

Lets introduced

Hi my name akasuki, my parents ( i dont remember them) have left me in a orphanage, a normal high school student who got bored by the way of life in free time read novel play video games, animes.

Like every usual day i was going to school today while i was waking the road for my school a usual accident happens a black like circle suddenly open in front of me and start sucking me and nearby objects like a blske hole

In a gray space there was a white coloured object moving for a years it was our dear MC

' where am i, what's this place? I should have died' (Mc)

'hahaha haha, ho look like you have stabilise your soul... What a good soul potential to be reach this realm'.???

'who are you?.' (Mc)

'what do you think, look like you are pretty good health'.???

'did I die '( mc)

'yes and sorry it was my mistake'???

'in order to compensate i will give you 5 wish and will sent you to a new world, it can be any world frictional, games and others like that.'??

'seriously plz lets says i choose one piece and my wishes are

1 wish) i want perfect and most talented roots

Talented body and talented soul in cosmos

2 wish) i want best body, Qi and soul cultivation method in one

3 wish) i want way to reach above the level in terms of power like a one or two entire cultivation realm

4 wish) i want best cultivation method for 5 girls and 5 boys which will be choose by their talent

5 wish) i want all my crew to have a body Tempering method and that can be used on any talent