
Rebirth in MHA/BNHA.

Reborn in MHA with cheats. Please don't read if you do not like OP protagonist. Tags: Action, OP Protagonist, Harem, Slow Paced(Maybe), Reincarnation, MHA/BNHA, Male protagonist, AU. —Disclaimer— I don't own anything other than my OC. I don't own My hero academia. I don't own the cover photo. If there is any similarity to any character, anyone, anything, or any place then it is purely coincidental. This is a Fanfiction everything in this novel/story/fanfic is all Fiction/Imaginary so please do not take anything in it seriously. You read at your own discretion.

Red_Moon_ · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
18 Chs

Chapter 8

(Time skip 1 year)


-Okita's Abode, Aichi prefecture, Japan-

In GYM a 5-year-old kid can be seen lifting 50 kgs dumbbells in each arm, surprisingly the size of dumbbells was much smaller than regular dumbbells of the same weights.

Not far from him a muscular man can be seen "Alright kid that's it for today, you can go now"

"But Endo-san I can keep going" Aki said reluctant to stop.

Originally both Yuichi and Masumi didn't want him to train his body at such young age but after days of persisting by Aki, they agree but under a supervision of a Trainer, after some negotiation and making cute faces, He was allowed in GYM without supervision when he is 10 years old. The couple knew their son was much more mature than his age, that's why he was allowed after he is 10 years old. Thus Endo Yoshinori was selected as his supervisor/Trainer.

"Kid although you are getting stronger surprisingly fast if you do too much your muscles may be ripped off at such young age, which will not be good for your growth, now go or else you are not allowed here for a week" Yoshinori said shaking his head.

Aki reluctantly put down weights and left the GYM to clean up and change clothes.

In the bathroom, Aki was laying in the bathtub looking absent-minded, but inside his mind was-

[ -:Status:-


Age: 5

Physic: Adaptability.







-enhanced vision

-enhanced Stamina



Quirk Library:





-Enhanced vision

-Enhanced Stamina

-Weapon Body


-Fire breath - Being able to breathe fire

-Blood multiplication - as long as he has one drop of blood he is able to make more of the same blood (basically walking blood bank).

-Regeneration - Able heal injuries, wounds, bone fracture at the expense of stamina, But not able to regenerate Limbs, which have been cut off.]

He copied Enhanced stamina from one of their drivers, fire breath from a servent, Blood multiplication from their doctor in his records there has never been a patient who died from blood loss, and finally Regeneration from GYM trainer.

In the past year, Aki and Momo have become quite close, sometimes momo would come to sleep at their home. Most of the Time at her home Momo is studying because of the nature of her Quirk she has to memorize lots of data hence she gets very little time to play.

On other hand, Aki is either relaxing or training and regular studies since both of them are getting homeschooled.

'Since I know I would be eventually OP I should enjoy life and have fun whenever possible or else it will be really boring' Thought Aki while lazing around in the tub.

Today Both his parents were not at home. usually, they aren't at home but they take time to be with him.

After some time he got out of his room, went outside his home, where Yori can be seen beside a car, seeing Aki approaching he opened the door as Aki took his seat Yori started the car.

As for where they are going, they are going to the playground, momo's parents although allow her to go out with them, but without her parents, she is not allowed to go out until she is old enough. Maybe this is the reason for her exhibitionist tendency(Lack of interaction with kids her age) plus how her quirk works.

Aki is allowed to go to Playground, but with Yori. He has been going out because he honestly wanted to see how Hero society was actually and he was bored sitting at home.

Soon after 25 minutes of driving they reach the playground, Aki usually seats swings and occasionally play with kids to see if someone has an interesting quirk that he can copy.

After entering he goes to sit on swings, just as he was about to sit, He heard a voice from behind him.

"Hey, you! what to Hide and seek with us?" behind him were five kids 3 boys and 2 girls

After turning around he didn't respond as he kept staring at one of the girls with a surprised look, The girl in question seeing him keep staring at her blush a little.

'it's her!' Thought Aki in surprise he got out of his thoughts and replied to Fat kid who asked him to play "Yes, I will" other two kids by his side, one has fish-like scales on the corner of his face with gills on his neck.

And the other one looked like an average kid of age 5 his hair covered his eyes, one girl has a sparrow-like beak and eyes.

The girl who Aki recognise has ash blonde, Golden yellow cat-like eyes.

Seeing him agree to play with them Fat kid brought out small red sticks with only one of them having a white spot at its end from his pocket.

"One who gets white stick will be the seeker and others will hide" he said while holding sticks in his fist and gesture them to remove the stick.

Everyone picked one, and the beak face girl got the white one. seeing this she ran to a nearby tree and started counting"1,2,3,4,5,...,100". everyone started to run and find a place to hide.

Everyone ran in different directions, Aki ran after the Ash-blonde girl.

After hiding behind a tree they both sat down.

"We should hide alone that way it hard to find us" She to him.

"I followed you because I wanted to be friends with you, My name is Okita Aki" Aki smiled and moved his hand towards her.

When she heard him she smiled sweetly and took his hand "I'm Toga Himiko, let's be friends".

'Looks like she has already gone through counselling, and trying to be "ideal young school girl expected of society" for now let's just copy her quirk' Thought Aki while copying her quirk.

They played different kinds of games after hours later it was close to evening time that they decided to go home.

Today was the first time Aki used CUT, instead of COPY to get a Quirk which means that if the person on whom CUT is used didn't get any Quirk externally, then for his whole life he will be quirkless and it was the kid whose hair covered his eyes.

The Quirk he had was: Horny Scent- Enables Quirk holder to able to make opposite gender of the user to feel horny whenever activated.

'Such Cultural Quirk should be in good hands, from now on it will be in good hands' Aki thought while nodding sagely.

To not make the kids life worse he gave him fire breath Quirk. This is quite a good quirk because it gives the user Fire resistance + at the will of the user breath turns flammable when in contact with air.

The fat kid's quirk is Poisons Fart- Quirk holder can fart poisons gases and able to control the intensity and composition of poison to some extent. this was also good Quirk to be in his collection so he Copied it, But will not be using it on himself.

The kid with gills has a fish quirk- a quirk that makes him a Fishman and lets him breathe on both land and water also gives him increased manoeuvrability.

The girl with the beak has a sparrow Quirk which makes her face like the sparrow and she is able to talk to sparrows.

As he was walking out of the Playground he said"Yori".

"Yes, Young master" Yori silently appeared and followed behind him.

"Find me everything you can that girl named Toga Himiko " He said as they got in the car and drove away.

[Time skip After dinner]

Okita Family can be seen together laying on the couch watching TV. and Yuichi and Masumi can be seen looking at Aki every now and then, Yuichi giving him a strange smile.

Sitting between the two of them Aki was getting irritated "Pops spit it out whatever you want to say, you have been creeping me out since dinner" Aki finally couldn't take it and said.

"Hehehe... I don't have anything to say I'm just happy and having fun... my son finally reached "that" age *Psst* hahaha" Yuichi said laughing with tears at the corner of his eyes.

"fufu~ my little boy have already grown so much it still feels like yesterday when you used to wear diapers". Masumi laughs with nostalgia on her face.

'Damn that Yori can't keep things in his stomach, I only said him to investigate so no one suspects knowing about her Quirk, after all a tamed yandere is better than crazy yandere.' Aki thought.

"I only said him investigate her because something was off about her" he said with an irritated expression on his face.

"And that had got nothing to do with her being cute?" Yuichi trying to hold his laughter.

"Maybe" Aki whispered.

"See I told you haha... brat there is still time for you to learn my tricks to impress girls, Momo is also a good girl, Don't tell me you're going for harem!? as expected of my son, just like my grandfather" Said Yuichi giving Aki a proud look with a hind of admiration on his face.

"My great grandfather had a harem?" Aki gave him a surprised look.

Although harem is allowed in this world but it isn't practised on a large scale. well, pride, greed, lust, envy, gluttony, wrath, and sloth. are in nature of human being and if someone of in power has any one of these in excess quantity then things got to happen, especially in a world filled with Quirks where individuals powers decide their status in society.

"Yes, with a total of 10 women" Said Yuichi

"Wow then shouldn't our family be really huge now" Aki asked curiously.

"I will tell you about that when you are old enough, now go to sleep it is getting late" He said with his eyes narrowed, his face completely losing its previous pride and his usual carefree look.

Aki grumbles under his breath went to his room.

After Aki left, Masumi looked at Yuichi with a sad look in her eyes and placed her hand on Yuichi's face "Is it alright to not tell him now?".

Yuichi took her in his arms "It's alright, now is not the time".


Author Note: unfortunately yesterday due to some serious reasons (Read: being too lazy to type anything) I was not able to upload anything so to compensate for that today's chapter has more word count than usual and next chapter will also be 2000+ words.

Characters which resembles seven sin(you guys can also put any character you can think of) in MHA-verse:








[WORD COUNT: 1824]