
Who's your master?

[A/N: This Chapter contains 3/4 NSFW and 1/4 Sylphy's magic development.

So, if you skip this chapter, you might get confused why Sylphy can do ********* magic later in the story.

You can blame this author for being sloppy and inexperienced writer, since he can't separate fan service and important plot into two chapters.

Just make sure that you take the category of 'No one 17 and under admitted' seriously.

Enjoy reading! ^___^]

"I told you, we can't do it right now. What if something happened to our baby?" Since she's carrying there second child, Zenith refused Paul's advances due to fear the it might leave the child having complications if he let him do what Paul wants.

Paul was frustrated lately because of Zenith's refusal every night. He uses this frustrations as a motivation to kill monsters at the village's outpost when he was in duty.

Eventually, Paul realized that he was only lying to himself, and don't know how to subside his carnal desires. He promised to his wife that he won't do something that might destroy there family, and he was upholding his vows. Until now.

When Rudy was outside to meet Sylphy and Zenith has work at the village clinic, Paul was doing some sword training at there courtyard. Hoping that he can distract himself from his urges.

He has a habit of removing his upper clothes so he can spare it to get drenched from sweat.

At the middle of his training, he realized that Lilia was looking at him, especially his half naked body full of sweat from training.

He unconsciously stop his training and Paul was now also looking at Lilia. The two suddenly lock stares at each other, then Lilia suddenly blushed at her master's gaze. She bowed slightly to him then walks away to the water closet.

Paul's instincts was running wild and tried to follow her quietly, then he heard something that makes him sneer. He's at the front door of the water closet and tried to peak inside.

"Paul... Mmmm... Please..." Even though Lilia's soft cry was inaudible, Paul, who was at peak at his strength, have an excellent hearing if he focused it.

When he heard Lilia's soft moans, Paul remembered what he did to Lilia when they were classmates at a knight's class. His infamous deed was when he invade the girl's dorm and went to Lilia's room to take her virginity.

Of course, doing that made him expelled from the class and decided to become an adventurer. He was a happy go lucky guy with a prominent family that can support him, though he was also banished due to his behavior.

His deep thoughts suddenly cut off when his forehead was hit by the door.

"Oh! Sorry master, did it hurt?" Lilia's habit came first, so she reach at his master, before she asked herself why is her master behind the door of water closet.

When Paul saw Lilia's face was close to him, his rationality blown away by her beautiful and worried face. He immediately planted a kiss to her lips.

His right hand supports her head then Lilia suddenly feels that her mouth was invaded by Paul's tongue. Because she was exhausted at relieving her pent up stress, Lilia couldn't resists Paul's strong advances, making her yelp in the process.

Eventually, Lilia couldn't take it anymore and pay her master's advances. She tried to fight back using her tongue and push it to invade his master's mouth.

The two was now trying to take dominance through their intense kissing, though it's questionable if they're still kissing since they're only using there tongue.

Almost half an hour passed by, Lilia and Paul breaks away there kissing, making a thread of saliva in the tip of there tongue. Lilia's mind was now in a daze and her knees was somehow weak. She didn't realized that she was holding her master's shoulders to support her weight.

Paul suddenly hugs her tightly and his hands massage her buttcheeks, making her yelp once more.

"Mmmm! Please Paul, we can't..." Though Lilia was still in a trance, she still can't betray her friend, Zenith.

"But you're also frustrated, right? Let's keep this a secret from my wife." Paul suddenly bites her left ear after he convinced Lilia to keep this business to themselves.

In reality, Lilia was more frustrated than Paul. Every night, she can hear Paul and Zenith's heavy pants from there lovely business, then cleaning there room that has a full scent of the night's aftermath. She couldn't help but feel aroused at them.

Lilia's last straw of rationality was broken when she saw her master's naked body full of sweat, then she immediately remember when this master was stole her virginity.

Though it was rough and she was still angry with it, she still couldn't help to feel wet when she remembered Paul's shaft was invading her deep inside.

"Only this once, okay..." Lilia bite her lips since she was now slave from her desires.

Paul smirks at her and carry like a princess and went to Lilia's room. He kick the door open and lie her in the bed, then he suddenly dove in Lilia's chest while rubbing her breasts.

After he teased her, Paul expertly removes her garments and was lying in bed, naked. He was now staring dumbly at her beautiful figure with G-cup breast and her wet place between her legs.

"I will satisfy your desire... Our desire." He immediately dove between her legs and eat her fresh precious place.

"Aaah! Paaaul! Mmmm! Mooore!" Her saliva was leaking in her mouth due to her arousal.

Paul was skillfully using his tongue to taste her inside full of nectar while his right thumb and index finger was playing her peanut, squeezing and rubbing it without a pattern.

Lilia's hands was guiding Paul's head to do harder, she was now reaching her climax. Paul sensed it and immediately squeezed her peanut harder, making her to shoot out a lot of nectar.

Her eyes was now at the back of her head when she experience this kind of familiar feeling when Paul takes her virginity before. She was now in ecstasy and her mind was only thinking on how to satisfy her carnal desires.

Paul drinks her nectar directly and savor its unique taste, his shaft was now hard and trying to break free inside his pants.

"Don't worry, my master... Now it's my turn to service you." Lilia licks her lips and grabbed his raging member, making Paul's entire body jolts.

Lilia use her mouth to unzip his pants, and a huge shaft suddenly slaps her face, making her gasp at the thought that this kind of monster will invade her precious place once more.

She tied her long hair to make a ponytail hairstyle, then he carefully stroke his master's monster rod. She spit it to lubricate it then licks the base.

When Lilia noticed that a few juices was licking at the tip of the shaft, she strongly slurped without stopping the strokes.

He was now in a dazed and his control over his sexual urges was thinning down. Lilia's skillful services eventually makes Paul grabbed her head and instantly invades her mouth.

Lilia, however let his master guide her head to his heart's desire. She was now making a gloak sounds and Lilia couldn't help herself to play her thing while his mouth was being ravage by his master's raging member.

"Arrrgggh! Here it comes!" Paul pressed her head strongly while she hugged his lower back so that his shaft can enter deeply in Lilia's throat.

She directly drinks his master's thick milk while she plays herself non-stop, until she shoots out another batch of nectar.

"So how was my service, master?" Lilia smiles while a few strands of white goo mixed with her saliva was leaking at her mouth, making Paul stimulated and his shaft was invigorated once more.

Seeing this, Lilia continue to tempt him and tells his master indirectly that she was not satisfied yet and ready for the real battle.

"Don't worry, Lilia... The sun is still hanging in the sky, we still have plenty of time to continue our fun." Paul smirks at Lilia, making her blush and licks her lips.

When Paul and Lilia was doing some miracle in her room, Rudy was meditating, hoping to unlock his Senbonzakura, while he let Sylphy practice on her own for awhile.

But for some reason, he couldn't focus because his attention was looking at somewhere. Making him fail and couldn't proceed to summon his Zanpakuto.

*sigh* "It couldn't work... Maybe my approach is still not right..." He looked at Sylphy who was playing with her water ball, she was now capable to do her third element magic.

"Sylphy, since your water magic was also promising, I'm going to give you one of my books so you can practice some advance water magic." Sylphy was delighted at the thought that he was always taking her well.

"Just wait me for a second, and I'm going to retrieve the book." Since he doesn't want to make Sylphy wait, he continuously using his Shunpo until he was at the entrance of his house.

Before he opened the front door, his excellent hearing picks up moans coming from the inside of his house. He used Zetsu to hide his presence and carefully enters the door. Rudy instantly figure out that the moans was coming inside Lilia's room through his excellent hearing.

He activated his Scarlet Sharingan and peak at the keyhole. When Rudy saw his father ravaging Lilia's precious place while she was standing in all four, he didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

"Who's your master, huh?" Paul smacks her buttcheeks while ravishing her non-stop.

"Yes, master... You are my master... Please, ravage your slave... Mmmm!" Lilia, full of sweat, was in ecstasy and also try to push backward so his master's shaft can reach deep inside.

The two was still busy trying to satisfy there pent up urges, and didn't realize that Rudy was watching them intently.

'Since I was familiar in the original story, I already know Paul and Lilia's adultery acts. But it's still hurts if you are in Zenith's place...

All I can do is turn a blind eye and walk away. This is important so Aisha can exist in this world. I also need to act smart so my mother accept this messed up situation.

If the original Rudeus can do it, I am confident that I can also do it.' Netorare still leaves bad taste in his mouth, though he was using it in some kind of materials, Rudy didn't wish to get NTRed.

Rudeus turned away in Lilia's room and went to his room and finally get his reason of staying here in the first place. While ignoring Lilia's sweet moans and Paul's strong yelps, with the 'Guide to Magic' book in hand, he now proceed to the hills so he won't make Sylphy wait any longer.

Hey guys!

Another chapter here.

Sorry Vanilla fans for elaborating Paul and Lilia's affair.

Norn and Aisha will be born soon, just you wait.

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FujiTatsumakicreators' thoughts