
My Dragon Masters...Awaken!

Shen Xiu: '' Ya'll zucc!''

*Insert Fight*

*Other kids go and stand up with Nie Li, Van gets up too*

*after talent test*

"Yo♪. I'm Van, the trash of the Divine family. I hope we can get along from now on."

Looking at the young man before him, Nie Li tries to remember about Van from his previous life, but could not remember anything about him. Nie Li just shrugged it as a result of his reincarnation and continued to speak to Van.

"It's nice to meet you Van. I have a hunch that we will get along together really well."

*who u love boi*

*Money scene*

- Training Grounds Apprenticeship Area -

*Sheep Killing Montage*

In one night's time, Nie Li's group of four hunted a total of about one hundred and sixty horned sheep, which was sold for about one thousand, six hundred demon spirit coins. Splitting it equally, they each received about four hundred demon spirit coins.

Their hunt and farming continued for some consecutive days.

On the third consecutive day, the group had to disband earlier for various reasons.

Van decided to hang around the forest and train himself for some time, jumping from branch to branch, he sought out to increase his stamina, reflexes and physical strength.

While Van was jumping from branch to branch, a green light started to emit from his right arm!

Then suddenly, a wave of pain struck Van, making him slip from the thick three branch and falling right on the cold ground!

His entire body started throbbing as he screamed and rolled around in pain.

Then suddenly, a yellow glow from his left arm started to emit as the pain started to dissipate!

After the pain finally disappeared, Van managed to get up and walk towards a tree trunk and sat down while leaning on the trunk.

Then he heard someone call out to him.

Albion/Draig: ''Rejoice human! For you have been chosen to wield the Supr-''

Draig: ''Albion! Get the hell out of my host!''

Albion: ''You must be joking. I am the first one to spot him, thus making him MY host!''

Draig: ''Finding something first is worth crap! I fused with him first, making him MY host!!''

Albion: ''You did NOT! I was the first one to bond with him.''

Draig: ''Oi, kid! Kick this white crap out of your body and together, we will destroy any that oppose us as the Red Dragon Emperor!''

Albion: ''Oh please, host if you would be so kind, do send this red buffoon away so that we can dominate all that exists as the White Dragon Emperor!!''

Draig: ''Who you callin buffoon, white turd!''

Albion: '' I will SKIN you ALIVE!!''


As the two dragons started to get violent with each other, Van quickly tried to cool them off;

'' Oi, Oi! Enough with the whole arch-enemy act. We have a bigger problem at hand.''

Albion: '' What might you mean, host?''

*As the time went on, Van started to tell Albion and Draig about what had happened to them. How they were struck by a fart of lightning, and how the divine energy made them fuse and become a single being, to his wishes and rebirth into a new world and the ways to get stronger in said world.*

Albion: '' I.....I cannot believe it. I am now a single entity with that buffoon...''


Van: '' Oi, Draig. That guy's a god, how do you even plan of killing him?''

Draig: ''Kid, that bastard would not the first god I've slain!''

Van: ''Oh, right. I forgot, you and Albion accidentally killed god while fighting...''

Albion: ''I just checked, and I regret to say that we really became a single entity. There is not a single way for us to be separated...''

Draig: ''NOOOOOOO!! I-''

Van: '' Draig, enough! my head feels like it might explode any second because of your shouts!''

Albion: ''And that is why you should just forget about him and team up with me. I'm the one who saved you when Draig almost went rampant inside you.''

Draig: ''That's because I felt Albion close by, so I was riled up and went mad...''

Albion: ''Still not an excuse. Anyways, Van, for now it is better for you to go home and have some rest. I will check out our soul and get used to your body in the meantime.''

Van: ''Thanks Albion, I feel like I will be needing your power sooner than we think.''

*After taking a small detour, Van managed to reach his home and collapsed to his bed*





On the eighth consecutive day, Nie Li's group of four was hunting Horned Sheep. The sky was dark as it was already midnight. The group of four looked tired and sleepy, especially Lu Piao and Du Ze.

Lu Piao yawned and said while stretching;

"Nie Li, I can't take it anymore. I'm taking a short nap.''

"Nie Li, I also have to sleep." Du Ze said with tired eyes.

Nie Li: "You guys sleep first. We'll pause the hunting tomorrow night. I have other plans"

Van: "What a coincidence, I also have some business to take care of ♪."

Saying this, Van quickly took off, leaving a tired Lu Piao, Du Ze and a thinking Nie Li on his back.

Watching Van go towards the way he wanted to go, Nie Li decided to postpone his visit to Ning'er

for tomorrow.





Van was jumping from branch to branch, scouting for Ning'er. This part of the forest did not have any high-leveled demon spirits, so Van was not worried about hiding his location.

Draig: ''Where are we going, Van?''

Van: '' We are going to find my future woman and help her with her disease.''

Draig: ''I see, well then good luck to you. I'll be sleeping, so have fun with Albion since I'm so much of an annoyance.'' he said the last part with a little spite of annoyance.

Albion: ''We certainly will, Draig.''

Draig then groaned with a slight rage before he went silent, I think that he might still be pissed off about the events from yesterday...

Albion: ''What kind of disease does she have, Van?''

Van: ''Oh, she has a problem with her spirit veins being blocked by a foreign energy, so I will use the daoyi-''

As Van talked about Ning'er's sickness, he finally remembered;

''OH NO!! I forgot to learn the daoyin technique from Nie Li!''

Albion: ''Do not worry Van. During these few days, I have managed to get used to our current form, so from now on you should be able to use my Divine Dividing and divide the disease inside her. But you still need to grow stronger to use it in full potential. Without fully adapting it's powers, you might not be able to throw out unnecessary and unneeded energies from your Divides.''

Van: ''Really!? Thank you so much Albion! Hahaha, even with the incomplete powers of a Dragon Emperor, it feels like there is literally nothing I can't do!''

Albion: ''Of course, Van! With the powers of the WHITE Dragon Emperor, it is natural to feel that way.''

Draig: ''....smartass...''

Albion: ''What was that Draig? I think I heard you admit that I am better than you.''

Draig: ''YOU LI-''

Albion: ''Were you not sleeping, Draig? How come you are awake all of a sudden?''

Draig: '' Th-that's because I also wanted to inform Van that my Boosted Gear is also finally ready to use.''

Van: ''That's great Draig! The timing could not be any better. Now keep your senses open for a wild Ning'er.''

Albion: '' Van, not that I don't enjoy it, but why do we not use my wings to search for this Ning'er? I believe that It would take no time for us to find her.''

Draig: ''For the first time, we finally managed to agree in something.''

Van: ''That is because I do not want to scare her and show her my wings yet. So just grit your teeth and ke-''

Suddenly, Van heard an abnormal sound from the distant jungle. There seems to be someone else here.

"Jackpot! I hope this will work...."

Van then jumped off of the big tree and started walking towards Xiao Ning'er.

Van: ''Hello there, Miss Xiao ~ ♪''

"Who!?" Xiao Ning'er suddenly opens her eyes, and frailly shouted, while retrieving a short dagger from her pocket. She warily looked at Van. Her facial expression was chilling cold as her eyes were alert.

Then Xiao Ning'er managed to spot Van as a surprised look flashes on her face.

Xiao Ning'er placed down her short dagger because she remembered Van from the academy as a fellow student, but her guard was still up.

She then asked;

"What are you doing here?"

"I'm just training inside a forest open for everyone, what about you?"

She did not expect to get such an answer out of him, so she was surprised for a moment before she recovered back to her usual cold self.

"I'm just here to train my soul force," Xiao Ning'er said while still keeping a cold appearance.

A few moment's pass.

"Are you still not leaving?"

Xiao Ning'er wasn't happy by her tone.

Van quickly turned the subject to his reason for coming here;

"When night falls, do both of your legs feel as if they're being burned by fire?"

This question let he slightly stunned, but she soon answers with a question of her own;

"How did you know?" Xiao Ning'er asked with a shocked expression.

*Explains the Disease*

"Van, since you know what illness I have, then you must also know how to treat me right?"

She said while looking at him with a hopeful look.

Van: "The illness is called the Arctic Disease. And it can be treated by the Daoyin technique" he said while waving his hand.

"Daoyin technique?" Xiao Ning'er asked in a curious tone.

Van: "The Daoyin technique is a style of treatment used when a person's spiritual veins are invaded and closed off when a foreign energy enters inside their spiritual veins and affects the pathways and plugs them up. The technique must be used to massage the affected areas.''

Xiao Ning'er: ''What about my Arctic Disease?'' she asked with hope dripping from her eyes.

Van: ''For you to fully recover from your disease, roughly a month of sessions must be made. In the best case scenario, ten days could be enough for you to be fully recovered from your disease.

BUT!! You are extremely lucky because the great me here has a way for you to get better with no side effects, right now!"

Hearing Van say that he can cure her sickness right now shocked Xiao Ning'er to her core as she would be able to continue her cultivation and finally be free to decide for her own! Her eyes started to become a little teary as she asked;

''A-are you really serious Van? I can really be cured?''

Van: ''Yup, I can do the cure right now, and do not worry as there are no dangers in it for you! If you want to, I can start right away. Only, I would like for you to promise me to not tell anybody about my methods.''

Xiao Ning'er quickly agreed as Van nodded and took two steps back, then suddenly a pair of white wings with 8 blue energy feathers materialized from his back, beaming with dominance as the moonlight shines on the majestic figure. Xiao Ning'er was dazed as she stared at the majestic figure before her.

Van: ''Miss Xiao, If you are ready then I will start to cure you.''

Xiao Ning'er quickly nodded her head as the look of surprise and shock did not leave her face.

As Xiao Ning'er nodded her head, Van's wings began to shine with dominance even more, as a calm yet strong voice echoed around the field.




Xiao Ning'er suddenly felt that the pain was gone as she checked her body. Tears of happiness and gratitude covered her cheeks as she looked at Van. But the happy face then turned into worry as Van collapsed down to the ground and clutched his chest as a painful sound came from his mouth.

''Van, are you alright!'' Xiao Ning'er quickly ran towards him as she asked.

Van: ''I am alright Miss Xiao, It's just that the Arctic disease was a little bit more than I could handle..''

To his answer, Xiao Ning'er was confused.

Van: ''Let me explain, what I did just now did not erase your disease. I divided your disease and absorbed it with my special technique.''

Hearing what Van did, Xiao Ning'er was shocked as her heart began to hurt. A boy who she did not even know did something like this for her which made her speechless.

Van then looked up at Xiao Ning'er and said;

''It's okay Miss Xiao, I... will be fine. So you do not hav-Argh... to worry about me. Also, *small gasp* if you don't mind, can I take a look at your -guh-... cultivation technique?"

Seeing him transfer her disease to himself to cure her and the majestic look in his eyes, she feels like she can trust him as she pulls an aged scroll, with a bunch of densely packed words written on it, and hands it over to Van.

Taking the scroll, their hands touched. They quickly pulled their hands back while blushing. Seeing the blush on Van's face, Xiao Ning'er her face heat up, even more, all while having a small smile appear on her lips.

Van acts like he is inspecting the scroll as he makes noises of dissatisfaction from time to time.

Then, he takes out a new scroll which looks new and shiny, this one being the scroll containing the techniques he created for Ning'er.

He then holds it before her saying;

"Miss Xiao, as I suspected. The reason you caught the Arctic disease is because of your imperfect technique. If you would like to have it, I have a technique that would suit you better for cultivation ."

After thanking him again, Xiao Ning'er slowly takes the scroll from his hands and takes a look. Xiao Ning'er is surprised at how easily understandably the technique appears to be now.

Deciding to give the new technique a try, she starts channeling her soul energy, she is surprised to find that her once rampant soul energy becomes stable and start's flowing at a rapid pace, while also keeping its calmness. But she can also notice that the quality of the soul energy compared to before is becoming more clearer and purer.

Looking at the young man before her, she feels a deep admiration, with a hint of something else...

Then she could not help but ask again;

'' Van, are you really sure that you are going to be okay? After all, I know how the disease feels like. Right now you should be feeling a deep pain inside you.'' she said with a caring tone.

Hearing the way she spoke, Van knew that he indeed managed to place his image on her heart!

So he quickly got up, while hinting at a few painful discomforts and some symptoms for the disease.

''Miss Xiao, please do not worry about me. If you are feeling okay and no longer have the disease, then I can easily say that all this pain and throbbing is worth it!'' Van said with a hint of charisma and pride. ''Just make sure to not tell anyone about what happened here today...''

Hearing his words, Xiao Ning'er's heart began to melt it's ice cold coffin and blossom into a beautiful flower called love!

Van, wanting to make an epic exit, quickly opened Albion's wings and turned his back to Xiao Ning'er as the moonlight shone at his silver hair as it was dancing along the midnight breeze. His wings exuding an incredible amount of dominance as Van jumped upwards in an elegant manner and disappeared from sight in just mere seconds. Leaving behind a Xiao Ning'er that is looking at his direction with dreamy eyes.

While heading back towards his house, Van starts to laugh out loud as he continues to converse with the dragons.

I hope you liked it guys!

LordAinzSamacreators' thoughts