
Rebirth in a Favorite RPG

The top player of Nexus, Earth's most acclaimed VR MMORPG, finds himself compelled to leave behind his beloved game due to the rising dominance of pay-to-win mechanics. Yearning for a touch of nostalgia, he dives back into his all-time favorite RPG, now enhanced with cutting-edge VR technology. However, he experiences nostalgic disillusionment as his dismay at the outdated graphics and gameplay prompts an overnight modding spree. Yet, as he immerses himself back into the virtual realm, he faces an unexpected hurdle: the inability to log out. -- [Passives:] -- -- [Elven Race:] -- Amplifies mana manipulation skills. -- [Human Race:] -- Grants a 50% boost in EXP gain due to inherent adaptability.

Bruno_oliveira · Fantasy
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51 Chs

45 - End of the date +18!

End of the date +18!

As they reached Elara's door, the tension in the air was almost tangible. Jon felt the urge to break the awkward silence and opened his mouth to say something—maybe crack a joke or make a casual remark. However, before he could even get a word out, Elara swiftly slid her key into the lock, turned it, and swung the door open. Without a moment's hesitation, she pulled him into the room and shut the door behind them.

Before Jon had a chance to process what was happening, Elara wrapped her arms around him and kissed him passionately. The kiss was so intense and unexpected that Jon nearly lost his balance, but he steadied himself, reciprocating the kiss with equal fervor.

The world around them seemed to vanish, leaving only the sensation of their lips meeting, their hands exploring, and their hearts pounding in a rapid rhythm. It was as if the entire universe had narrowed down to this single moment, this single room, these two intertwined souls.

Feeling the urgency of desire, Elara began to undress Jon with nimble and eager hands. She caressed his muscular chest, exploring every inch of his skin with soft and teasing touches. Gradually, Jon's clothes disappeared, revealing a sculpted body at the mercy of her caresses.

Jon returned Elara's attentions, sliding his hands over her body, exploring her magnificent curves. His touches were laden with passion and desire, pushing Elara to the edge of excitement.

As they continued to kiss passionately, Jon guided Elara to the bed, where he gently laid her down. Lying beside her, they exchanged intense glances, revealing all the pent-up lust that consumed them.

Though inexperienced, Jon and Elara were willing to explore the pleasures of the flesh together. With some uncertainty, they delicately and curiously explored their sensations.

Jon softly kissed Elara's lips, trying to decipher what made her sigh with pleasure. Elara, in turn, timidly explored Jon's bare chest, marveling at the texture of his skin beneath her trembling fingers.

Gradually, they encouraged each other, finding their own rhythm and discovering what brought them the most pleasure. The caresses became bolder, the kisses more intense.

With desire coursing through his veins, Jon moves down Elara's body, kissing and sucking every sensual inch of her. When he reaches her abdomen, he envelops her with his lips once more, kissing and licking with pure passion. With an almost shy tenderness, Jon explores Elara's intimacy with his lips and tongue, each movement sending intense waves of pleasure through her body. Every touch is a new stimulus, a new way to push her to new heights of ecstasy. Elara's moans fill the room, growing louder and more piercing as Jon brings her to climax.

Filled with desire and determination, Elara takes Jon's hand and gently lays him down on the bed. With mischievous eyes, she reverses roles and begins to trace the same sensual path Jon had just taken moments before. Her kisses descend down Jon's body, exploring every inch of his skin, leaving him tingling and yearning for more. Elara takes her time, savoring each part of Jon's body with soft lips and a skilled tongue.

Feeling the rising pleasure pulsate through his body, Jon slowly writhes under Elara's fiery caresses. Each movement, each touch, is intensely erotic and captivating. Elara continues her passionate exploration, guided by instinct and the desire to give Jon the same pleasure he had given her. Her hands join her lips and tongue, committed to satisfying him.

With a mix of eagerness and excitement, Elara begins to awkwardly suck Jon, creating small movements with her mouth and tongue. Despite a bit of inexperience, she is determined to learn and please Jon in the best way possible. Initially, her movements may be a bit uncertain, but Elara remains attentive to Jon's reactions, seeking cues and responding to each stimulus. As she gains confidence and surrenders to the moment, her techniques and rhythm start to become smoother and more coordinated.

Elara is committed to discovering what makes Jon moan with pleasure and uses that as a guide to adjust her approach. With each whispered approval, her desire to learn and satisfy Jon grows. As she gains skill, her confidence blossoms, and her mouth becomes a source of intense pleasure for Jon. Elara's soft lips and skilled tongue move with increasing dexterity.

With increasingly intense movements, Elara brings Jon to the edge of pleasure. Without breaking her rhythm, she hears Jon moan her name and announce that he's close, but before she can pull away, he ejaculates in her mouth. Surprised by the event, Elara tries to dodge, but it's too late. She feels the warm, energizing liquid in her mouth, intoxicating her with a unique and full-bodied taste.

With a teasing smile on his lips, Jon looks into Elara's eyes as he slowly opens her legs, revealing the intimacy she offers him. Even after exploring so much pleasure together, Jon has a burning desire in his eyes and an uncontrollable urge to continue.

Jon breaks the brief silence and asks Elara with a voice full of desire, "May I continue?" His words echo through the room, laden with expectation and anticipation.

With Elara's consent, Jon prepares to take her virginity with a care and attention that only heighten her desire. He knows this moment is special and intense, and wants to do everything in his power to make it unforgettable for Elara.

With gentleness and softness, Jon begins to penetrate her slowly, allowing Elara to feel each stimulus, each movement. Even as he gives in to pleasure, Jon remains conscious of Elara's needs and attentive to any signs of discomfort or pain.

Though the initial moments may be a bit uncertain and painful for Elara, Jon is slow and patient, allowing her to adjust to the new sensations with his skill and care. As time passes, their bodies move in harmony as the sensations intensify.

As Jon increases the intensity of his movements, Elara, unable to contain her excitement, bites Jon's shoulder with pleasure. Her mouth clamps onto his skin, leaving a burning mark of desire and pleasure.

The bite is an expression of the intensity of the moment, of the pleasure Elara is experiencing. It's a clear sign that their bodies are connected on a deep level, consensually sharing this intimate and fiery experience.

Jon, feeling Elara's bite, responds with a passionate moan, further fueling the flame of passion between them. Mutual pleasure grows as they sensually and unforgettably give themselves to each other.

With excitement reaching its peak, Jon feels he is about to reach the limit of his pleasure. Elara's fervent moans, bites, and scratches only heighten his excitement and intensify the desire to finally release all this tension.

However, just when Jon was about to pull out and give in to his pleasure, Elara surprises him by crossing her legs, trapping him in the most intense moment. It's as if she wants to prolong the experience and test the limits of mutual pleasure.

This unexpected action causes Jon to feel an overwhelming mix of surprise and an even greater surge of excitement. He looks into Elara's eyes, realizing she wants to extend this moment of pleasure and savor every second at its peak.

With an intense moan that is muffled by Elara's lips, Jon can no longer hold back and finally releases all his pent-up excitement. He feels spasms throughout his body as a warmth ripples through his mind.

Elara feels Jon's warm pleasure filling her completely as he climaxes, losing all sense of time and space. Her legs tremble with the intensity of the moment, and she struggles to breathe as she tries to absorb every second of sensations.

Jon continues to move slowly, even after releasing all his excitement. He knows that pleasure shouldn't be the sole focus of the erotic encounter, so he seeks to pleasure Elara for a few more moments before withdrawing. He tenderly strokes her face as he wraps her body in a warm embrace.

They remain like this for a while, together in a warm blend of pleasure and intimacy.

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