
Rebirth:I become the murderer who has killed 40 persons

Alex suddenly discovers that his surroundings gets extremely strange after he woke up this morning and he realizes that he has an amazing experience of time-and space travel. There is only a diary beside him and he thinks that maybe this diary would answer his current confusion. However, when he opens that diary, he finds that the contents of that diary are extremely crazy and it is clearly a record of crimes, including at least 40 cases. And It's 90% sure that original owner is that murder, which makes Alex totally shocked. Just when Alex is about to read carefully and figure it out , the piercing siren downstairs wakes him up. Do the cops come here to catch him? will he surrender himself? Did the original owner really disappear? Or should he at least try to survive? What he should do exactly then?... Thousands of memories have come to Alex's mind...

susanlu · Horror
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68 Chs

Chapter 61 Why did the father torture the original owner??

After returning home, them have a meal together under the warm hospitality of his mother. Animal World is still playing on TV, and Alex eats and watches it while his parents are circling around Sofia.

Alex gets his mother's meaning that she is willing to match them up. Alex does not refute it directly, since one or two sentences could not explain it clearly right now. Anyway, he would find his mother to explain the reason alone later.

After dinner, Alex sits for a while and then plans to leave. His father suddenly asks Sofia to stay, and his mother is very happy to hear this and also asks Alex to stay with her, but Alex refuses since he really feels very uncomfortable to spend time with his father.

His mother pulls him aside and complains in a low voice,

"You let a girl stay here alone, and you go back by yourself. Isn't it embarrassing?"

Alex sighs and takes this opportunity to explain to his mother that Sofia comes here just to see a doctor, and then his mother gives up helpless.

Back to his Apartment, there is no change here in a few days. It is still the same as before and everyone is in a hurry.

Lying on the bed, thinking of the fact that Tom was dead, Alex could finally feel at ease, and soon he falls asleep deeply.


Alex suddenly wakes up, and then he sits up directly, sweating all over. Unbelievable, he had a nightmare, which is so strange, because he hadn't had a nightmare for a long time and even he just eliminated a big trouble.

Alex carefully recalls the content of the dream, the more he tries to recall, the less he could remember, he only remembers that there was a figure in the dream that kept asking him to run fast. Terribly, he couldn't see the figure clearly, and didn't know why that figure asked him to run as fast as he could, but the fear rising from the bottom of his heart was too real.

He goes to the bathroom and looks at himself in the mirror, and there is still fear of the dream existing in his eyes. He suspects that the reason he had this nightmare is because the original owner wants to seize control of this body.

That is to say, if he hadn't woken up just now, the original owner would still go out to kill people tonight? This is too scary.

Alex washes his face with cold water to calm himself down.

Did the original owner fail to fight for control because he successfully escaped?

If he didn't escape at that time, would it mean that the original owner would take over this body?

But there is something that puzzles him, that is, why did he run away?

Alex doesn't think he ran away because he is afraid of the original owner. He indeed feels that he is not afraid of the original owner and he really wants to communicate with the original owner from the bottom of his heart. If they really met in a dream, he shouldn't run away without saying anything.

And why did he have a nightmare this time? But not last time?

He shakes his head. This kind of thing is too mysterious and he couldn't figure it out clearly. He just hopes that he could control himself and not run away again if next time he has a similar dream.

The next day, Alex doesn't get up until noon. The nightmare last night made him sleepless all night, and he finally felt sleepy at dawn.

After a simple wash, Alex plans to go back and talk to his father again. Since his mother was at home last night, and some things were not easy to ask in person. It is also a good opportunity to ask how Sofia is.

When Alex arrives home, he finds that no one is there. He calls his mother and learns from the phone that his mother is staying in the beauty salon right now, and his father took Sofia out early in the morning. However, his mother doesn't know what they do and where they go at this moment. Alex guesses that they are in the hospital but he doesn't have any intention to go there to find them. In case Sofia is being treated, he would not disturb them.

But since he is here, he couldn't just go back directly and he begins to take a look around. In fact, Alex hasn't seen this house properly since he had a time travel, and he also wants to try to wake up some memories again so that he could understand the original owner better.

After a simple turn, a little memory really emerges in his mind. It is a utility room, but he doesn't know more specifics.

With this discovery, he begins to look for this room according to his memory, but he does not find it after going through the whole house. However, the utility room in his memory was indeed in this house. 

"What the hell is going on? So weird."

He could not help wondering, and then takes out his mobile phone again to call his mother and asks curiously,

"Mom, I remember there was a utility room in our house, why is it gone now? Has it been changed?"

"It has been changed a long time ago and the room where I put my shoes now is it. Why? Why are you asking this?"

Hearing his mother's words, Alex frowns. He has just been to that room and did not find anything unusual. He continues to ask cautiously,

"What about the things in the utility room?"

He thinks that since the room has been changed and does not awaken his memory, he would look at those items to see if he could remember anything.

"Things left before? hum, I don't know where your dad put them. If he didn't throw them away, they're probably in the basement. You can go and have a look. All the useless things in our house are piled up there and I'm still wondering when to clean them up."

"Okay, I see. Then you continue to enjoy your beauty treatment, I'll go and have a look."

After hanging up the phone, Alex goes straight to the basement which is very large and full of things and turns on the light. There is a layer of dust on it. It is obvious that no one has been in this place for a long time and it really should be cleaned up.

There are too many things piled up, so Alex could only look at them from the door. Fortunately, his parents are not sloppy people. They piled things neatly, saving him a lot of trouble.

As Alex is flipping through the things, he sees suddenly a wooden stick wrapped in something like cowhide, with many teeth marks on it.

When Alex sees this strange wooden stick, a large number of memories suddenly emerges in his mind. This is the most memory since he traveled through time. Then his body begins to tremble like a conditioned reflex.

At night, in the utility room, a boy dressed as a junior high school student bit the strange wooden stick tightly, holding a book in his hands and placing it on his chest. A middle-aged man stood in front of him and beat the book hard with a stick, each time so hard.

The boy couldn't help but groan and retreated after being beaten, but after retreating two steps, the boy would continue to move forward and stand in the same place again, allowing the middle-aged man to continue beating him.

Over and over again, until the boy couldn't hold on anymore and fell down.

This boy was the original owner when he was a child, and the middle-aged man was his father.

The reason why Alex trembles is because he thinks of these memories. He frowns. He knows why the original owner held the book, because this way there would be no marks on his body after being beaten.

This memory seemed to be about his father domestic violence against the original owner, but he knew that it was not the case, because Alex could clearly feel that the original owner was willing to do it at that time, that is, the original owner acquiesced to his father's behavior, or even asked for it.

In this case, why did the original owner torture himself so much? Because of murder?

This doesn't make sense. The original owner killed voluntarily, or instinctively, and he was not supposed to punish himself for this.

Or did his father punish him because the father knew that he killed someone?

This reason seems to make sense, but Alex just feels very contradictory. What kind of person is the original owner? To put it bluntly, he is a demon who kills people without blinking an eye. Would such a person allow others to torture him?

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