
Rebirth:I become the murderer who has killed 40 persons

Alex suddenly discovers that his surroundings gets extremely strange after he woke up this morning and he realizes that he has an amazing experience of time-and space travel. There is only a diary beside him and he thinks that maybe this diary would answer his current confusion. However, when he opens that diary, he finds that the contents of that diary are extremely crazy and it is clearly a record of crimes, including at least 40 cases. And It's 90% sure that original owner is that murder, which makes Alex totally shocked. Just when Alex is about to read carefully and figure it out , the piercing siren downstairs wakes him up. Do the cops come here to catch him? will he surrender himself? Did the original owner really disappear? Or should he at least try to survive? What he should do exactly then?... Thousands of memories have come to Alex's mind...

susanlu · Horror
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66 Chs

Chapter 55 Simon is the first to be killed

At this time, Wang takes advantage of the gap when Tom just dodges and his body is unstable, and stabs Tom directly. However, Tom is not so lucky this time. Although he tries his best to avoid the vital part, he is still stabbed in the waist.

After all, Tom is also an ordinary person. Killing many people does not mean that he knows kung fu well and can beat ten people successfully alone.

Tom covers the wound on his waist and looks at several people viciously.

The three people are a little excited to see that he gets injured. In this way, the threat of Tom is greatly reduced, but because of this, several people have different thoughts in their hearts.

Wang looks at Simon. In his eyes, Simon and Tom are in the same group. Although he truly doesn't know why Simon suddenly turns against Tom, he is still worried about this kind of person. Because he doesn't know what Simon's last choose exactly at the end.

Florian secretly glances at Wang and he is now very wary of his leader.

Among the three people, Simon's mind is the simplest that he just wants Tom to die immediately and doesn't want anything else.

Tom covers his waist and looks at these three people. When he sees their eyes, his eyes flicker. He is a student of Alex's father and also studied psychology. Certainly, he discovers the problems of the three people at a glance.

He looks down at the wound on his waist. In his current state, he is no match for the three of them at the same time. If he wants to survive, he has to sow discord among them.

He could see that Simon is the one who wants him dead the most, so he has to get rid of Simon first. He narrows his eyes and says,

"Simon, are you sure that you really want to do this?"

Hearing this, Simon looks at Wang and the other man and says coldly,

"He's injured. Now is a truly good opportunity. What are you guys waiting for?"

Wang looks at Simon, then at Tom, and responses,

"You also know that he is injured. Since you want him to die so much, why don't you do it by yourself?"

Simon is furious. What time is it now? Still thinking about these things? Then he shouts loudly, "Since you guys don't want to do it, then just give me the knife and I'll do it!"

Wang narrows his eyes. What will happens on himself if he gives Simon the knife? The knife must not be given to him, but since Simon really wants to do it, it would be the best. Tom could be killed and he could return to the gang to make meritorious service, and he doesn't have to kill anyone, awesome. Isn't this the best of both worlds?

Wang turns his head to look at Florian and says, "Florian, give him your knife."

Florian is stunned, looks at the knife in his hand, and then looks at Wang. Florian also thinks of the consequences of not having a weapon. He hesitates and becomes more suspicious of his leader.

Seeing Florian's hesitation, Wang frowns and urges, "Hurry up."

Florian thinks for a while and asks, "Bro, what should I do if I don't have a knife?"

Wang doesn't think much and answers directly,

"What are you worried about? Don't I still have a knife? Who can hurt you with me here? Hurry up!"

He doesn't know that Florian has already suspected him. Because he has always regarded Florian as his real brother, so he thinks it is normal to say so.

Florian hesitates for a moment, but still throws the knife to Simon. He no longer believes in his leader, but this is not the time to turn against him directly.

Turning against him now would not do Florian himself any good, but would indirectly help Tom, which he could not accept absolutely.

No matter what the outcome of today's attack is, Tom has to die, because his goal is to kill Tom and then return to the gang to claim the credit. If it wasn't for this, how could he kill people here crazily.

Simon takes the knife and looks at Wang and Florian. He knows clearly that they want to reap the benefits of being a fisherman, but there is no other way. From the moment Tom attacked him, he knew that he had no way out. He also knew that Tom was a cruel murderer before. If such a person is allowed to escape by him, he would never be able to live in peace in the future.

Simon runs straight to Tom with the knife, and Tom curls his lips. Although Tom is injured, he doesn't think that he would lose in a one-on-one situation.

Tom dodges Simon's attack and slashes at Simon's arm. Frankly speaking, Simon is no match for Tom and his arm is directly cut, causing the knife in his hand to fall on the ground.

Tom takes this great opportunity to slash at Simon's abdomen. With just one slash, Simon loses the ability to resist, and then Tom steps back two steps away from Simon.

Tom covers his waist again. Because he has moved too much just now, he pulls the wound on his waist. He feels painful, but this also makes him more excited.

Simon looks down at the wound on his stomach in disbelief. He raises his head and stares at the three people. He really doesn't believe that he would die like this. It was all planned well before. Why does Wang suddenly change his mind? He truly doesn't understand.

He covers his stomach with one hand and points at Wang with the other hand.


Wang doesn't answer him, just glances at him, and then turns his eyes to Tom.

Tom is covering the wound calmly on his waist at this time. There is no pain on his face at all, instead, he is extremely excited. He hasn't felt this kind of excitement for a really long time, he loves Alex's gift so much.

Wang sees his perverted expression and is more certain that he was the one who killed the elder sister of 'Liang', but he is not in a hurry. The longer the time drags, the better it would be for him. After all, Tom is already injured.

Tom takes a last look at Simon, who is lying on the ground in confusion and pain. The heavy rain hits Simon, and blood and rain mixes together and flows to the sewer on the side of the road.

Simon could no longer speak at this time, and could only make a hoarse sound.

Tom knows that if no one rescues him now, he would definitely die in two or three minutes, so Simon is already a dead man at this time, and then Tom ignores him and set his sights on Wang.

Seeing that Wang does not move, Tom knows that Wang is waiting, waiting for him to lose too much blood and become weaker, and then Wang would kill him effortlessly. Tom does not allow this to happen of course, and he walks towards Wang with the scalpel.

Wang is not stupid, and he retreats when Tom advances. How could he not understand the principle of a trapped beast fighting?

Tom sees this scene and does not mock him. He glances at Florian, who is standing behind Wang, looking at Wang's back with strange eyes at this time.

Wang does not look back, so he could not see Florian's eyes. All his attention is paid on Tom now and he does not want to fall before victory.

Tom presses forward step by step. It seems that he is forcing Wang, but in fact he is observing Florian carefully. He is sure that Florian would be the key to his breakthrough.

With the actions of the two, Tom finally finds an opportunity because he sees clearly the cruel color in Florian's eyes. There is no doubt that he knows that his chance has come, and suddenly accelerates to run towards Wang.

Wang sees Tom suddenly speed up and rush towards him. He does not think much, just thinks that Tom is going to fight to the death. How could Wang allow him to do as he wishes? Wang retreats quickly next moment.

At this moment, Wang just takes two steps back and is tripped. He gets shocked and turns his head to look at Florian behind in confusion.

"Bro! Are you okay?"

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