
Rebirth:I become the murderer who has killed 40 persons

Alex suddenly discovers that his surroundings gets extremely strange after he woke up this morning and he realizes that he has an amazing experience of time-and space travel. There is only a diary beside him and he thinks that maybe this diary would answer his current confusion. However, when he opens that diary, he finds that the contents of that diary are extremely crazy and it is clearly a record of crimes, including at least 40 cases. And It's 90% sure that original owner is that murder, which makes Alex totally shocked. Just when Alex is about to read carefully and figure it out , the piercing siren downstairs wakes him up. Do the cops come here to catch him? will he surrender himself? Did the original owner really disappear? Or should he at least try to survive? What he should do exactly then?... Thousands of memories have come to Alex's mind...

susanlu · Horror
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68 Chs

Chapter 50 Who doesn't want to be in power?

Alex knows that Florian would agree, so he smiles and says, "No hurry, I'll tell you later."

After that, Alex finds the traffic police and tells him that the two of them have already negotiated and they have reached a settlement, so Alex would not bother the police comrade.

Of course, the procedures have to be followed. Alex pulls Florian and the two work together to deal with this traffic accident, then the matter is quickly dealt with.

Then Alex leaves him and askes him to take care of his gang brothers first, and then talk about it later.

After Alex leaves, Yang finds Florian and asks,

"What did Alex tell you?"

Florian rolls his eyes, "Officer, he didn't say anything."

Yang is helpless. Since he came to Hua City, he has been frustrated everywhere. Everyone here seems to be helping Alex and he doesn't know how Alex did it at all.

Florian watches Yang's leave, his eyes flicker. He still needs to discuss this matter with his leader. Of course, he has decided to do it in his heart, and he believes that he can convince his leader later.

Not long after, Wang wakes up. Florian hurries forward and finds that he is fine after asking carefully.

After knowing the results of the examination, Wang insists on being discharged from the hospital because he is really uncomfortable staying in the hospital. Florian does not refuse it since he is not comfortable there either. Moreover, Florian wants to talk about something important with his leader. However, the hospital is full of people coming and going, so it is not a good and safe place to talk.

After paying the fees, the four of them are discharged from the hospital together. Wang looks truly worried. Florian sees him like this and asks curiously,

"Bro, what's wrong? Is your head still hurting?"

Wang shakes his head and says painfully,

"It's not my head that hurts, but my heart. We don't have much money left now. If we give it back to the hospital, how are we going to live in the future?"

When he complains this, he seems to think of something else, turns his head and looks at Florian and asks anxiously,

"By the way, Florian, where is that crazy guy? He hit us like this, shouldn't he pay any compensation?"

The other two also agree.

Florian gets speechless. Wang still wants to ask for compensation, unbelievable. It is already good enough that they aren't asked for compensation by Alex. Florian hesitates and says,

"Go home first, and let we talk about it when we get home first."

Wang glances at Florian and knows that Florian has something to tell him alone. The two are fellow villagers and have worked together for so many years. They have a very good and stable relationship, which is incomparable to others.

Wang nods, then goes home with Florian and let the two leave before he says, "Can you tell me now?"

Florian glances at him. However, at this critical moment, he backs off a little. After all, this is truly a big deal.

Florian thinks about it and then tells Wang Alex's purpose. He thinks that Wang probably would refute immediately after hearing it, but he doesn't expect Wang to be in a thoughtful state.

Wang ponders for a while and says,

"If what he said is true, we can do it, in fact."


Florian stares at Wang blankly. This kind of Wang makes him feel a little strange and shocked. This is murder, but Wang doesn't hesitate at all. In his mind, his leader is supposed to jump up and refute angrily.

Wang smiles at Florian who is still in a daze and says,

"What? Do you think I could not do it? Well, you just think too much. Who doesn't want to be in power? Why did I join a gang if I didn't want to be in power? Isn't it good to live an honest and ordinary life?"

Florian nods blankly.

Wang continues, "You can ask Alex out, then I will talk to him and make sure first whether the person Alex said is truly the one who killed the elder sister of 'Liang'."

Florian comes back to his senses,

"Well, to be honest, I don't have his contact information now, but he should contact me."

Wang nods, then stands up and touches his head and says to himself, "Isn't the opportunity here?"

Alex finishes all the trivial matters, and the characters are all gathered. Next, it is time to set up the stage. He finds Simon and tells him to meet someone with him in the evening.

In the evening, Alex and Simon come to the door of the special bar and sees Florian from a distance. His leader stands next to him at this moment. Alex is not surprised, thinking that Florian has persuaded his leader.

Florian also sees Alex, and then the two come to Alex. Wang stretches out his hand and smiled,

"Wang, Florian's leader."

"Alex, this is Simon." Alex points at the yellow-haired man.

Wang nods, "Let's talk inside?"

Alex shakes his head and refuses, "It's too noisy inside, not suitable for a serious talking, let's go to another place."

Wang thinks so too, and then they go to a teahouse and open a single room. Wang gets straight to the point,

"How can I be sure that the person you are talking about must be the one who killed the eldest sister of our leader 'Liang'? What if he is not?"

Alex is not surprised to hear his question. He points at Simon and asks Simon to speak.

Simon nods, and then tells everything he knew, which Wang listens very seriously.

Alex is not idle during this period. He is observing these people carefully, but he truly finds some problems. Originally, he was optimistic about Florian, but now Florian's attitude makes him a little confused.

Alex could see that Florian looks at Wang frequently, with surprise in his eyes, and some information he could not understand. What happens between the two?

After a while, Simon finishes speaking. Wang doesn't say anything, just frowning. After a while, Wang says,

"So it seems that this person is the one who killed the elder sister of 'Liang'. Where is he now?"

Alex takes over the conversation, "He is not in Hua City now, but he could be brought back very soon."

"How to make him come back?"

Alex points at Simon and says casually, "Just you call him back."

Simon looks at Alex in confusion, "How could he listen to me?"

Alex waves his hand, "When the time comes, do as I say, he will definitely come back."

Simon nods when he sees Alex's determined look, and then Alex signals Simon to go back.

Simon is stunned. He knows that this is what Alex doesn't want him to hear, and he really doesn't want to hear it either, so he gets up and leaves as fast as he could.

After Simon leaves, Alex looks at Wang and says,

"I'm sure you have assumed what he does. Now because of my presence, he dare not act rashly, but he may have other ideas when Tom comes back, so you guys are supposed to be more careful.

Next, I will ask him to call Tom back, and then you will follow them. On the way, I will ask someone to watch him. Once he shows any abnormality, that person will call you, and you can do whatever you want at that time."

Wang nods, then narrows his eyes and looks at Alex seriously, and asks,

"What about you? It seems that you have nothing to do here?"


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