
Rebirth; Illegitimate Daughter Turns Tides

*It's a fluffy sweet light novel with a fast pace..* "Mr, you are so handsome, may I?" She turned around warmly eying him, her enchanting smile was alluring and so were her purple eyes. Huo Shen didn't respond but rather let her do whatever she wanted, seeing he hadn't declined, she lifted her handcuffed hands and removed the mask carefully without messing around with his hairstyle. "You look handsome without this purple mark, too bad you got poisoned! What a handsome face you got here..." She slightly sighed her tone sounding like she was pitying him, the huge purple mark around her cheekbone, was spreading and enlarging. "Aren't you?" He was surprised that someone could tell it was poison, yes, his body had been dwindling little by little... He could no longer feel like he was himself. "Me? I was born like this..." ************************* Su Wei Wei was born illegitimate, out of wedlock and the second family her mother got married to, treated her like a servant with no family standing. Her half-siblings didn't spare a single minute at her, she lived in servants' quarters with the other Su family servants! All she did receive were worn-out things from clothes to shoes. She attended a low-grade school while her stepsiblings studied at top schools, because of her naivety, she was kind that they had allowed her to stay in their house and thus she took everything positively Her kindness had made them use her, her weakness had made them step all over her, and now with a Rebirth, she gains enough life experience and knowledge of the future, how is she going to maneuver around to change her fate? After getting out of prison, she gets adopted by a powerful man, recalling her miserable life, and she decides to exert revenge. With the presence of the man, she can yield power but she gets to tie him down because of a favor and thus they get engaged. But after few days of freedom, she got medical tests reports stating that she had cancer, and it was at the Fourth stage.... She knew from the doctor that she had less than a six months to live and she wanted to dedicate all her time for vengeance, but what about this man she was engaged to? what about her heart that had began falling in love? But while they were in the courtship, the man had began falling in love, and her presence meant everything to him, how would they overcome this bridge when things were at their ends? *I don't own the cover, credit goes to the owner...* Caution; I'm not creating a cold and unfeeling Male Lead who thinks irrationally and grumpy all the time, he can be to the outsiders but not the Female lead.... I already said, it's a sweet and fluffy novel... there is no torture between make Lead and the female lead, don't expect to see that in my novels.

Kim_Li_0078 · Fantasy
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418 Chs

Chapter 22; Don't leave....

He has been kind to them because of these relations, but they were scheming behind his back and wanting to occupy the Huo conglomerate.

"Okay, I will do so..." Huo Qi immediately called the guards and gave them instructions while he turned around and eyed Huo Shen worriedly.

He hadn't heard him comment or say anything after that huge revelation and it was normal that he would be disappointed.

"Also, I want you to stop all the projects that we are currently collaborating on, most of them are nonproductive and just losses, withdraw all our investments and compensate for the parts we need to compensate.. anyone from the Mo family working in our company should be fired, not only that, anyone from these top families that's in the Huo Conglomerate should be fired with immediate effect... Comb them all out and hire new graduates from low-income families..... " He gave out that order and this was the beginning of many companies falling starting with the Mo family.

Huo Qi didn't waste time, he immediately posted on their official conglomerate social media page of the sudden dismissal and withdrawal of the Huo Conglomerate... While Huo Qi tended to these things, Huo Shen was busy scrutinizing her face which was closely cuddled to his chest.

She wasn't moving and the jades were wrapped around with the covers, they were just the same and nothing had changed, it was just that they didn't know that these artifacts contained supernatural magical energy that was being absorbed by her emerald eyes.

In his arms, she was calm and sleeping soundly, she wasn't making any movements...

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

"We will go ahead and go home..." They kissed Mo Zi Jia goodbye and left to go home since they were unable to get her discharged...

"Okay momma, see you tomorrow...." She warmly smiled at them before falling asleep and they all left leaving the nurses to watch over.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

After driving for several hours, Huo Shen arrived at his isolated mansion, he was welcomed by the guards that were stationed there, the mansion was bigger than the other one but with the same aesthetics...

He took the stairs up to the first floor where his bedroom was situated... The mansion was a two-floor building with enough bedrooms.

The guards opened the door and he walked in, he placed her down on the bed tucking her in but she suddenly held his hand.

"Don't leave... Stay with me...." Her begging voice echoed and Huo Shen didn't have any other options apart from accompanying her.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

The following day early morning, Su Wei Wei finally opened her eyes drowsily gazing at the ceiling before she gently rubbed them, she turned around and could see a man sleeping just beside her closely and facing her direction.

She abruptly sat up while attacking him but Huo Shen hurriedly avoided those incoming kicks and punches before sitting up on the bed and holding her hands dragging her onto his lap and subduing her...

"My dear fiancee... Are you planning to disable me? You do know that it's your future happiness that would be affected... And, you can accidentally become a widow..." He softly muttered as his breath breezed through her neck while she tried to struggle and get off his lap but she was no match for him.

His grip was tighter and held her closely gazing into their eyes.

" Huo Shen, did you forget how old I am? This is sexual assault here! You are sexually harassing a teenager...." Su Wei Wei was infuriated and at the same time surprised, why was this guy acting clingy all of a sudden? It was just yesterday he couldn't withstand her, why the sudden change of attitude?

" If you didn't tightly hold my hand and drag me over to the bed, could I have stayed here? Could I? Seee... I'm not even wearing my pajamas! I have been uncomfortable the entire night..." he roughly muttered before letting go and standing up from the bed before he could get another kick.

" Me? But after I have slept, you could have left right? Are you trying to wrongly blame me?" She slightly felt embarrassed and tried to recall, but nothing... The only problem she had last night was that she had several nightmares, and even a masked man showed up in that nightmare, but suddenly after a warm hug, she didn't continue dreaming... It was a little bit bizarre.