
Trojan Horse

When night comes.

Thomas, the butler of the Boreas household, was walking in an alley and meeting with unknown people.

"Any news that you can offer?" A bald man who wears a scarf to hide his face, suddenly appear in front of the butler. Behind the bald man was his members who also wears a scarf.

"Nothing so far. It's because of the brat..." Thomas tells the bald his frustrations and tried his best to conduct there plan.

There employer, Darius Silva Ganius, the prime minister of Asura kingdom, has a hobby of kidnapping noble girls and train them as his sex slaves.

When he saw Eris, in one of events of the Asuran Kingdom, Darius immediately decided who will be the next victim and hired goons and also tempt Thomas a huge amount of money to become his inside job.

Unfortunately, the goons are placing the chance of success to Thomas the butler, but was constantly failed due to the brat's interference.

Since they can't execute the plan due to the hired home tutor, the goons decided to eliminate the brat, Rudeus Greyrat.

"I see, so you plan to dispose me and get a chance to kidnap Eris."

The goons and Thomas are dumbfounded when they saw a kid, leaning in the wall of the alley. The kid was touching his chin while trying to understand there kidnapping tactics.

Thomas's face was full of sweat and drinks his spit. "You! Why are you here?!" The butler was nervously shouting.

The goons then finally understand that this kid must be the home tutor of Eris, Rudeus Greyrat.

The bald man, who must be the leader of the hired goons, immediately unsheathed his dagger and successfully stabbed him in his gut.

"Since you've come here to us, I'm going to look at your despair." He plans to torture this brat for ridiculing them, until he wished to end his own life.

"Then I'm also going to look at your despair." Rudy while being stabbed, didn't broke his evil smile, making the leader goosebumps

The goons and Thomas was shocked at they're seeing, because they can see the kid, still leaning the walls in the alley, without any injuries, while the leader of the goons stab himself in the gut while his expression was very ugly.

The leader looked at his guts, being punctured by his own dagger, and tried to comprehend what happened.

"Arrgghh!" The leader finally comprehend his predicament and couldn't help but to scream loudly.

Even though his screams are loud enough for the neighbors to wake up, his Scarlet Sharingan produce a very potent illusion to manipulate the five senses in the area so they won't notice what's happening in the alley.

Rudy, using his iron magic, create a throwing knife and aim at the leader's forehead, making him collapse to the ground, lifeless.

"Guys, I want you to cooperate with me." Rudy, with Scarlet Sharingan, look at the goons and immediately control them in hypnosis.

"Tell me all the information of your employer. His whereabouts and whatever vital information you can tell me." He didn't waste his time and asked them to 'cooperate' with him.

The goons spilled all the information and Rudy finally found out that the noble who wants to kidnap Eris was really the prime minister of Asura Kingdom.

'Darius Silva Ganius huh? That perverted pig man. He might help the nobles so Sauros would be executed and take the blame in Fedoa incident. After all, he failed to get Eris in the original story.' Before he can do damage to his loved ones, Rudy decided to pay a visit on Asura Kingdom and kill the prime minister.

But then again, he immediately doubted this plan. He can't be careless since he was targeting the prime minister, if the authorities found out, he might be branded as one of the traitors who wants to make the Asura Kingdom fall.

"Then I will make a Trojan Horse." He look at the remaining goons, who was standing lifeless, while Rudy couldn't keep his evil smile.

At the prime minister residence.

"Hahaha! They successfully kidnap Eris!" Darius was laughing loudly while caressing the head of a girl. This girl will become Thief in the future since the prime minister will sold most of his possessions, including her. A thieves guild would by her and she will eventually become a thief herself. Her name is Tristina Purplehorse.

Her body was full of bruises and her face was devoid of emotion, Tristina still wished that she would woke up in her room so this nightmare would end already.

The girl was shivering non-stop at the thought of another girl will be suffering from this pig man. The only thing that she could do is to keep her mouth shut so Tristina won't make this pig man, angry.

"Though the leader of the goons was died due to his mistake, overall, they accomplished there tasked splendidly." Darius decided to give them rewards so they won't broke there ties to him and to keep them motivated from collecting his goods.

Darius couldn't sleep due to his excitement and decided to play with Tristina and ravish her completely again.

In the Boreas Household.

"Are you sure about this, Thomas?" Philip asked this butler if he was sure about his retirement.

"I'm sorry, but I have to leave since my family needs me in the capital." Thomas inform his employer that he needs to go in the capital of Asura Kingdom due to family issues.

Despite the fact that he really need this old man to manage the mansion, Philip couldn't ignore his rights and decided to let him leave.

When the next day arrived, Thomas stated to everyone that he will leave this mansion due to family issues and he will head back to his home in the capital of Asura Kingdom. All of them recognize his decision and they all wished for his family, be well.

Thomas eventually look at Rudy and nods. Rudy only smiles at him as if to acknowledge his retirement. The old butler, with luggage in tow, started to ride in his carriage and leave the premises.

'Now, the Trojan Horse are already set, We're going to meet face to face, Darius Silva Ganius.' Rudy ready himself to the confrontation of the prime minister.

He can't forget that this prime minister, not only the possible reason of his grandfather Sauros's death, but he is one of Hitogami's apostle.

Rudy wants to take a bet that the prime minister is not Hitogami's apostle yet. Or he might attract this god's attention.

But he was determined to save not only Tristina, but also Sauros. Rudy knows that this grandfather of him are very kind not only to the people, but also to the beast race. He can manage the City of Roa and make its economy grow strong, which makes Philemon become jealous and wants to steal his uncle's legacy.

'Just you wait, Uncle Philemon. I'm going to deal with Darius first.' Rudy was determined to change the faith of his family, even if he will confront Hitogami earlier than the original story.

Hey guys!

(2 out of 3 chapters.)

I really want to save Tris since she was helpful to Rudy in the old Rudeus's story.

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