
Magic Training (Second Phase)

Time passed and Rudy became six years old now.

Sylphy was now capable to do elementary magic with the help of Rudy. She also talented in voiceless incantation because that's how Rudy introduced her to magic, by using her own imagination to amplify her mana. He also supervised her about how to walk on tree and water by putting mana to her soles, so Sylphy can practice how to control mana smoothly.

He didn't teach her about Rasengan and went straight for wind magic first. He decided to let her improve first her wind magic and can now create a giant ball of air. She was having fun when Sylphy tried to sit in the giant ball and try to move it like how Avatar Aang does in Legend of Aang.

Rudy have an idea and he proposed to Sylphy that they try to race using the giant air ball. Before she met Rudy, she was always lonely and wish to stay home so she can avoid the bullies. But now, her expression are always happy and she was looking forward to see Rudy everyday.

Rawls, seeing his daughter always has a smile on her face, approach Paul and ask if Rudy and his daughter can be engage.

"Huh? Although I'm not against it, but are you sure about this? I thought you don't want to give your daughter to some guys." Paul was astonished about his friend's reckless decision. And he need to talk to Rudy about this.

Paul couldn't help and shrugged his shoulder at the thought of Rudy inheriting his womanizing trait. And here he thought that Rudy wants to marry Roxy when they meet again, guess Paul thought wrong.

"My daughter always tells me how Rudy always takes care about her and something. Me being curious, I tried to peek what they were doing and found out that the too are playing tag while sitting in a giant air ball.

You don't know how happy I am when I see my daughter having fun. And I noticed how she look at him. Your son really knows how to make girls fall in love with him." Rawls keeps ranting about this.

"Okay, I'm going to consult my wife first. And tell your wife that you have crazy idea of giving your daughter to my son." Paul didn't see any problems about this arranged marriage.

While there father are talking about this arranged marriage, Rudy and Sylphy are now in there meeting spot, which is the hill with giant tree.

"Sorry Rudy, did you wait long?" Sylphy asked him with apologetic eyes.

"Not really, I just arrived anyway." Rudy waited for almost an hour but his response was similar to a boyfriend who waits for there love partner to meet up.

Sylphy helped her mother about doing some chores and didn't realize that she was late in there routine. Her mother, getting the clue about her daughter's situation, let her go so Sylphy can meet Rudy as fast as she could.

Seeing Sylphy still sad about being late, Rudy suddenly hugged her tightly and smells her fragrance. Her smell was somehow addictive. Sylphy however, was frozen still while her face was full of pink blushed.

"You don't have to be sad, Sylphy. Even though you're late, you are here with me right now, and that's more important." Her ears tickles when Rudy said this at her left ear.

"Okay Rudy, I promise that we will be together forever." She hugged him back tightly.

The two stayed there and didn't want to let go, but Rudy was the one who broke his embrace and try to tell Sylphy about her next magic training.

"Since you perfected your wind magic, to the point that you can now glide through the air, we will now begin the next phase of your magic training." Sylphy drinks her saliva when she saw Rudy being serious.

"Are you afraid of fire?" Rudy asked her about this.

Seeing that Sylphy doesn't have any issues about fire, he started to introduce how to control fire. Rudy picks a leaf and make the center burn.

"I want you to prevent the leaf to burn completely, but don't make the fire disappear." He said and Sylphy already complied

Rudy explains to her that the fire element was alive and breathing. If you let yourself be consumed by fire, it will destroy not only you, but also your surroundings. Fire can give warm to protect you from cold, if you understand that fire's purpose wasn't only to destroy, you can tame it and use it to protect others.

Sylphy was very diligent in her training. She can feel that slowly but surely, Sylphy can now control the fire freely without damaging her surroundings.

After this, he introduce to her about fire magic that he knows like fire ball, flame thrower and the like. Rudy also explains that like air, she can also glide using fire magic like how Azula use her fire bending to fly.

Like before, if not racing, they are playing tag using fire magic to glide in the air. Of course, he didn't used his Scarlet Sharingan when playing tag with Sylphy. If he always win in this simple games, Sylphy might find it boring and might lose confidence again.

So the two didn't count and didn't mind who wins and who loses. They just enjoy playing together and learning magic. Sylphy always wish for the time to be stopped when she and Rudy are playing or when he teaches her magic, because this is where she can be herself and didn't mind being called a demon.

After they're done playing with fire, Sylphy asked him what he likes about girls. She decided that she will marry Rudy when they grow up and become happy always like how her mother and her father are.

"Well, I preferred girls that has long hair. I also want to touch it and smell it if I given a chance." Before he was reincarnated, he always admired girls with long hair, especially a Yamato Nadeshiko type.

Sylphy now determines to let grow of her hair even if others detest her hair color. As long as Rudy likes her, she doesn't mind if all the guys would hate her. That's how Sylphy loves him.

While the two was having fun sitting in the ground, rain started to drizzle down. The two look at the sky and found out that its already been covered with dark clouds.

The next moment, heavy rain pours down to them.

"Rudy, you can stop this weather right?" She implied to him that stopping the rain was a good idea.

"Even though I do that, we're already wet. Besides, the crops won't grow if they don't receive rainwater. I won't interfere with the weather unless there are complaints about the weather being bad." Of course, if this heavy rain destroys the fields and crops, he will not hesitate to stop this so he can protect the livelihood of there villagers.

Sylphy couldn't help but feel amazed that Rudy was wise and thinking the consequences of his doing. She wants to copy him and also be responsible when using her magic, like when he explains about the fire magic.

"Since your house is far than mine, why don't you stay at my house for a while until the rain stop." Rudy being a smooth talker, was trying to bring a girl in his house.

Sylphy's heart was thumping non-stop at the thought of meeting his parents. If she only knows that she will go to Rudy's house today, she will wear her most presentable dress. Though she didn't realized that her presentable dress will get wet in this heavy rain so it doesn't matter what she wears now.

When she finally agreed to go to Rudy's house, he grabs her hand tightly and try to keep her warm while travelling to his house.

Hey guys!

(4 out of 4 chapters)

I let the two become kids for a while so I let them play, with using magic of course, so they can still train while having fun.

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FujiTatsumakicreators' thoughts