

"From now on, you can stay in this room and live the rest of your life here for all I care," were the words that condemned Li Na to a lifetime of isolation and despair at the hands of her own family. Betrayed by her sister, Li Jing, who injected her with a lethal dose of poison, Li Na's world faded into darkness, filled with a deep sense of sadness and betrayal. But fate had a different plan for Li Na. Instead of the expected descent into the afterlife, she found herself transported to a new existence, her younger self staring back at her from the mirror. Overwhelmed by this inexplicable rebirth, tears welled in her eyes as she made a solemn vow to herself: to seek justice and make her family pay for the pain they had inflicted upon her. As Li Na battles with the struggles of her past, a new surprise awaits. … With their faces just an inch apart, he softly asked her, "Do you trust me?" tracing her lips with one finger, lightly.  With a quivering smile, she nodded and whispered, "Yes, I trust you." To her Tang Zheng was the light sent by the heavens to shed her tears away. As Li Na embraces this new chapter of her life, a veil of mystery envelopes her path. The shadows whisper, and destiny's secrets slowly unveil, shaping Li Na's fate in ways she never imagined. Note: Daily Updates

g_d · Fantasy
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396 Chs


Li Na sat down at her desk, feeling frustrated about the rumours circulating around school.

As the tension in the classroom mounted, the door suddenly swung open and in walked the math teacher, Mrs. Huo. She looked around the room, taking note of the charged atmosphere.

"Alright, settle down everyone. It's time to hand out your test papers," Mrs. Huo said firmly.

The teacher cleared her throat and started speaking, "I must say, this test was challenging for most of you. However, there are always students who manage to excel despite the difficulty level. And I am pleased to announce that we have three top scorers in the class."

The students started murmuring among themselves, trying to guess who those top scorers were. Li Na kept quiet and just looked ahead, waiting to hear the names.

The teacher continued, "The third highest score in the class goes to Liu Yan, with a score of 75. The second highest score goes to Wu Chen, with a score of 80."

The students clapped for Liu Yan and Wu Chen, and Li Na joined in.

"And the highest score in the class goes to..." the teacher paused for effect, "Li Na!"

The students gasped in surprise, and Li Na's eyes widened in shock. She couldn't believe that she had scored the highest in the class. Despite not having studied since her rebirth, she was proud of her performance.

The teacher smiled at Li Na and handed her the test paper, "Congratulations, Li Na. You managed to score an impressive 85 on the test."

Li Na took the paper and looked at her score in disbelief. She couldn't help but grin with pride.

Xiao Mei, however, wasn't too thrilled about Li Na's success. "I bet she cheated," she whispered to her friend, earning a glare from Li Na.

Suddenly, Xiao Mei said sarcastically, "Wow, Li Na. You must have really hooked up with that sugar daddy to get such a good score."

Li Na rolled her eyes and said with a smirk, "Oh Xiao Mei, you're so stupid. What does an outsider have to do with me passing in class. Anyways, I didn't know you were into that kind of thing. Don't worry, I won't judge you for it." The students in the class snickered as Xiao Mei's face turned red with embarrassment.

Li Na continued, "But seriously, maybe you should focus more on studying and less on spreading rumors. It might actually help your grades."

Xiao Mei glared at Li Na but didn't say anything else as the teacher began distributing the test papers to the remaining students. Li Na sat back in her chair, a smug grin on her face.

As Xiao Mei was trying to come up with a response to Li Na's comment, a voice spoke up from the back of the class.

"Hey, Xiao Mei, why don't you just mind your own business and let Li Na celebrate her good grade?" The voice belonged to a new student, who had just transferred to the school a few weeks ago. Her name was Ning Yu, and she had quickly become popular among her classmates for her easy-going personality.

Xiao Mei turned to face Ning Yu, her face twisted in anger. "Who asked you to butt in, Ning Yu? Mind your own business!"

Ning Yu shrugged, her trademark grin spreading across her face. "I'm just saying, it's not cool to spread rumours about people. You don't know what Li Na did to get that grade, and frankly, it's none of your business."

Li Na felt a surge of gratitude towards Ning Yu for standing up for her. She had always felt like an outsider at school, and it was rare for someone to come to her defense. She turned to face her.

"Thanks, Ning Yu. I appreciate it."

Ning Yu flashed her a quick smile. "No problem. I hate seeing people get picked on for no reason. It's just not right."

After the class was over, the teacher called Li Na to her office, concerned about the rumours circulating in the school. Li Na entered the office with a confident stride, she was going to clear her name.

The teacher asked, "Li Na, I've been hearing some rumours about you and a supposed sugar daddy. Can you can tell me what's going on?"

Li Na's face turned serious as she replied, "Teacher, those are just baseless rumours. I know who's behind them and I have evidence to prove my innocence."

The teacher raised an eyebrow in surprise. "Evidence?"

The day the incident occurred Li Na heard Xiao Mei calling out to her, she instantly took out her phone and began recording

Li Na pulled out her phone and showed the video to the teacher. In the video, Xiao Mei and her friends could be seen dragging Li Na to the alley. The voice of a man yelling at Xiao Mei to let her go could also be heard.

Li Na explained, "I was on my way home when Xiao Mei and her friends came up to me They forced me into the alley and tried to attack me.

The teacher watched the video carefully, nodding her head in understanding. "I see. Thank you for showing me this, Li Na. I'll make sure to investigate this further and take appropriate action."

Li Na let out a sigh of relief. "Thank you, teacher. I just want to clear my name."

The teacher smiled reassuringly at her. "I understand. Don't worry, I'll handle this. You can go back to your class now."

As Li Na walked out of the teacher's office, she couldn't help but feel relived. Finally, someone had listened to her side of the story and understood that she was Innocent. This has never happened in her past life this rumor hunted her, it was a stain on her career

As she walked down the hallway, she noticed Ning Yu leaning against the wall like a gangster, which she found amusing.

As Li Na approached Ning Yu, she noticed the lollipop in her mouth and couldn't help but chuckle. "Nice lollipop, where'd you get it from?" Li Na said, smiling.

Ning Yu grinned, "Thanks, it's my secret stash."

Li Na laughed, "Well, it's good to have a secret stash. I'm Li Na, by the way. Nice to meet you."

Ning Yu pulled the lollipop out of her mouth, "I'm Ning Yu. Nice to meet you too."

Li Na couldn't help but admire Ning Yu's confident and carefree attitude. "So, what brings you out here?"

Ning Yu shrugged, "Just needed a break from the classroom, you know? School can be so boring sometimes." She continued "I couldn't help but notice the drama that just went down with you and Xiao Mei. You handled it like a boss."

Li Na grinned, "Thanks. I try my best. I guess I just don't have time for petty drama anymore."

Ning Yu nodded in agreement, "I hear you. So, you want to be friends? I have a feeling we're going to get along great."

Li Na smiled and said, "I would love that. Let's be friends."

And just like that, Li Na and Ning Yu became friends.

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