

"From now on, you can stay in this room and live the rest of your life here for all I care," were the words that condemned Li Na to a lifetime of isolation and despair at the hands of her own family. Betrayed by her sister, Li Jing, who injected her with a lethal dose of poison, Li Na's world faded into darkness, filled with a deep sense of sadness and betrayal. But fate had a different plan for Li Na. Instead of the expected descent into the afterlife, she found herself transported to a new existence, her younger self staring back at her from the mirror. Overwhelmed by this inexplicable rebirth, tears welled in her eyes as she made a solemn vow to herself: to seek justice and make her family pay for the pain they had inflicted upon her. As Li Na battles with the struggles of her past, a new surprise awaits. … With their faces just an inch apart, he softly asked her, "Do you trust me?" tracing her lips with one finger, lightly.  With a quivering smile, she nodded and whispered, "Yes, I trust you." To her Tang Zheng was the light sent by the heavens to shed her tears away. As Li Na embraces this new chapter of her life, a veil of mystery envelopes her path. The shadows whisper, and destiny's secrets slowly unveil, shaping Li Na's fate in ways she never imagined. Note: Daily Updates

g_d · Fantasy
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396 Chs


Li Na laughed and playfully nudged Ning Yu's arm. "Come on, let's go back to class before we get into more trouble," she said with a smile

Ning Yu giggled and nodded her head, thinking Li Na's words made sense.

As they walked back to class together, Li Na asked, "So, do you like it here at our school?"

Ning Yu shrugged. "It's okay, I guess. I just transferred here, so I don't really know yet."

Li Na nodded in understanding. "Well, you've got me now," she said with a grin. "And I promise I'll make sure you don't get into too much trouble."

Ning Yu laughed and said, "I think I'm going to like it here with you as my friend."

Li Na felt a warm feeling in her chest at the thought of having a new friend. It felt nice to have someone to talk to. Li Na had felt betrayed in the past and found it difficult to trust anyone, but with Ning Yu it was different.

Li Na and Ning Yu walked into their next class and took their seats in different areas of the classroom. Li Na was sitting next to a quiet girl who kept to herself, while Ning Yu was seated with a group of chatty girls.

As the class began, the teacher handed out the worksheets for the day's lesson. Li Na quickly got to work.

Ning Yu, on the other hand, was not interested in the class at all. She was busy doodling in her notebook and passing notes to her friends. Li Na couldn't help but chuckle at her new friend's antics.

After class, Li Na and Ning Yu met up, they decided to eat together and went to the school cafeteria.

As Li Na walked into the cafeteria, a prickling sensation crept up her spine, causing her to turn around. She saw Xiao Mei and her gang, glaring at her. "Looks like trouble's brewing," Ning Yu remarked, noticing Li Na's expression.

Li Na nodded and replied, "I can feel their eyes on me. I just hope they don't try to start anything."

Ning Yu smirked and said, "Don't worry, I'll have your back. Plus, I'm starving, so let's grab some food."

They headed to the food line, but Li Na could still feel the stares from Xiao Mei's group. As they were paying for their food, someone bumped into Li Na, causing her to spill her drink on herself. She turned around to see Xiao Mei grinning at her, holding a tray of food.

"What's wrong, Li Na? Did you spill your drink? Maybe you should watch where you're going," Xiao Mei taunted, her gang snickering behind her.

"What's your problem?" Li Na demanded.

Xiao Mei smirked. "Oh, nothing. Just wanted to say hi."

Li Na could feel her anger rising. "You Idiot, watch were your going before I knock you out. Don't think I don't know what you did to me."

Xiao Mei's expression changed to one of mockery. "Oh, right. I forgot about that little incident in the alley. It's too bad nothing came of it."

Xiao Mei replied, twirling her hair around her finger. "You know because my family is rich and powerful, and yours is not. That's just the way the world works, sweetie."

"What are you talking about?" Li Na asked, confused.

Ning Yu spoke up. "She means that the head teacher didn't do anything about it because her family is richer than yours."

Li Na said. "You may have the money, but you don't have the brains to back it up."

Xiao Mei's face turned red with anger, "What did you just say?"

"You heard me," Li Na said with a smirk

Suddenly, she grabbed her drink and threw it at Li Na. Li Na dodged, but the drink hit her arm and spilled all over her shirt.

Li Na's anger boiled over. She grabbed her own half spilled drink and threw it back at Xiao Mei. It hit her square in the face, drenching her in sugary liquid.

The cafeteria erupted in chaos as students watched the two girls exchange drinks and insults. Eventually, the school staff stepped in to break up the fight.

"This isn't over," Xiao Mei spat. "You're dead, Li Na."

"We'll see about that," Li Na replied, wiping the drink from her arm.

Eventually, they were separated and sent to the head teacher's office.

In the office the head teacher looked sternly at the group of students sitting in front of his desk. Li Na and Ning Yu were sitting on one side, while Xiao Mei and her friends were on the other.

"What happened here?" The head teacher asked, his eyes darting from one student to the other.

Xiao Mei was the first to speak up, "Li Na started it! She threw her drink at me!"

"No, I didn't!" Li Na protested, "She insulted me, and then she threw her drink at me first!"

Ning Yu, who had been quiet until now, spoke up in support of Li Na, "I was there, and I saw everything. Xiao Mei and her friends were bullying Li Na and she had to defend herself."

The head teacher listened carefully to their stories, and then sighed deeply. "This is not the first time I've had to deal with a bullying incident in this school. I had hoped that we could create a safe and peaceful learning environment, but it seems like some students just can't help but cause trouble."

As the head teacher began to speak about the seriousness of bullying, Li Na raised her hand to interject. "Excuse me, sir," she said firmly. "I was bullied by Xiao Mei, and when I reported it, nothing was done about it."

The head teacher stumbled over his words, clearly caught off guard by Li Na's interruption. "Well, I, uh, I assure you that we take all cases of bullying very seriously," he stammered.

Ning Yu stepped in to support her friend. "But you didn't take Li Na's case seriously, did you?" she said, folding her arms across her chest.

Xiao Mei and her friends looked uncomfortable, shifting in their seats and avoiding eye contact.

The head teacher sighed deeply and shook his head. "Li Na, I understand that you're upset about what happened, but I think it's time to let it go. After all, it was just a simple fight among friends. Xiao Mei has already apologized, and I think it would be best if you could forgive her and move on."

Li Na's face turned red with anger. "Simple fight? Among friends? Do you even know what happened?" she exclaimed. "Xiao Mei and her friends have been bullying me for months, and now you're telling me to forgive her just like that? I won't stand for it!"

"Also, she also never apologized for anything," Li Na added.

The head teacher looked taken aback. "Bullying you for months? I had no idea...but still, violence is never the answer." He questioned lying through his teeth

Ning Yu stepped in. "But sir, Li Na had to defend herself. Xiao Mei provoked her and started the fight."

The head teacher sighed again. "I understand that, but I still can't condone fighting. We need to find a way to resolve this peacefully."

Li Na interjected, "You can't just condone bullying, but then turn around and punish those who fight back. It's not fair.

Li Na stood up from her seat and faced the head teacher with a stern look on her face. "I've had enough of this unfair treatment," she said. "I can't just sit here and let you brush my case under the rug. Bullying is wrong, and so is fighting, but I won't let you condone one while punishing the other."

The head teacher looked at her with a mix of annoyance and surprise. "Li Na, I understand your frustration, but we have policies in place to deal with these kinds of incidents," he said. "I'm sure we can come to a resolution that satisfies everyone involved."

Li Na scoffed. "Policies that only apply to some students, apparently," she retorted. "Xiao Mei gets away with bullying me just because her family has more money than mine? That's not fair, and it's not right."

The head teacher sighed. "I understand where you're coming from, Li Na," he said. "But we can't just let the students take matters into their own hands. Violence is never the answer."

Li Na stood her ground. "I'm not advocating for violence, sir," she said. "But I won't stand by and let someone bully me without consequence. And if you're not willing to give me a fair trial, then I'll take it to the court of public opinion."

The head teacher frowned. "What do you mean?"

"I mean that I've recorded the incident just now," Li Na said, holding up her phone. "I guess if the school decides against a fair trial, I'd be happy to post this on the internet for netizens to see how the school treats students who are victims of bullying."

The head teacher looked visibly uncomfortable. "Li Na, let's not be hasty," he said. "We can work something out."

Li Na crossed her arms. "I'm listening," she said, a confident look in her eyes.