
Attack on Konoha Part-5

On the battlefield

One of the Obito's clone was standing in front of top 3 of present Shinobi world.

Obito's clone: We meet again 4th Hokage.

Minato: We will not waste time talking and repeat the same mistake again and fight you seriously so that we can go and help Naruto.

Itachi and Shishui:- Mangekoyou Sharingan.

Obito's clone: So, you are fighting seriously huh.

Obito's clone: then let's do this. 'Mangekoyou Sharingan'(in mind).

and with this, he also activated his Mangekoyou Sharingan


First Minato sprayed his special made Kunai that are marked with Teleportation Jutsu all over the Battleground. Instead of using Tsukuyomi, Itachi stayed behind while Shisui used his body flicker to get close to Obito's clone and used his short-sword to strike at his stomach but it passed through it as his stomach is nothing but air. Obito's clone tried to punch him, but he was not able to do as Minato teleported behind him and used his Kunai and try to stab him in his head, but failed to do so, as it passes right through him. Just be before Minato teleported Itachi threw his kunai at his legs, but it also passed through it as it was not a body in front of him but an illusion of him.

After Shisui and Minato jumped so that they can make some distance between

them and Obito's clone. Just as they this was in the process of happening and Itachi got clear shot at

Obito's clone he used 'Amaterasu'.

Itachi: Amaterasu.

But alas as Obito's clone was on guard it right passed through him. After that Itachi jumped and went towards them. And start talking by keeping their hands on their mouth so that Obito's clone can't read their lips from Sharingan. They were analysing Obito's clone and Obito power.

Shisui: I think that he can make parts of his body intangible and that can be either two or three maximum in equal proportion as these type of Jutsu are must more inclined to stability.

Minato: I think it three one part his head and hands and at least 2/3rd of upper ribs, the second part is from here till the start of the leg and last part is his legs as when Shisui hit him he tied to punch him but it passes Shishui as I stab him with the kunai so his hand are sure connected to his 'upper region of tangibility'.

Itachi: 'Upper region of tangibility' he made another new term.

He thought. After this he said

Itachi: Not only that he can be intangible at will. He does not get intangible when a force is applied to as when I used Amaterasu it passed right through him. As Force is not applied on the person the Jutsu is cast until he or she gets in contact with flames. so, we have to do something to land a direct hit and to do that we have to strike when he is vulnerable or we have to strike a successive blow but he was able to doge that already so, we have to use the first option we will use Genjutsu, but before that, we will use fight him to keep him distracted.

Both Minato and Shushui were looking at him.

Shishu:- You sometimes get really into fighting.

Minato- let's go then.

They lep forward Shishui use his sword and try to hit him, but he was able to dodge them all. He push Shisui. Right at that movement, Minato came and he started fighting him just when as he passed through it Itachi used 'Fire Style: Great Fireball Jutsu' and Obito's clone jumped so that he can dodge it but he was welcomed by 'Fire Style: Phoenix Flower Jutsu' but alas he also let pass through him.

Both Shishui and Minato use taijutsu and Itachi ninjutsu to fight him

Obito's clone:'I need to end this faster If only there were two of them might be able to handle them in this form but they are adapting to my fighting style. if any of them escapes it will make the mission difficult I need to end this.'

He made some hand seals and

Obito's clone: Summoning Jutsu.

Somewhere, At the same time.

???-1: Damn this guy is though.

???-2: Don't worry my art is an explosion it will blow his mind

???-1: Can someone shut his mind.

???-3: You are just nooby in front of me, you can't beat me so, just step away and get beaten by me...

He was rotating a blade that was in the neck. The blade had a hole in his between the edge and the backbone [basically at another end of the handle] that he was using to rotate it but next second the blade was gone with a puff it was gone.

???-1: My blade what did you do with it.

???-3: '???'

At X-Kohona grounds after Obito's clone used Summoning Jutsu he got the sword that is from as seven swords of mist group known as executioners blade.

Obito's clone: Now let's begin round 2.

Obito's clone then ran towards Itachi and use executioners blade to hack Itach at his left shoulder, but as he dodges the first Obito's clone twisted his body to attack at his right side with even greater force. Shisui used his flicker technique and blocks the attack with his short sword. As attack was heavy he was pushed back. Minato tried to use this chance to attack him from behind as a surprised attack but missed it as he can't teleportation be used he was using his speed (some say it and I also believe that Minato uses swift release but I was not able confirmed.) but Obito's clone used the blade's flat side to block it and pushed him back then kicked him. Due to this the distance between Minato and Shisui who was with Itachi increased and hence he tossed the executioners blade toward them. As they saw the blade coming both of them jumped but in the opposite direction. Obito's clone wanted to divide them but, before he can take some action Minato realises it and ran towards them.

Minato:(in mind)'He was trying to separate us damn we fell for it.'

Due this Minato started first but Obito's clone got first towards and the blade flew towards Shisui and Minato was on his left at this point Obito's clone was drawing his blade towards the time slowed down and at this time Itachi tried to do something.

Itachi- 'This is the right time' (in mind)

He looks into the eyes of the clone.

Itachi- Tsukuyomi.

And then Shisui kicks Obito's clone in the stomach and he gets pushed few steps away.

Minato- Itachi well done.

Shisui look towards him and smiles. but suddenly instead of Obito's clone, Itachi fell down. Seeing this Shisui frowns in displeaser.

Shisui- Itachi's Genjustu was broken only that can be the reason for the backlash. If this does not work then I will use mine.

Itachi- Shisui ...wait... don't...(pain in mind).....Gen...

Before he could speak Shisui had done the deal. He used his most strongest Jutsu in his arsenal and also one of the most strongest Genjutsu in the Shinobi world.


Obito- I was waiting for it

He whispered.


He tried to shout with all his angry but due to backlash he was weakened, but that was enough to reach the ears of Minato he jumped back and landed near Itachi but next a shocking thing happened Minato Slashed Itachi and he feels down he saw from the corner of his eyes as he was on the ground the blood flowing through its wounds that shisui has suffered the same backlash and he feels on the ground on his knees and then Obito's clone slashed him. Both Shisui and the blade get stuck on the rock. His body was almost butchered in half and blood was flowing more rapidly likely dead.

Itachi:- I see

He said in low voice.

Then Obito's clone landed near him and said.

Obito's clone:- Now I need the nine-tails don't worry everything will be all right.

Minato put his right hand on his stomach above his navel and twisted it. The seal started breaking down.

On the hill the other clone that was watching all this stand up and teleports to the Akatsuki base that held Geto Maso.

At Konoha grounds just as nine tails get out Obito put him under Genjutsu.

Nine-tails:- YOuuuuu again

and then at base, he summon him. He turned towards team B and Kisame.

Obito:- Put him in Geto Maso. I need to watch this.

And then he went to his original spot.

At Naruto side when Nine-Tail was being extracted. He was engaged in a heated battle with pain but, he was distracted by the chakra if nine tails.

Naruto- This chakra it's of nine-tail that is coming from there.

Tobi- Wait a second. You are here then how come the chakra is coming from there. Are you sure you are jinchuriki of the Nine-Tail's not an imposter?

Naruto- I am Jinchuriki of Nine-Tail's

Tobi-Mr pain maybe we got the wrong target.


Pain- Getting distracted from the fight.

One of the front said.

???- Naruto don't get distracted OK!

They sensed someone coming from there right side and Pain jumped back just to be safe. When they saw him they knew that he was a member of the team B.

???-Sir we suffered two casualties one of us is injured, but we were able to complete our mission.

Naruto- What mission? What are you talking about?

Pain- Mission to kill Jiraya-sensei?

Naruto's face suddenly turned pale but, his expression changed suddenly when he realised something.

Naruto- 'Jiraya sensei' You called him Jiraya sensei?

Pain- Yes, he is the one who taught us and in that cause I am your senior, 'Junior'.

He impasse the world Junior.

Naruto- I don't want a Senior like you. Who in the right mind kills his own sensei?

Tobi- I know! I know! He does! He does!

Came a voice from back. After hearing it Pain frowns in displacer and anger.

Tobi- I meant to say that you are in the right mind. Just that I want to say. He-hee.

Pain then ignores him.

Tobi- Naruto Actually I have good news for you and that is there Jiraya died from injuries is one thing hee hee but your Dad died because of getting tail beast exacted is another thing. Isn't it good news?

Naruto faces pales even more.

Naruto- Youuuuuuu.

Tobi- Haahaaaa your face just like your name looks like a fish roll just like your name naruto.

Tobi- What angry? What you gonna do? What you gonna do?

Tobi moves and makes his back face towards naruto and bends a little. He then uses his hand to pant his ass and turned his face towards him and like he is showing his tonged voice came from his mask and while doing this he said.

Tobi- Come hit me if had guts. Come hit me. Come hit me. Hahaa I know you can't.

Like this, He teased Naruto and his anger reached a new level.


Naruto means fish cake roll in cup noodles or Japanese ramen, it is also the favourite food of Naruto and Masashi Kishimoto.
