
Dragon’s Destiny

**Chapter 14:

The smoke from the recent battle still lingered in the air, a tangible reminder of the peril they had narrowly escaped. Dragonstone, however, was a bastion of resilience. Its ancient walls had witnessed countless struggles, and through each, it had stood firm. Now, it bore witness to new plans, new strategies, and the indomitable spirit of House Targaryen.

Jaehaerys Velaryon, the reborn prince with extraordinary gifts, spent the days following the recent battle refining his powers. His abilities had been instrumental thus far, but he knew their true potential had only just begun to be tapped. Telekinesis and telepathy were as much a mantle as they were tools, and he had to master them completely.

Within the confines of his private chambers, Jaehaerys practiced relentlessly. Objects floated in concert with his thoughts, their movements becoming more intricate and precise. His telepathic reach grew sharper, able to distinguish distinct mental voices even amidst a cacophony of thoughts. But it was during these moments of intense focus that Jaehaerys discovered something new—a subtle, almost imperceptible connection in the deeper recesses of his mind.

At first, it was fleeting—a wisp of awareness that made him pause. But as days turned to weeks, that awareness solidified into something more profound. A presence that seemed both alien and familiar whispered to his consciousness. He began to explore this connection cautiously, aware that it could be both an opportunity and a threat.

As he probed deeper, the presence took shape within his mind—ancient, wise, and powerful. It was the consciousness of his dragon, Vermax. Jaehaerys marveled at the bond they shared, realizing that their link went far beyond rider and steed. Vermax's thoughts and instincts began to merge with his own, offering new insights and augmenting his abilities.

One evening, perched on the cliffs overlooking the churning sea, Jaehaerys reached out to Vermax fully. The connection was instantaneous and overwhelming. He felt the dragon's strength, its primal urges, and its ancient memories. For one surreal moment, he was not just a rider atop a dragon—he was Vermax, and Vermax was he.

From this communion came new understandings. Vermax's keen senses augmented Jaehaerys's own, allowing him to perceive the world in ways unimaginable before. The air thrummed with life, the earth resonated with ancient energies, and the very sky above seemed more vibrant. But more importantly, Jaehaerys gained a deeper appreciation for the balance between dragon and rider—two beings united in purpose and destiny.

Yet, as enriching as this bond was, Jaehaerys knew that real-world concerns demanded his attention. Dragonstone's victory had drawn blood, but it had not ended the war. The Greens, though wounded, were rallying their forces anew. A significant confrontation was inevitable.

During a council meeting, Rhaenyra laid out the intelligence gathered by their spies. "Aegon's forces are amassing near King's Landing," she said, her expression stern. "They consolidate their strength, preparing for a decisive strike that could either break us or them."

Daemon's eyes glinted with fiery determination. "Then we must strike first. A head-on assault. We take King's Landing and end this once and for all."

Jaehaerys shook his head, his mind already spinning strategies. "A direct assault would cost us dearly. We must outthink them, not just outfight them."

Rhaenyra turned to her son, trust and anticipation in her eyes. "What do you propose, Jaehaerys?"

Taking a deep breath, he outlined his plan. "We will use our dragons to craft illusions of chaos. Through our superior air mobility and my telepathic abilities, we will create the illusion of splitting our forces into multiple smaller groups, each seemingly targeting a different strategic location around King's Landing. It will force the Greens to divide their defenses, spreading them thin."

Lord Corlys leaned forward, intrigued. "And when they are spread too thin to mount an effective defense?"

Jaehaerys's gaze hardened. "We strike with precision. Our true target: the Red Keep. We neutralize their leadership, break their command structure, and force a surrender."

The plan was bold, relying heavily on the element of surprise and the unique abilities Jaehaerys possessed. But it also carried immense risk. Any misstep could lead to catastrophic losses.

As preparations commenced, Jaehaerys trained tirelessly with Vermax, honing their newfound synergy. The night before the planned assault, he stood on one of Dragonstone's highest battlements, reflecting on the weight of what was to come.

Rhaenyra approached, her presence a calming force. "You carry a great burden, my son. But know this—we believe in you. Your gifts are a boon to us, and with them, we shall prevail."

Jaehaerys nodded, clasping his mother's hand. "I will not fail you, Mother. Our enemies will tremble before the might of House Targaryen."

With dawn's first light, the dragons took to the skies, their silhouettes stark against the rising sun. As they neared King's Landing, Jaehaerys centered his mind, reaching out telepathically to his comrades. He orchestrated their movements, weaving a tapestry of deception in the enemy's mind.

The Greens, seeing what appeared to be multiple dragon-led assaults, scrambled to respond, their forces fracturing under the strain. As confusion reigned below, the true strike force ascended, cloaked under the guise of chaos.

Jaehaerys and Vermax, with Daemon and Caraxes by their side, led the charge towards the Red Keep. They descended with the fury of dragons unleashed, flames pouring forth and steel singing its deadly song. Vermax's presence in Jaehaerys's mind sharpened his focus, allowing him to anticipate and counter every threat.

Inside the Red Keep, the battle was chaos incarnate. Green loyalists fought fiercely, but the precision and ferocity of the Targaryen assault began to turn the tide. Jaehaerys's telekinesis repelled blows, redirected projectiles, and disarmed foes with a mere thought. His telepathic link guided his allies through the mayhem, each movement a calculated step towards victory.

In the throne room, amidst the echoes of clashing swords and dragon roars, Jaehaerys faced Aegon. The pretender king's face twisted with rage and desperation. "You think you can take my throne, boy?"

"It was never yours to begin with," Jaehaerys replied coldly. "And now, it's time to end this madness."

Their duel was swift and brutal. With a precisely timed telekinetic thrust, Jaehaerys disarmed Aegon, sending him sprawling to the ground. Daemon stepped forward, blade poised for the final blow.

As the dust settled and the last of the resistance faltered, Jaehaerys stood with his mother in the throne room. Victory was theirs, but it had come at