
Rebirth:I become the murderer who has killed 40 persons

Alex suddenly discovers that his surroundings gets extremely strange after he woke up this morning and he realizes that he has an amazing experience of time-and space travel. There is only a diary beside him and he thinks that maybe this diary would answer his current confusion. However, when he opens that diary, he finds that the contents of that diary are extremely crazy and it is clearly a record of crimes, including at least 40 cases. And It's 90% sure that original owner is that murder, which makes Alex totally shocked. Just when Alex is about to read carefully and figure it out , the piercing siren downstairs wakes him up. Do the cops come here to catch him? will he surrender himself? Did the original owner really disappear? Or should he at least try to survive? What he should do exactly then?... Thousands of memories have come to Alex's mind...

susanlu · Horror
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68 Chs

Chapter 56 Double kill

This anxious shout comes from Florian, who does not show any abnormality at this time, but looks extremely anxious.

This also dispels Wang's doubts in disguise and Wang thinks that it is because of Tom's sudden acceleration that Florian was caught off guard and tripped him.

Until then, Wang still does not doubt Florian, because the two of them are fellow villagers and have worked well together for so many years. He has never treated him badly, and he would never have thought that Florian would betray him.

Seeing Tom getting closer and closer to him, Wang doesn't have time to think about it. He grabs Florian's hand and stands up, then stabs Tom with the knife, but because he has just stabilized his body too hastily, the knife is off-center and does not hurt Tom.

Tom takes this opportunity to stab Wang in the abdomen with his knife. Wang just wants to dodge, but suddenly his body is pushed from behind, which causes him to fail to dodge the attack that he could have avoided.

Tom's eyes lit up, and he stabs Wang's abdomen with the knife, then stirs it vigorously a few times.

Wang grabs Tom's hand tightly, then turns his head to look at Florian, who has a cold expression at this time, and looks at him fiercely, without any guilt in his eyes.

Wang's eyes are full of doubts, and he asks in pain,


At this time, Tom pulls out the knife with force. Wang does not stop him, but looks at Florian in confusion. Wang really wants to know why all this happened.

Florian responses coldly,

"You want me to die, can't I resist it?"

Hearing Florian's words, Wang gets even more puzzled,

"When did I want you to die? You are my brother, how could I want you to die?"

Florian steps forward and takes the knife from Wang's hand. Wang does not resist and he knows that he is dying. He doesn't care what Florian will do with the knife, but he just wants to know why Florian said this.

Wang holds Florian's clothes tightly, and his body strength is lost bit by bit. He couldn't control himself and slides down, but even so, he still insists holding Florian's clothes tightly and stares at Florian's eyes. The meaning of it is so clear, that is let Florian tell him honestly.

Florian grabs the knife and let Wang hold him. Perhaps he sees the doubt in Wang 's eyes, or perhaps he feels sort of guilty. He reaches out to support Wang who is sliding down again, and explains,

"Bro, don't blame me. I have no choice because you want me to die."

Hearing this again, Wang seems extremely excited. He adds a few points of strength to his hand and grits his teeth and says,

"I didn't! I say it again! You are my brother! I never want to hurt you! never!!!"

But now the seeds of doubt have been planted in Florian's heart. How could he believe it with a few words? He stubbornly yells loudly,

"You are still lying to me! If you don't want to hurt me, why didn't you tell me what Alex said to you? If you don't want to hurt me, how could you let me throw my knife to Simon?"

When Wang hears what Florian said, he thinks of the scene when Alex talked to him alone, while he did not find anything unusual at that time. Now he thinks that this was also part of Alex's plan, right?

Maybe because Wang is about to die, his mind gets unusually clear now. He figures out everything at this moment. He shakes his head and smiles bitterly.

"Florian, I don't blame you, but remember one thing, don't kill Tom and let him fight against Alex later. Alex is too scary, although I don't think Tom is able to win, but it's better than letting you die at the end."

Florian looks at Wang lying weakly in his arms in confusion since he doesn't know why Wang doesn't blame him. He vaguely feels that he seems to have done something wrong, but he doesn't want to admit it, nor does he dare to admit it. He hugs Wang and asks coldly,

"What do you mean?"

Wang smiles bitterly,

"Everything is Alex's plan. You, me, Tom, these people are all his pawns."

Then Wang suddenly shouts loudly as if he has a flash of light,

"Florian! Remember what I said! Don't kill Tom! Don't let Alex get what he wants!"

After shouting, Wang slides off Florian bit by bit.

Florian stares blankly at Wang who falls to the ground, and his mind unconsciously recalls every bit between them.

They grew up together in a small town. At that time, Wang was much stronger than him. When someone bullied him, Wang would definitely run over to help him, and the two became good friends.

As the days passed, they gradually grew older and began to yearn for the colorful world outside. Then, the two together came to Hua City.

At that time, they knew nothing, just like old-fashioned people coming to the city, curious about everything. They felt truly powerful when they saw someone collecting protection fees, so they joined the gang.

At the beginning, because they were unfamiliar with the place, they were always bullied. At that time, Wang still protected him like a little child.

Gradually, as time went by, the two of them gained a foothold in the gang. Although they did not achieve much, their lives were still acceptable.

But why did it become like this?

Thinking of this, Florian feels a little breathless, as if someone has torn open his chest and tore his heart apart bit by bit. He couldn't help but stagger two steps, and his eyes become totally empty.

Tom takes this opportunity to simply treat his wound while observing Florian carefully. Seeing his appearance, it seemed like a good opportunity to kill him, but Tom does not do so because his current condition could not withstand a new round of battle. If he wakes Florian up, he would certainly be in danger.

He looks at the wound on his waist and treats it briefly before he speaks,

"I believe you should know what happened. I think you should listen to him and don't kill me right now. After all, we are not enemies, but Alex is our enemy. Right?"

Florian's ears are buzzing. He actually doesn't hear what Tom said, but he sees Tom's mouth moving. He shakes his head and asks,

"What did you say?"

Tom repeats it again patiently.

Florian nods woodenly, as if he agrees with Tom's statement.

Tom breathes a sigh of relief since this situation is the best. He walks towards Florian and asks,

"Do you know where Alex is right now?"

Florian looks up at him and nods. "Yes, I know."

"Take me to find him."


Tom turns around and wants to return to the car. Florian glances at Wang's body and follows Tom without hesitation.

Florian asks, "You are not in a good condition to find him now, right?"

Tom looks back at him and waves his hand, "It's okay, it's just a minor injury, and Alex may not attack me at that time."

Florian nods, and just as Tom opens the car door, he stabs Tom in the back with the knife. This action is very abrupt, and someone else might have been hit.

But who is Tom? How could he trust others easily? He has always been wary of Florian.

After dodging the knife, Tom turns and looks at Florian puzzled,

"Why? Didn't he explain it to you clearly? Why did you do this?"

Florian shakes his head, "I have no choice. Since it has come to this, the only thing I could do is to pursue my own best interests."

Tom claps his hands and praises, "You are truly cruel! You are absolutely the perfect material for gangs. But what about Alex? Just let him go and get what he wants?"

"Don't worry about it, and you just need to die." Florian replies coldly.

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