
Rebirth in Against the Gods with The Ultimate System

In a modern world, a devoted cultivator sacrificed himself to save his beloved. Fate granted him a second chance as a shinigami in the "Against the Gods" universe. Equipped with the Ultimate System, he became Yun Che, a pivotal character. He now seeks not only personal power but also a way back to his love, defying the rules of the universe itself. Join him as he pushes the limits of power, challenges gods, and reshapes his destiny to reunite with his beloved.

Nora_Danish · Games
Not enough ratings
190 Chs

Chapter 69: Grand Finale (II)


Suddenly, another colossal explosion erupted in the distant mountain range, sending shockwaves that formed a massive, ominous dome in the night sky. All eyes were drawn to the spectacle as the sect masters turned their heads, their expressions growing increasingly grim. It didn't take them long to recognize the location—it was the very area where they had stationed their high-level Spirit Profound Realm disciples and some of their elders. The deafening explosion could only mean one thing.

Xiao Tiannan's voice was a low murmur as realization dawned upon him. "He sent his girl to destroy them?" He couldn't believe the cunning trap that Yun Che had laid out for them. They had taken the bait, believing they had captured Yun Che's companion, only to lose nearly two dozen elders in a devastating explosion. None among them had suspected that Yun Che would deploy such a clever ruse, and now, their entire attacking force had been obliterated by a single woman.

The sect masters' anger flared even hotter as they connected the dots. Their losses were now twofold, and the desire for vengeance burned brightly within them. Yun Che's face broke into a sly grin as he glanced at the sect masters.

"Looks like she's finished her business. It's about time I finish mine too," he muttered under his breath.

"You monster!" Xiao Tiannan's rage was palpable. "This time, we'll personally tear you apart."

The sect masters' voices seethed with anger as they faced Yun Che. The loss of their disciples and elders, who were the very pillars of their sects, had sent them into a boiling fury. The prospect of their sects crumbling loomed over them like a dark cloud, and they were desperate to avenge their fallen comrades.

"Monsters? Who is the real monster in this matter?" Yun Che's voice dripped with sarcasm, and a sly smirk danced upon his lips. He pointed an accusing finger at the sect masters, his gaze unwavering. "You wanted to annihilate the New Moon Profound Palace out of your selfish greed. Now, it's time to face the consequences of your actions."

The sect masters found themselves wrestling with emotions they hadn't expected—frustration, helplessness, and the bitter taste of their own arrogance. For weeks, they had meticulously planned the downfall of what they considered the weakest sect, envisioning their victory as a glorious resurgence of the seven sects' power. Yet, they had woefully underestimated the resolve and cunning of a single man.

They had underestimated the New Moon Profound Palace, a sect they deemed insignificant. It was a grave miscalculation. Two recruits had been all the palace needed to disrupt the delicate balance between them and the seven sects. A lone man had outwitted high-level elders and sect masters, orchestrating their downfall with a simple ruse. Meanwhile, a solitary woman had obliterated seven hundred opponents with her otherworldly power.

Now, the latter had emerged victorious, eliminating them all, while the former had tricked them into slaughtering two dozen of their high-level elders. Even if they managed to survive this ordeal, the loss was staggering, and the road to recovery would be long and arduous.

"Originally, I used this snake for fighting larger opponents, similar to what a beast tamer could conjure. It excels against larger groups but struggles against smaller foes due to its size. However, I've decided to give it a test run," Yun Che said with a serious tone, his gaze locked onto the sect masters.

"Hmph, that snake may be large, but with our coordinated attacks, you'll still fall," Xiao Tiannan declared as the sect masters readied themselves for battle.

"Oh, did I mention I can make it smaller?" Yun Che replied calmly.

"Smaller? What do you mean?" Xiao Tiannan asked, confusion in his voice.

"Allow me to demonstrate," Yun Che said with a relaxed demeanor.

The sect masters watched with wary eyes as Hebi, the giant skeletal snake, began to emit a red glow. Concerned that Yun Che's actions might pose a threat, they launched a barrage of profound arts in an attempt to interrupt his process. They believed that disrupting his technique would trigger a backlash and cause him to fail.

However, before their attacks could reach Yun Che, a powerful burst of wind erupted from his body, nullifying their efforts. The sect masters were left dumbfounded once more, unable to comprehend the mysterious power at play.

It wasn't long before Yun Che spoke again, this time internally to his companions, Saru and Hebi.

"Saru, Hebi, let's test that form."

"Hai, Master! Let's do it!" Saru and Hebi responded with excitement from within Yun Che's inner world.

"Bankai!" All three of them exclaimed simultaneously. A swirling vortex of wind and red energy enveloped Yun Che's body as he activated his Bankai. The wind gathered in massive clusters, similar to his previous Bankai, and then he emerged from the swirling tempest. The transformation left the sect masters, elders, and even Little Fairy, who had been observing from a distance, utterly astonished.

His giant snake transformed into a more compact, yet formidable form, revealing Zabimaru's true Bankai state. Unlike Renji, Yun Che had swiftly gained the recognition of Saru and Hebi, thanks to his rapid mastery of their false form. In a fierce sparring match that saw him triumph over the spirits, they finally entrusted him with their genuine name in exchange for his deep bond with them. This unique relationship between master and spirits was marked by both a teasing camaraderie and a touch of seduction, adding a distinct flavor to Yun Che's Bankai revelation.

Yun Che's Bankai, in its true form, undergoes a striking transformation, assuming a more compact yet undeniably formidable appearance. On his right wrist, a gauntlet emerges, mirroring the upper section of a snake's skull. This sinister piece of armament is framed by a cowl of crimson fur, lending it an ominous aura. From the back of the skull, a long, sinuous tail made of vertebra-like structures unfurls, extending behind him like a loose sash that drapes around his waist. At his command, Yun Che can summon forth a substantial blade from the maw of the snake's skull, adding a deadly aspect to his arsenal.

From his left shoulder, a voluminous cowl of emerald green fur descends, enhancing his overall mystique. Further augmenting his presence, he gains a pair of imposing pauldrons that form a protective collar around his neck. Additionally, additional vertebral cords cascade from his waist, imbuing him with an even more formidable aspect.

As the transformation completes, Yun Che opens his eyes, the power of his Bankai emanating from his being. His raven-black hair floats gently in the air as he confidently declares its name, "Sōō Zabimaru. (Twin Kings, Snake Tail.)"

During his intensive training sessions with the spirits, they once offered Yun Che the opportunity to replace Hihio Zabimaru with his original Bankai form. However, he vehemently declined the offer. After all, where else could he find such an extraordinary form? The ability to wield a skeletal snake that extended as far as the eye could see was nothing short of incredible. Hihio Zabimaru excelled in battling larger opponents like Hollows, demon beasts, or when he found himself surrounded by groups of foes. It was the perfect choice for those situations.

Yet, when it came to smaller adversaries, such as cultivators or humanoid Hollows and beasts, he preferred to utilize this alternate form. The decision to activate this Bankai now was twofold – to test its real-world capabilities and to reunite with Saru and Hebi.

Inside his inner world, even Jasmine was taken aback. She had been initially surprised when Yun Che activated his Hihio Zabimaru. Witnessing a skeletal snake transforming into a sword was a novelty for her. She had her doubts regarding whether this Bankai could effectively combat a group of cultivators. Now, however, as Yun Che compressed the sword into a smaller version that resembled armor on his body, she understood its versatility.


Little Fairy's reaction upon witnessing the Twin Kings, Zabimaru, in its transformed, albeit smaller form compared to the colossal Baboon King, Zabimaru, was a complex mix of emotions. At first, there was undeniable surprise in her eyes as she took in the sight of Yun Che's formidable Bankai. The intricate design and the aura it exuded were nothing short of awe-inspiring.

However, as she continued to observe, a growing sense of realization and humility washed over her. The smaller, more compact form of Zabimaru was a testament to Yun Che's mastery over his abilities. She couldn't help but acknowledge the immense gap that now separated them in terms of power. It was a stark reminder that Yun Che had been holding back during their previous interactions, not revealing the full extent of his strength.

Little Fairy couldn't deny the feeling that he had been going easy on her during their training sessions. The knowledge that she had been training with someone who possessed such incredible power left her both humbled and determined. The gap between them had widened significantly, and she understood that she had much more to learn from him.


"Finally, the three of us together again. It's been a while since we've been on our master's body," Saru exclaimed with enthusiasm.

Hebi's excitement was palpable as he chimed in eagerly, "Hai, master didn't use the full Bankai for a while now. This is the first time he's unleashing it in the real world."

Yun Che couldn't help but smile at their enthusiasm. He explained, "It's not that I didn't want to. You both know that the full-powered Bankai can't actually be used in the Jinzen. The form we used in there was just for the sake of training."

Hebi playfully added, "Ehee, just promise to use us every now and then, Master."

Yun Che chuckled at Hebi's playful tone. "You make it sound weird, but sure. Now, let's get back to the fight." He refocused his attention, his eyes narrowing as he prepared to face the sect masters with the full might of the Twin Kings, Zabimaru, at his side.

"Now that I've made it smaller, do you think this will suffice to take all of you on?" Yun Che questioned the gaping sect masters, who were still in awe of his transformation into the Twin Kings, Zabimaru, and the spectacular power it wielded.

"Who in the world are you?" Various questions erupted from his opponents. They couldn't fathom what kind of treasure or skill allowed the beast to fuse completely with its master.

"Me? I'm just a wandering cultivator," Yun Che replied with a casual shrug of his shoulders, adding to the mystique surrounding him.

Before the sect masters could formulate a strategy, Yun Che vanished, leaving behind a gust of wind. It was a habit he had developed from his previous world, a strategy to eliminate the weaker opponents first before confronting the more formidable ones. He did this to prevent any loose ends or potential threats in the midst of battle.

Appearing instantly among the group of elders, Yun Che became the eye of the storm as the Earth Profound Realm elders unleashed a barrage of reckless attacks. However, he moved with such grace and precision that he effortlessly avoided every strike, quickly positioning himself in the midst of the elders.

"Orochio (Great Snake King)!" Yun Che's voice resonated with power as his right-hand skull sword transformed into a larger, serrated form, dwarfing its original size.

The vertebrae structure coiled around his waist unfurled, extending like a deadly tail. Yun Che had even modified the tail to have a hidden blade concealed within its tip. With all his might, he swung the tail towards the elders. Caught off guard, they didn't even have a chance to react before the tail and the sword sliced through them in one swift, brutal motion.

"Stay away from the tail… Sta…." Their pleas were cut short as multiple screams filled the air. Yun Che paid no heed to their cries, continuing to dispatch them one by one using Hebi's lethal tail. The remaining elders, overwhelmed by his relentless assault, began to retreat towards the sect masters.

"Why are you tormenting us like this?" One of the elders managed to gasp out, his voice quivering with both pain and confusion.

Yun Che responded with a cold and unwavering resolve, "The same question could be asked of you. Why were you so hell-bent on destroying the New Moon Profound Palace? Is that wretched Wu Nie truly worth more than anything else? If it weren't for me, the palace would have been obliterated tonight, and everything would have been lost. You formed an alliance of seven sects to eradicate just one. Now, how does it feel when that single palace is standing up to all seven of you? You called yourselves righteous, but your actions were driven by nothing more than greed and power. It's time for you to face the consequences."

The sect masters, witnessing Yun Che's incredible power, realized that the sword he wielded was an absolute treasure, obtained from somewhere they couldn't fathom. Otherwise, how could a mid-stage Earth Profound Realm warrior single-handedly overpower them like this?

"You…This is unfair… Why did the heavens favor you so much? Why do you have this kind of power? This is unfair. This is really unfair," Xiao Tiannan ground his teeth in frustration, his eyes locked on Yun Che with a mix of envy and resentment. He had endured countless trials and tribulations in his life to reach his current position, but witnessing Yun Che's overwhelming power almost made him sick to his stomach.

With an expression devoid of amusement, Yun Che stated matter-of-factly, "No more fooling around. From this day onward, all of you will cease to exist. It's been amusing knowing you old fools."

Before Xiao Tiannan could intervene, Sect Master Xue unleashed a fiery blast aimed directly at Yun Che. Panic surged through Xiao Tiannan as he desperately shouted, "Wait, don't—"

However, he was too far away, and he could only watch helplessly as Sect Master Xue charged headlong to his doom.

"Hmph, fool," Yun Che muttered, The cowl portion of the Bankai underwent a profound transformation, morphing into a colossal skeletal arm sheathed in vibrant green fur that mirrored the movements of Yun Che's left arm. It shifted into a massive skeletal arm that extended with frightening speed, intercepting Sect Master Xue's profound art with ease.

"Hihio (Baboon King)!" The skeletal arm obliterated the incoming attack before closing in on Sect Master Xue, its bony fist connecting with him with brutal force.


Blood erupted, splattering in all directions as the punch eviscerated Sect Master Xue's body, leaving only a gruesome stain where he once stood.


[Ding. Congratulation on killing a mid-stage Earth Profound Realm practitioner. Experience points +…..]


"Holy hell, just one punch?" Yun Che marveled at his gigantic cowl skeletal arm. The power it contained was astounding; a single strike had dispatched Sect Master Xue from the Burning Heaven Clan with ease. Although he was new to this Bankai mode, he realized its devastating potential. For now, he could only rely on brute force to obliterate his foes, but he knew he would need to refine his control over this incredible power in the future.

Witnessing their fellow sect master's instantaneous demise, the remaining elders and sect masters stood petrified, fear gripping their hearts as they beheld Yun Che's overwhelming strength. Realization had finally sunk in, and they were left with no illusions about their chances of survival.

One by one, the elders and sect masters either fell to Yun Che's skeletal punch or were impaled by the tail. Soon, only the six sect masters remained, and desperation filled their voices as they attempted to negotiate with Yun Che.

"Yun Che, we can settle this peacefully. We promise not to cause any more trouble for the palace. Spare us, and we'll wholeheartedly assist the palace in the future," Xiao Tiannan offered, his voice trembling. His colleagues nodded fervently, their lives now their top priority.

However, Yun Che was unwavering. "Sorry, I'm not one to let go so easily. Plus, the allure of experience points is just too tempting." He regarded them like a butcher eyeing a choice cut of meat.

Xiao Tiannan couldn't fathom Yun Che's motivations and asked, "You, why?"

Yun Che explained, "Two reasons, actually. First..." He paused for dramatic effect. "I despise the Xiao Sect and the Burning Heaven Clan with a passion." The sect masters were taken aback by his blunt declaration.

"Second, you sealed your fates the moment you decided to target the palace. Personally, I don't care what happens to the palace, but my brother-in-law and future wife are inside. I can't let you harm them, can I?" Yun Che's words revealed a level of commitment and resolve that startled the sect masters.

Desperate to escape, the sect masters attempted to scatter in different directions, but Yun Che was ready. He sighed, muttering, "Why do they always run?" Then, he extended a finger toward the fleeing sect masters. "Way of Binding #61 - Six Rods Prison of Light!"

Instantaneously, six binding rods materialized, immobilizing the sect masters. Before they could react, Yun Che invoked another spell, shouting in a foreign language, "Way of Binding #61 - Locking Bondage Stripes!"

As the golden chains ensnared the sect masters, their pleas for mercy fell on deaf ears. Yun Che's unwavering resolve was evident as he turned to face Xiao Tiannan, bringing his face mere inches from his captive's.

"If I were to let you go, who knows what kind of trouble you'd cause me in the future," Yun Che declared coldly.

Helpless and desperate, the sect masters continued to beg for their lives, but Yun Che paid them no heed. Instead, he locked eyes with Xiao Tiannan and swiftly drove his right-hand blade through the man's chest. Xiao Tiannan's eyes widened in a mix of anger and curiosity as he stared at Yun Che, struggling to comprehend the identity of the man who had bested them.

"Hmph, remember this well. I am Yun Che, a Soul Reaper," Yun Che declared with a cold and unwavering tone.

"Soul Reaper?" Xiao Tiannan's disbelief was apparent in his wide eyes. Before he could inquire further, he heard Yun Che mutter another phrase, which he suspected might be the last words he'd hear in this world.

"Sōō Zabimaru, Zaga Teppō (Twin Kings Snake Tail, Snake Fang Iron Gun)," Yun Che intoned slowly, and with that, the spectral jaws behind him snapped shut, forming the visage of a colossal serpentine skull that crushed the sect masters between its fangs. As the jaws closed, they impaled the sect masters, and simultaneously, a powerful spiritual blast was unleashed, obliterating them and reducing their forms to mere dust. The battle concluded with a grand and devastating finale.

Wu Nie's desperation to escape was palpable, but his hopes were dashed when an excruciating pain suddenly emanated from his stomach. Looking down, he saw the bone tail piercing through his abdomen. Agonizingly, he was lifted off the ground, suspended in the air before Yun Che.

"You've caused far too much trouble," Yun Che declared icily, his eyes locked onto Wu Nie.

Gasping for breath and coughing up blood, Wu Nie struggled to speak. "You... Urrrgghh... If I die, our clan will hunt you down."

Yun Che simply shrugged off the threat. "*Sigh, again with this nonsense. Just remember one thing: after I've wiped out your clan, I'll set my sights on the Mighty Heavenly Sword Region as well. Unfortunately, you won't be around to witness it." With a firm grip, Yun Che yanked his tail, and in a blinding flash, he fired the Zaga Teppō, reducing Wu Nie's body to nothingness.

The battle had come to a resounding and ruthless conclusion, leaving no doubt about Yun Che's unwavering determination and strength.


[Ding. Congratulations on killing a mid-stage Earth Profound Realm practitioner. Experience points +…..]

[Ding. Congratulations on killing a mid-stage Earth Profound Realm practitioner. Experience points +…..]


[Ding. The host has leveled up]

[Ding. The host has leveled up]

[Ding. The host has leveled up]

[Ding. The host has leveled up]

[Ding. The host has leveled up]


Having slain numerous Earth Profound Realm practitioners in the battle, Yun Che's experience points accumulated rapidly, and he broke through five times in succession. Finally, he reached the Level 60 Grand Perfection Level of the Earth Profound Realm.

"Damn, just one level more, and I would've entered the Sky Profound Realm and obtained Hyourinmaru," Yun Che muttered, frustration evident in his voice as he contemplated the sizeable gap between his current level and the first level of the Sky Profound Realm. It was clear that he needed more formidable opponents than those he had just faced to bridge that gap.


[Ding… Congratulations on completing the side mission – Cutting the heads of the snakes. System Points + 7500]

[Ding… Congratulations on achieving the achievement of 'Snake Cutter' Destroy the seven great powers in one go. Experience points +10000 and System Points +5000]

[A New Frame Unlocked]

The frame shows Chibi Yun Che standing triumphant in his new Bankai form on top of the piled-up sect masters with 'X's in their eyes.

[Ding… Reward: One wisdom cube]

[Ding... Four Wisdom Cubes were acquired. You are now eligible for an Ultra Rare Summon]


"Hell yeah, another wisdom cube. I have enough for another summon. Can't wait to get myself another one," Yun Che exclaimed in his thoughts, barely containing his excitement. He had managed to collect three wisdom cubes so far and was still on the hunt for the last one. However, to his surprise, another wisdom cube suddenly appeared before him, catching him off guard.

Closing his stat window, Yun Che sensed a presence behind him. As he turned around, he was met with the sight of a stunning woman with silver hair, adorned in a flowing blue robe. Remaining calm, he addressed her, "Little Fairy?"

The snowwoman surveyed her surroundings before responding with a hint of impatience, "Hmph, it took you quite a while to finish them off."

Yun Che chuckled, still in his Sōō Zabimaru form. "Well, it was my first time using this form, so it took me a bit longer to wrap things up."

Little Fairy scrutinized Yun Che's transformed appearance, trying to comprehend the incredible power he now wielded. She marveled at the way his segmented blade had morphed into a colossal snake, and then into this compact snake form. Even more intriguing was the tail behind him, which seemed to react independently, as if it possessed a mind of its own. It followed her gaze, as though it were a sentient creature or entity. Little Fairy couldn't help but recall the devastation she had witnessed firsthand, as the tail effortlessly pierced and sliced through the elders who dared to challenge it. The lifeless bodies strewn about served as chilling evidence of its lethal capabilities.

As she contemplated the profound power Yun Che now possessed, a troubling thought crossed Little Fairy's mind: Just how formidable had he truly become?

Yun Che's playful tone elicited a smirk from Little Fairy. "Curious? Or are you projecting your own fantasies?" she retorted with a cheeky glint in her eye, matching his teasing spirit. "Do remember who's in control here," she added, playfully brandishing her fist. But Yun Che could sense a change - she seemed more at ease with his bankai form, as if drawn to its raw energy.

Little Fairy couldn't help but be intrigued by Yun Che's teasing, though she was quick to respond with her own retort. She couldn't deny that there was something oddly captivating about Yun Che's Bankai form, a sensation she was still trying to comprehend.

However, the light-hearted banter between the two was abruptly interrupted by an unsettling presence that washed over them, causing Little Fairy's newfound sense of ease to dissipate. The looming arrival of an ominous presence made her feel vulnerable and exposed.

Suddenly, a formidable and striking four-winged blood hawk descended from the skies, its crimson plumage shimmering with an eerie, otherworldly sheen. The hawk bore the fierce countenance of a raptor, its piercing ruby eyes exuding an air of unyielding determination and sharp intelligence.

Seated atop the mighty bird's back was none other than their steadfast companion, Retsu, who loomed tall in her awe-inspiring Bankai form. Her visored mask had been discarded, revealing her resolute visage as she rode gracefully atop the formidable creature. Retsu exuded an aura of unassailable strength and indomitable will.

The four-winged blood hawk glided elegantly, its wings slicing through the air with a captivating grace, creating a mesmerizing display of crimson in its wake. Retsu floated beside Yun Che, her Bankai form still enveloping her, and her once-tied braids were now undone, revealing a cascade of black hair that flowed down to her waist. In her hand, she gripped an eerie, short sword with an unsettling aura.

Little Fairy's eyes widened as she too began to emanate a potent aura, mirroring the formidable power that Yun Che's Bankai form possessed. She couldn't help but wonder if this was her own ultimate form, akin to what Yun Che had achieved. Despite her innocent and beautiful appearance, her aura bore the weight of death itself, making her seem like a manifestation of darkness and doom.

Little Fairy's eyes widened in awe as Retsu approached, the transformative aura around her rivalling even Yun Che's formidable presence. The juxtaposition was startling: Retsu's face, ever the picture of innocence and beauty, now emanated an aura that whispered of darkness and the inexorable pull of death. It was as if she had stepped from another realm entirely.

Retsu, cradling her transformed blade, bowed slightly, "Young master, I've accomplished the quest you assigned." Her voice, laced with the resonance of her Bankai, added a layer of depth to her usual tone.

Yun Che, impressed, smiled and gently ruffled her hair. "You've broken through, haven't you?" Glancing at her stats, he noted her rapid ascent from the fifth level of the Spirit Profound Realm to the Third Level of the Earth Profound Realm. "Those two hundred adversaries didn't stand a chance, did they?"

Catching sight of the magnificent four-winged Blood Hawk hovering behind Retsu, Yun Che remarked, "Seems you've gained a new ally?"

Retsu's lips curled into a sly smile. "A gift from Xiao Zaihe," she replied, referencing the reanimated version of Xiao Zaihe's Fierce Storm Hawk, reborn through the essences of fallen enemies.

Yun Che snorted disdainfully, "I've always found that man tiresome. Had I been any other, he'd have pursued me to the ends of the forest. A pity I didn't get the pleasure of ending him myself."

Little Fairy, still processing the transformation before her, asked hesitantly, "Sister Retsu, what...what has become of you?" She gazed upon Retsu, torn between the familiarity of her friend and the ominous power she now wielded. Retsu's beautiful visage remained, but it was as if a fierce demoness now lay just beneath the surface.

"More like, what are you two? What power have you two been cultivating? Your strength makes even my skills seem like child's play." Little Fairy inquired, her gaze now a mix of wonder and wariness as she tried to comprehend the enigmatic powers Yun Che and Retsu possessed. Her mentorship had taken an unexpected twist, and she couldn't help but feel a newfound curiosity tinged with a touch of trepidation.

"We'll explain later in due time. There's much to discuss, but for now, let's focus on the present." Retsu, her hair now cascading freely, nodded in agreement but kept her thoughts to herself. Yun Che reassured her as he and Retsu retracted their formidable forms. As Retsu adjusted her hair, Yun Che pondered whether it was time to reveal the truth about their abilities. Little Fairy was bound to find out sooner or later.

Their conversation was interrupted by the sound of approaching footsteps and the unmistakable voice of Cang Yue, who flew towards them on her majestic white eagle. Her arrival was marked by a sense of urgency as if she had stumbled upon a critical situation.

"Cang Yue? What brings you here?" Yun Che asked with a raised brow, perplexed by her sudden appearance.

"I... the sect masters... We have to escape immediately! Let's go before they find you," Cang Yue implored, her voice filled with concern. She was unaware of the events that had unfolded.

Yun Che's nonchalant response took her by surprise, "Oh, there's no need to worry about them. We've already taken care of that matter." He casually gestured towards a nearby crater, which elicited shock and disbelief from Cang Yue. The sect masters, annihilated by Yun Che's overwhelming power, had met a swift and decisive end.

Cang Yue's astonishment deepened as she realized the extent of Yun Che's strength. However, her relief was palpable as she breathed a sigh of relief.

"And where's Yuanba?" Yun Che inquired, his concern for his brother evident.

Cang Yue's expression softened as she explained, "Yuanba chose to remain with the headmaster. He said he wasn't ready to leave the New Moon Profound Palace yet and asked me to trust you." She sighed, realizing that her worries had been unfounded.

Yun Che's hearty laughter filled the air, accompanied by Retsu's amused grin. Little Fairy, on the other hand, couldn't help but feel a mixture of admiration and apprehension at the formidable duo.

As the conversation continued, Cang Yue expressed her desire to join them on their journey to the Imperial City, given their previous promise. Yun Che agreed but reminded her of the potential dangers they would face.

Cang Yue reassured them, "Don't worry, I can protect myself."

Yun Che pondered for a moment before agreeing, "Very well, but keep in mind that this journey won't be a safe one. However, we'll help boost your cultivation along the way."

Cang Yue accepted his offer with gratitude, understanding the potential dangers that lay ahead.

As their conversation continued, Yun Che revealed another aspect of their plans, "We may need to stay here a few more days."

Little Fairy's curiosity was piqued as she inquired about his intentions, "You do know that you've become famous after the incident at the palace?"

"Eh, there's something I'd like to take care of," Yun Che replied cryptically, earning puzzled glances from the women accompanying him.

Cang Yue, always eager to support him, asked, "Is there something specific you need to do?"

Yun Che grinned mischievously, "Oh, it's nothing major. Just some shopping and a bit of compensation owed to me by Xiao Tiannan and Sect Master Xuan." His enigmatic response left the women intrigued and eager to uncover his plans.

Finally, finished with this arc. Next one is the Phoenix retrieval arc like the main story. However, i have plans to alter some of the events. I am not going on hiatus but i'll need some time to complete the mass release.

Nora_Danishcreators' thoughts