
The Gate of Opening

"How was last night? To think that you have a crush on your home tutor huh? Such a sinful child." Paul, his father, is teasing him when they found out that they insist on sleeping with Roxy.

"Hmmmp! So what? I'm going to tell you dad, she will become my wife." Since the cat was out of the bag, he declared that his feelings are not infatuation.

"Hehe relax, if you really love her, then become strong so you can protect her. And this is the reason why I'm going to teach you swordsmanship." Paul said.

The father and son are now in the courtyard doing some exercise. Paul said to him that before his son touches a sword, his body needs to be tempered first.

After the exercise, he lets Rudy run around the courtyard until he collapsed so he can determine his limits. But to Rudy's surprise, when his body collapse, he somehow breakthrough and can feel that he can release the first gate, gate of opening.

[First gate: Gate of Opening, open!]

Paul couldn't help but be surprised at his son's stamina. Yes, he collapsed while breathing heavily after he run non-stop around the courtyard, but half an hour has passed and he can now stand like nothing happened.

His father tells him to do punches and kicks for now and observe him so he can give some pointers on how to fight barehanded. Paul was stunned when he saw the finesse of his son's punches and kicks.

'Is my son really a genius? Although my forte is sword fighting, my barehanded techniques are not that inferior. But when I look at my son's perfect rhythm of punches and kicks, I couldn't believe that he is a beginner.' Paul thinks deeply and maybe he was capable to learn swordsmanship.

Rudy continued to do punches and kicks until he collapsed again. His smile leaks in his face when he can fill that he can now release his second gate, gate of healing.

[Second gate: Gate of Healing, open!]

He silently release his second gate so Rudy can resume his training once more.

For some reason, Paul can sense an aura that surrounds to his son and miraculously stands up again after he collapse due to non-stop punching and kicking.

Right now, all he can do is sit back in the corner and observe his son on how can he become so talented as a warrior. Paul realizes that his son are capable of using touki, an invisible aura that many warriors uses like mana of magicians. They become temporarily strong and there speed are not normal for humans.

Since Rudy noticed that his father gave him a free reign in this training, he prepared his body like he will run a kilometer but he didn't move for a while. His toes are grasping the earth and when he release it, he dashed forward in a blink of an eye and grasp the earth once more.

He was really glad that he chose Byakuya's inheritance, he was a genius in using Shunpo, and now, he already mastered the fundamentals of Shunpo and tries to do the zigzag dash and backward dash.

Having many breakthroughs, his armament haki can cover his whole hands now, making his punches becomes harder.

He deactivate the second gate and Rudy immediately collapse. But this time he didn't stand up again and lose his consciousness.

Paul didn't waste any second to carry his son and let him rest to his bed. Zenith isn't in the house since she has a job as a nurse in their town, so Roxy was the one who applied the healing magic. Lilia also get a bucket of water and a set of clothes so Rudy can change his clothes full of sweat.

"What happened to him, Paul? If Zenith knows this, she might overthink this, you know?" Lilia, being the one who manages the house when Zenith was gone, she reminds Paul that recklessly letting Rudy to train harder might his growth become deteriorate.

"Don't worry, I'll keep an eye on him. It's just strange that he can use touki at such a tender age." Paul was suspicious about this, as far as he know, using touki won't make you collapse.

'Maybe his touki is somewhat special.' He needs to investigate it so he can help his son to cover this weakness.

"At least, his condition is stable now. He is sleeping peacefully now." Roxy couldn't help but be worried about her student's well being. If Paul is right about him capable of using Touki, he didn't have to collapse like this. She was aware that some magicians are capable of using Touki but they didn't experience the loss of consciousness.

"I know his training is not yet finished, but I suggest that he take some rest for now and continue his sword training at a later date." Paul understand it that now he reached his limit, the next training should be how to break that limit.

When the sun was set, Rudy woke up and thinking why he was inside his room. When he looks beside on his bed, he saw his tutor, Roxy was sleeping and she uses her arms as a pillow while sitting in a chair.

Without leaving his bed, he reach Roxy's head to rub it. But when the moment he touch it, she immediately woke up.

"Oh Rudy, you woke up! Are you alright? Tell me where it hurts, I will use my healing magic." Rudy was touched when he saw how Roxy cared about him.

He looks at him and give her an assuring smile. "I'm alright now, Roxy. I'm just tired in training, nothing to concern about." He needs to use his inner gates carefully, maybe he needs to train his body so when he use it, he won't collapse and become susceptible to danger.

"Okay, I'm going to get your dinner first. You're going to eat here so you don't have to exert your energy." Roxy immediately go downstairs and approach Lilia so she can prepare his dinner.

'Hehehe... I know I didn't have to think this, but I easily learn to love her.' Though he knows from the novel how caring Roxy was, he couldn't help himself to fall in love. But he needs to have a bigger heart so he can love Sylphy and Eris, his other future wives.

While thinking deeply on how he will approach the other two, the door in his room suddenly opens and Roxy enters with a dinner in tow.

He is being thankful right now since he was being fed by Roxy. He knows that even if he tells her how much he loves her now, she will brush it off as a child crush. All he have to do is to leave an impression to her so he will not be forgotten, like in the original canon.

"Thanks for the dinner, Teacher Roxy!" He said his thanks to his tutor.

"Don't mention it. Originally, your mother was the one who will feed you, but Lilia and Paul convince her to step down for now." She was being shy at the thought that she stole some quality time with his mother.

"It's alright, my mother understands." Rudy shrugged his shoulders and continue. "Since you already stole my quality time with my mother, can you stay with me tonight? Let's sleep together again." He tried to push his luck and asked her to stay with him once more.

"So my student couldn't sleep unless I accompany him in bed. You really need to grow up." She sighed and agreed to sleep together again.

Now, the student and teacher was somehow snuggling in the bed. They probably trying to feel each other's warmth.

"Promise me that you're going to be careful while doing your touki, okay? Your touki might be special and we need to do something about it. Tomorrow, we're going to resume your magic training and be prepared." Since they are hugging each other, Rudy can feel her home tutor's lovely breath, making him in a bliss. The only good thing about this is his lower region are not stimulated due to his underage body, but is that really a good thing?

Trying to take some rest, the two eventually sleep peacefully without breaking there hug. The two looks like a big sister and a little brother who cuddles every night.

Hey guys!

(4 out of 6 chapters!)

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