
Rebirth in a Favorite RPG

The top player of Nexus, Earth's most acclaimed VR MMORPG, finds himself compelled to leave behind his beloved game due to the rising dominance of pay-to-win mechanics. Yearning for a touch of nostalgia, he dives back into his all-time favorite RPG, now enhanced with cutting-edge VR technology. However, he experiences nostalgic disillusionment as his dismay at the outdated graphics and gameplay prompts an overnight modding spree. Yet, as he immerses himself back into the virtual realm, he faces an unexpected hurdle: the inability to log out. -- [Passives:] -- -- [Elven Race:] -- Amplifies mana manipulation skills. -- [Human Race:] -- Grants a 50% boost in EXP gain due to inherent adaptability.

Bruno_oliveira · Fantasy
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51 Chs

44 - Truth revealed, mere acquaintances.

Truth revealed, mere acquaintances.

"'Fiancée?'" Jon questioned, incredulously setting aside Roderic's recent apology for a moment.

"Oh, yes. I won her over after a long and relentless pursuit," Roderic replied, casting a teasing glance at Gwen. "But let's put that aside for now, Jon. What I did to you in Riverwood has been haunting me ever since. I know a simple apology may seem inadequate, but it's sincere."

Jon was stunned, trying to process the whirlwind of events. If he were still on Earth, he'd definitely be looking for hidden prank cameras. "Alright, it's in the past now," was all he managed to say.

Sensing Jon's discomfort, Elara pulled him aside and said, "I don't want to interrupt this touching reunion, but Jon and I have other plans tonight." With a genuine smile, she began leading Jon to a more distant table. 'I guess I don't have to worry about Gwen anymore,' Elara thought, considering the event an unexpected bonus to strengthen her relationship with Jon.

"Stay and dine with us, I insist," Roderic interjected, seemingly amused by Jon's bewildered expression. His apology seemed to have been just a ploy to rub it in Jon's face that Gwen was now his.

"How could we interrupt the bride and groom's dinner? Besides, Jon and I still have to finish our date," Elara responded, giving Jon a subtle nudge to emphasize her point. "Ah, yes, our date," Jon agreed.

Gwen, who had remained silent until then, finally spoke up: "So, have a good night. Roderic, let's sit down and stop drawing attention." People at the surrounding tables were all watching the quartet, as Roderic had made sure to speak loudly enough for everyone to hear. 'That settles it,' Gwen thought, relieved. She had tried multiple times to tell Jon about the engagement but never found the courage. Now, at least, everything was out in the open for all to see.

Seated at a more secluded table, Jon and Elara finally had a moment to breathe. Jon looked at her and asked, "Did you know about Gwen and Roderic's engagement?"

Elara shook her head. "It was a surprise to me as well. Although our families have business ties, I'm not exactly close to Gwen. We've met a few times when my family was doing business at Roderic's house."

"Roderic is a coveted catch for many families looking to pair their daughters with him," Elara continued. "Due to the closeness of our families, there were even rumors that I would be the chosen one."

Jon nodded, absorbing the information. "Do you think he could be pressuring Gwen in some way?"

"That's highly unlikely," Elara replied. "Roderic would never do anything to bring dishonor to his family."

'It's for the best,' Jon thought. 'At least now I understand why Gwen went off the radar for a while and why my parents also avoided telling me about it.'

Switching gears, Jon asked, "You mentioned your family does business with Roderic's. What kind of business are we talking about?"

Elara looked at him, surprised. "You're kidding, right? The name Frostleaf doesn't ring a bell?" Seeing Jon struggle to recall and come up empty, she continued, "Not just with his family, but with most of the prominent families. After all, we're one of the biggest names in the potion and elixir market, from manufacturing to sales. Any major family involved in dungeon ventures and hunting ends up doing business with us."

Noticing Jon's puzzled expression, Elara quickly clarified, "Major families have gained their power primarily by being strong enough to keep dungeons in check. They sell resources like mana cores from powerful beasts, as well as bodies and minerals. Basically, anything in a dungeon can be turned into money."

Seeing Jon's face light up with understanding, Elara added, "You really should pay more attention in theory classes. This was a topic recently covered by Seraphine, you know."

Sitting at their secluded table, Elara looked at Jon and asked, "If you're comfortable sharing, what exactly happened between you and Gwen?"

Jon sighed before answering. "It's not overly dramatic, actually. Our parents are friends, so Gwen and I grew up together. We did pretty much everything together and naturally became close. There was a festival in Riverwood where we both were supposed to secure spots for an internship at the Imperial Academy. However, it seems Roderic had already set his sights on Gwen by then and sabotaged my chances."

He paused, pondering whether to continue, and then added, "On some subsequent visits by Gwen, when we were older, there were two kisses. After that, she disappeared. I believe that's when she started getting involved with Roderic."

Elara murmured, "A kiss, then." She looked at Jon and said, "I knew there was something more between you two."

Jon just shook his head. "That's in the past. As Gwen herself said at the start of classes, we're now just 'village acquaintances.'"

As he shared his story with Elara, Jon was making parallel plans in his mind. He had access to the goblin dungeon, a resource that aligned perfectly with Elara's family business. Goblin blood is a high-quality ingredient for potions. With his current strength, he knew he couldn't keep the dungeon to himself if he revealed it. However, with the backing of an influential family, he could not only profit substantially but also maintain some degree of control over the dungeon.

"I just need to become good friends with Elara," Jon thought. "If I can get her to be my liaison with her family, I can focus on my training without worrying about resources."

Watching Jon lost in thought at the table, Elara suspected he might be mulling over his history with Gwen. Deciding to change the course of the evening, she took the initiative. "How about we order some drinks and snacks and end our outing in my room?" She tried to keep her voice steady, but her heart was beating faster than usual. It was the first time in her life she felt this way about a guy. He wasn't obsessed with her looks, although she could tell he was visibly attracted to her, especially when she dressed up. Moreover, he wasn't even aware of her family's influence.

The moment the word "room" escaped Elara's lips, Jon was immediately transported to the afternoon scene when she had unexpectedly kissed him. His face flushed instantly. "Are you sure? I mean, considering the time."

Seeing Jon's reaction, Elara felt a wave of emotion. This awkward and naive side of Jon was precisely what made him so irresistibly charming to her.

"I, see no issue," Elara looked at him with a mischievous smile. "Let's just talk in a more private setting."

"If you don't mind, who am I to mind," Jon, who was interested in developing a deep friendship with Elara, saw no issue if that friendship came with some additional perks...

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