
Rebirth as a Time Dragon: A DND Chronicle

The endless, cold, hard ice fields of the far north. Winter wolves stalk, frost tigers hiss and giants roar. ......... Many creatures brave the snowy skies to fight for survival. At the same time, a white dragon hatchling with the power of time breaks out of its shell and... ----------------------- It's 1 chapter per day at 1 p.m. (Arizona) in every novel I upload. 3 daily chapters in each novel on patreon! p@treon.com/INNIT ----------------------- DISCLAIMER The story belongs entirely to the original author.

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Chapter 232: The Love Story Between a Dragon and a Human

In the Lava Half-Plane.

In a world composed of endless flames and scorched earth, elemental energies suddenly surged violently.

Above a range of undulating volcanic mountains, a massive spatial teleportation gate slowly opened from within the thick smoke and ashes of the grey clouds.


The silver dragon flapped its wings, creating a whirlwind that pushed aside the surrounding smoke and ashes, revealing its colossal dragon form in an area unobscured by volcanic ash.

Garon looked around.

After observing for about fifteen seconds, he shook his head slightly.

"Not here."

The scene he saw in his foresight of the future showed the fleet of magic ships appearing in an area with high mountainous terrain. However, since Garon wasn't as familiar with the Lava Half-Plane as he was with the Far Northern Ice Field and didn't know all the geographical features, he couldn't recognize the exact location shown in the vision.

His current visit to the Lava Half-Plane.

His main purpose was to determine the location where the invaders would appear.

This location might not necessarily be the true target of the invaders.

Because with planar teleportation, whether ordinary teleportation gates or phase gates, the selection of anchor points is not 100% stable. A slight deviation when crossing the planar barrier can change the location where the gate opens.

Garon's own gate had an error margin of about ten kilometers around the anchor point.

However, this error margin gradually decreases with increasing proficiency in planar teleportation.


A loud and deep dragon's roar, akin to rolling flames, echoed.

A red dragon flapped its wings and flew out from the mouth of a volcano. Its huge body tore through the volcanic smoke, quickly approaching Garon.

This was the Fierce Flame Mountain Range.

When Garon arrived here, he didn't conceal his draconic aura, which was sensed by Roel, the red dragon. Roel swiftly appeared to welcome Garon. As a red dragon, proud in nature and devoted to power, he greatly respected powerful members of his species.

"Red dragon Roel greets you and welcomes your arrival," Roel said, slightly bowing his head, maintaining a level slightly lower than Garon in the air.

"Where is Gresha?"

Garon asked.

He hadn't detected Gresha's draconic aura.

"Gresha is out patrolling her territory and is not currently in the Fierce Flame Mountain Range."

"But she will return soon."

Garon nodded slightly, speaking solemnly, "Roel, I have a task for you and Gresha."

"When she returns, inform her."

The Lava Half-Plane is neither too large nor too small.

Flying over every inch of its land would take a substantial amount of time, as the scenery is highly repetitive and monotonous. After defeating two elemental giants, Garon hadn't mapped the terrain of the Lava Half-Plane in his mind.

Roel and Gresha had spent quite some time here.

Their knowledge of various places in the Lava Half-Plane now actually surpassed Garon's.

Hearing Garon's words, Roel's expression turned serious, "Whatever the task, I, Roel of the red dragons, promise to do my best to complete it."

Then, Garon used magic to sketch the scene he saw in his foresight.

"This is somewhere in the Lava Half-Plane. Your task with Gresha is to find this place and then inform me. Also, do not act recklessly."

Garon wasn't sure if his actions would affect the future.

Even the slightest change might cause the future magic ship fleet's gate to open elsewhere, so he tried not to actively influence it for now.

"I understand. Rest assured."

"A week at most, Gresha and I will confirm this location," Roel said, memorizing the magic image and nodding earnestly.

"I'll be waiting for your news."

Garon nodded.

After delegating the task to the red dragon, he didn't linger in the Lava Half-Plane but quickly returned to the Noah Continent.

"You're going to Dragon Island again?" Yuna asked curiously, blinking her pale purple eyes.

"Didn't you just visit recently? Is there something fun happening on Dragon Island?"

Garon shook his head, "I have serious business on Dragon Island. I may need to ask some of the legendary true dragons to leave the island."

"Hmm? What happened?"

Yuna's gaze shifted, looking up at Garon.

Garon thought for a moment and briefly explained the situation of his foresight to Yuna.

"So, to be safe, I need to visit Dragon Island again."

"You also don't want to always trouble the ancient power dragon elder, right?"

Yuna shook her head, "For those unrelated to the gods, we can handle it ourselves."

The ancient power dragon that had previously appeared was now off who knows where with Golden Garon. In such a situation, Garon and Yuna felt it best not to bother them.

"Do you want to come with me to Metal Dragon Island? The scenery there is quite nice."

Upon hearing Garon's invitation, Yuna's response was as usual, "Too many dragons. I don't like being watched by so many dragons. They're too enthusiastic, and I can't breathe dragon fire at them."

Unable to breathe dragon fire...

Garon glanced at Yuna, whose size matched his.

The metal dragons of Dragon Island probably couldn't withstand the breath of a power dragon. Even Nehemiah, advancing to an ancient dragon, would likely not endure, let alone other metal dragons.

For the safety of the metal dragons, Garon didn't invite Yuna again.

He directly used spatial teleportation, setting the location to Metal Dragon Island.

Having been to Metal Dragon Island once, Garon remembered its location, making direct teleportation much simpler.

The space gate slowly opened, revealing the turbulent sea and the massive island standing in the boundless sea area.

The silver dragon moved, passing through the space gate, instantly arriving at Metal Dragon Island from the Far Northern Ice Field.

The arrays around Metal Dragon Island blocked spatial teleportation, so his gate opened in the sea area outside the island.

Under the dim moonlight, the icy cold air of snow turned into the salty sea breeze mixed with a hint of fishy smell.

Garon flapped his wings.

A streak of silver light tore through the night, heading straight for Metal Dragon Island.

On a golden sandy beach, under the sounds of the tide, the ancient gold dragon Rokved was telling a few young gold dragons about his adventures on the continent in his youth. His stories mainly involved punishing evil, aiding the weak, fighting wickedness, or disguising as a human to save friends at crucial moments.

They included classic episodes of the heroic dragon saving the damsel and defeating evil creatures.

Rokved spoke with gusto, clearly enjoying reminiscing.

The young gold dragons listened intently, captivated by the heroic deeds described by Rokved.

Gold dragons loved to disguise themselves as weak and ordinary beings, revealing their true form when evil creatures thought they were about to succeed, enjoying the shock and fear in their faces under the righteous golden light.

In short, gold dragons liked to play the role of the tiger pretending to be a pig.

They never tired of this, even enforcing laws through such deceptions.

Rokved was telling a story about how he saved a charming noble lady from an evil duke, using his frail human form to outwit him.

"You can't imagine the look on that poor human duke's face when he had surrounded me and Lady Sally, about to deliver his triumphant victory speech to his subordinates, only to find out I was a gold dragon."

"Oh, my mood becomes so delighted every time I think of that day."

The forty-plus-meter-long ancient gold dragon squinted, his golden whiskers swaying in the wind, and his long tail swishing, clearly in a good mood.

"So, Grandfather Rokved, what happened between you and Lady Sally in the end?"

"When I'm nearly an adult, I want to find a noble lady, have a love story worth singing about, and maybe even start a dragonborn family," a young gold dragon said with a grin.

Rokved looked at the young gold dragon with an approving gaze, as if to say, 'Good lad, you have a bright future.'

"I spent the best thirty years of her life with Lady Sally, but sadly, she died of illness."

"I often visit her country to reminisce about our beautiful relationship."

"But after a few hundred years, Lady Sally's country also vanished in time."

Rokved said sentimentally, "Children, humans don't have as long a lifespan as we true dragons. Their lives are but a few short decades. It's better to treat them as cute and interesting pets rather than investing real feelings in them as lovers."

Dragons are all proud by nature, whether good or evil, and they don't allow themselves to be inferior to ordinary creatures.

However, there were Dragon Knights in the history of the Noah Continent.

Given the nature of true dragons, it wasn't because they were bound by contracts or cursed to become mounts.

Some dragon psychology researchers believe that the emergence of Dragon Knights was mainly because dragons treated the so-called knights as their pets. It's like a human placing their beloved cat on their shoulder or head.

After one story ended, the young gold dragons wanted to hear more.

Rokved was also in the mood, so after clearing his throat, he began speaking again.

"Children, next, I'll tell you how I defeated the Heart-Stealing Demon."

But before he could continue, Rokved paused, lifting his head to gaze at the northern sky of Dragon Island.

Under the black velvet-like night, a silver dragon approached from afar, gradually becoming more solid and clear.

"Grandfather Rokved? Continue the story."

A young gold dragon reached out its claw, tugging at Rokved's long whiskers.

"More stories for you little ones tomorrow. Now, go to sleep."

Rokved spoke with an undeniable tone.


The young gold dragons sullenly waved their little wings and one by one returned to their dragon nests.

Soon, Garon, following Rokved's aura, landed on this beach of Metal Dragon Island.

The grains of sand, like golden particles, shimmered faintly under the dim moonlight. The surrounding seawater ebbed and flowed, making a rustling sound.

"Elder Rokved, I'm visiting Metal Dragon Island again. I hope you don't mind."

Garon smiled at the ancient gold dragon on the beach.

"Why would I mind? If you like Metal Dragon Island, why not just settle down here and avoid the hassle of traveling back and forth?"

Rokved smiled warmly.

Garon, sensing the mixed auras of legendary dragons in the air, skipped the formalities with Rokved, getting straight to the point, "Elder, a few years ago, I acquired a half-plane."

"Many creatures there have become my vassals, living under my protection. The vast land is also my territory."

Hearing Garon's words, Rokved was slightly taken aback.

"A half-plane?"

He looked at Garon and smiled, "You are indeed a lucky dragon."

"Owning a half-plane is a dream of many dragons on Metal Dragon Island."

"Since you mentioned a half-plane, I assume something happened there."

Hearing this, Garon continued, "Yes, recently, I discovered other forces eyeing my territory, seemingly with evil plans to invade the true dragon's domain."

Rokved's expression darkened upon hearing this.

"What audacity!"

"Coveting our dragon race's territory and treasures? Quite bold."

Pausing, Rokved said earnestly, "Rest assured, Metal Dragon Island will always be your support. The metal dragons here, bored after fighting the avatar of the Desert God, are eager for action. If you need help, don't hesitate to tell me."

Garon making a special trip to the island was certainly not just to inform Rokved of this news.

Knowing that Garon probably came seeking reinforcements, Rokved directly offered assistance.

Garon nodded and smiled, "The Metal Dragon God said all dragons are one family. I won't be polite."

"If the island's legendary elders happen to be free, I hope they can join me in the half-plane for a while, so I can fulfill my duties as a host."

"Of course, if the elders are willing to lend a hand when the enemy arrives, I won't be stingy with the corresponding reward."

Dragons dislike bothering others.

Rokved's eager response was mainly because of the Metal Dragon God's favor towards Garon.

But since Garon had recently given him many legendary spellbooks, letting Metal Dragon Island help for free seemed inappropriate.

Thus, although Rokved didn't say it, Garon proactively offered compensation.

The ancient gold dragon stroked his golden whiskers, smiling, "We're all dragons and know our nature. Since there's a reward, the old folks on the island will surely be willing to go."

After finishing his words, Rokved twisted his neck, "Garon, I've been on Dragon Island for quite a while and want to go out for a change."

"Is your half-plane welcoming to me?"

Garon replied directly, "It's a half-plane of fire and earth elements. You'll definitely like it once you're there."

Gold dragons, like red dragons, are fire-aligned. Although not as obsessed with volcanic and lava environments as red dragons, a fire-element-rich place like the Lava Half-Plane would certainly make gold dragons feel comfortable.

Next, Garon and Rokved chatted for a while.

Perhaps because of their long lives, dragons like telling stories. Rokved, engrossed in conversation, began sharing his youthful experiences.

Garon didn't mind, listening with interest.

After some time, Rokved gathered the legendary true dragons of Metal Dragon Island and informed them of Garon's situation.

Having participated in the battle against the avatar of the Desert God, these dragons recognized Garon and took his matter seriously, especially upon hearing there was a reward for helping in the Lava Half-Plane. Their enthusiasm soared.

In the eyes of the metal dragons, Garon was undoubtedly on their side.

Thus, forces eyeing Garon's territory with ill intent became evil in their view.

Whether fighting evil or gaining treasures, both were pursuits the metal dragons enjoyed.

Therefore, they were eager to go to the Lava Half-Plane, with many volunteering to participate.

These legendary dragons numbered around thirty, including all types of metal dragons, but mostly gold and silver dragons. Moreover, these dragons were generally older, possessing powerful physiques and considerable magical prowess.

Dragons, as top-tier magical beings, are generally much stronger than other races' legends.

"Whether it's just one wave of magic ships or more to come, they're probably biting off more than they can chew."

The combined force of Metal Dragon Island's legendary dragons could almost flatten the Noah Continent if they wished. Garon didn't believe a magic empire's fleet could match these true dragons.

"I don't have a way to seal the plane yet."

"And the enemy probably already knows the coordinates of the Lava Half-Plane."

"To permanently resolve this unknown magic empire's trouble, maybe..."

Thinking this and looking at the eager group of legendary dragons around him, a broad smile spread across Garon's dragon face.

"Maybe I should follow their magic fleet to see which prime material world and magic empire they belong to."

Garon's eyes narrowed, and sharp light flickered in his platinum dragon pupils.

"I'm taking a day off for the May Day holiday…"


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