The leader of the group, a knight of some repute, attempted to stammer an apology, but Jaehaerys silenced him with a telepathic pressure that turned the man's resolve to ash.

"You will answer for your treachery," Jaehaerys proclaimed. "But first, you will reveal every detail of your conspiracy."

Under the relentless scrutiny of his mind, the traitors divulged their plans. Jaehaerys absorbed every morsel of information, their network of deceit unraveling within his thoughts. Grimly satisfied, he summoned guards loyal to Rhaenyra, who bound and escorted the conspirators to the dungeons.

The dawn was breaking when Jaehaerys stood before his mother and the inner circle of her council. The weight of his discoveries hung heavily in the air as he recounted the betrayal and the impending threat.

Rhaenyra's fury was a tempest barely contained. "I trusted them—welcomed them into our fold. How deep does this treachery run?"

Daemon, ever pragmatic, tightened his grip on Dark Sister. "We must root them out. Their punishment must serve as a warning to any who would think to betray us."

Jaehaerys nodded. "They sought to signal the Greens, to deliver Dragonstone from within. But we have an opportunity here. We can turn their plans against them."

A murmur of interest rippled through the council. Lord Corlys placed a hand on his chin, considering the possibilities. "Use their signal to lure the Greens into a trap?" he suggested.

"Precisely," said Jaehaerys. "We feign ignorance, allowing the traitors to believe they are still undiscovered. When the Greens arrive, we spring our trap, crushing their forces and capturing key figures."

Rhaenyra's eyes blazed with resolve. "It is a dangerous game we play, but one worth the risk. We must show our enemies that treachery will not be tolerated—and make them know the price of challenging House Targaryen."

Word by word, the plan was carefully crafted, each detail scrutinized until perfection was achieved. The traitors, unaware of their exposure, were led to believe they had succeeded. The signal was sent, and the waiting began.

On the night of the arranged betrayal, Dragonstone lay shrouded in deceptive calm. The air buzzed with suppressed tension as every warrior, every dragon, and every loyal heart lay in wait. Jaehaerys, Vermax at the ready, felt the electric charge of looming confrontation.

In the dead of night, the Green forces approached, thinking to catch the Black faction unaware. They slipped into the shadowed waters around Dragonstone, their ships gliding silently, sails black against the star-dusted sky.

But as the first soldiers made landfall, Dragonstone erupted in fiery defiance. Dragonfire illuminated the night, and the clash of steel echoed through the air. The Greens, caught in the trap, fought desperately, but the element of surprise belonged to Rhaenyra's forces.

Jaehaerys and Vermax soared overhead, raining destruction upon the invaders. His telepathic abilities allowed him to direct the battle with uncanny precision, every command a thread in the tapestry of their victory.

Outmaneuvered and outmatched, the Greens faltered. Key leaders were captured, their troops routed. By dawn, the once-bold invaders were reduced to prisoners and fleeing remnants.

As the first light of daybreak kissed the towers of Dragonstone, Rhaenyra stood tall before her victorious forces. The captured traitors were brought before her, their expressions a mix of defiance and fear. One by one, they were judged for their treachery, and justice was meted out swiftly and definitively.

Jaehaerys watched, his heart hardened by the events. Betrayal had nearly broken them, but it had also strengthened their resolve, proving that vigilance and unity were their greatest assets.

"We have faced betrayal," Rhaenyra declared, her voice carrying over the assembled crowd. "But let this serve as a lesson to all—House Targaryen stands unbroken, our fire undimmed. Those who seek to overthrow us will face the wrath of dragons."

The cheer that erupted from her loyal subjects was a roar of defiance, a promise that the flames of House Targaryen would burn ever brighter. As Jaehaerys looked to the horizon, he knew their path was fraught with peril, but with courage and cunning, they would forge their destiny.

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