
Rebirth:I become the murderer who has killed 40 persons

Alex suddenly discovers that his surroundings gets extremely strange after he woke up this morning and he realizes that he has an amazing experience of time-and space travel. There is only a diary beside him and he thinks that maybe this diary would answer his current confusion. However, when he opens that diary, he finds that the contents of that diary are extremely crazy and it is clearly a record of crimes, including at least 40 cases. And It's 90% sure that original owner is that murder, which makes Alex totally shocked. Just when Alex is about to read carefully and figure it out , the piercing siren downstairs wakes him up. Do the cops come here to catch him? will he surrender himself? Did the original owner really disappear? Or should he at least try to survive? What he should do exactly then?... Thousands of memories have come to Alex's mind...

susanlu · Horror
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68 Chs

Chapter 51 Do you want to sow discord between us?

Alex laughs and says,

"Of course it's none of my business. You don't think I'll involve in this stuff, do you? I still say that I don't care whether you do it or not. I just need to spread the news and there are many people who are able to do it."

Wang thinks about it and it is indeed the case. Then he stands up and shakes hands with Alex.

"Okay, it's settled. I'll wait for your news when the time comes."

Alex nods, then looks at him hesitantly. Wang sees it and asks in confusion,

"Anything else?"

Alex glances at Florian. Wang looks back and then turns his head.

"We are one family and just say what you want to say."

Alex still shakes his head. The meaning is very clear that he just wants to talk to Wang alone.

Wang frowns since he doesn't know what Alex is going to say. After hesitating for a while, he let Florian go out first.

Alex notices that Florian's eyes flicker when he leaves. After he goes out, Alex pretends to be very puzzled and asks Wang,

"There is a question that I can't say when he is here. I want to ask, why didn't he choose to do it himself but told you honestly? Isn't it better to do it by himself?"

Wang smiles and says indifferently,

"That's it, that's right, you don't understand it since you are not a gang member, and it can't be explained in a few words. Let me put it this way, the premise for him to get promoted is that I get promoted first, do you understand?"

Alex pretends to be truly enlightened,

"That's fine, I get it and wait for my news next."

Then Alex leaves, and when he passes by Florian, Alex looks at him with a meaningful look.

Florian sees Alex's eyesight and thinks for a moment, and then goes straight into the private room, hesitates for a moment, and asks,

"Bro, what did you two say?"

Wang takes a sip of tea and says indifferently,

"Nothing, just asked why you told me this stuff."

Florian looks at Wang, thinking of Alex's eyesight when Alex left before, he is a little unconvinced, but since his leader has said so, he couldn't say that he doesn't believe it.

Florian smiles but he plans to find a chance to ask Alex. Florian truly believes there is one reason why Alex looked at him when he left. Maybe he wanted to say something to him at that time. But since his leader was here, so Alex couldn't say much and just looked at him to give him a hint.

Thinking of this, Florian feels that this must be the case. After all, he is the first person to contact Alex, and Alex's first choice must be him.

Florian finds an excuse, and then calls Alex as soon as he goes out. When the phone call is connected, he asks directly,

"What do you mean by looking at me before you leave? tell me right now."

Alex raises his lips and asks, "Is there anyone around you?"

Hearing Alex say this, Florian is more certain of his own guess. He hurriedly responses, "No one close to me, you can talk now."

"Your leader is not simple."

The reason why Alex says this is that he saw Florian's frequent look at Wang at that time, and there was a very strange meaning in his eyes, which meant that Wang must have done something unexpected.

Florian narrows his eyes. If he heard Alex say this before, he would have shown a look of disdain, but now he is indeed not sure, because he really finds that he seems to have never understood his leader well.

However, Florian is not stupid and could not show his doubt to Alex directly. He sneers,

"What do you mean? Do you want to sow discord between us?"

Alex smiles when he hears this and then asks, "Why should I stir up trouble between you two? Is it good for me?"

Florian gets speechless because It seems really unnecessary for Alex to do so. Then he says in a deep voice,

"I don't know. I still wanna say that. What do you want to express by looking at me before you leave?"

"Nothing. Since you already suspect that I am stirring up trouble between you two, you certainly won't believe me no matter what I say. Just observe it by yourself."

Alex hangs up the phone directly.

Florian listens to the busy tone on the phone and he is very confused now. He doesn't want to believe Alex, but he does have a knot in his heart.

On the other side, Alex smiles and he just wants to plant a seed of doubt in Florian's heart. Although this seed might not bear fruit, what if it does one day? It's better to have it than not.

Back to Mr Lian's place, Simon has just returned here not long ago. Alex finds Simon and asks,

"Do you know why I asked you to leave first at that time?"

Simon looks at him and guesses, "Some plans you do not want me to hear, right?"

Alex shakes his head,

"No, I said I have no ill will towards you, and I promised you guys that I would let you leave after the matter is done, and then you can return to your previous life.

I just don't want you to get involved too much. Who is Wang? He is a gangster. He is a guy with his head on his waist. Can you compare with him?

It's good now. You are responsible for making a phone call but you have nothing to do with it. Even if something goes wrong, it will not involve you certainly."

Simon nods and thinks about it carefully. It seems to be true, but he would not completely believe Alex's words, he would still adapt to the situation when the time comes.

Alex pats his shoulder, "Okay, I just explain it to you now so that you won't think too much."

After that, Alex turns around and walks into the house to look at Mr Lian, and says,

"By the way, Mr Lian, I broke your car and I'll go with you to buy another one now."

Mr Lian wants to refuse, but when he thinks that his usual income mainly depends on this car, he truly couldn't refuse.

Alex sees his hesitation and says kindly, "Listen, I'm not an unreasonable person, so I'll absolutely pay for it when it's broken, let's go."

Mr Lian nods, Alex glances at Simon and asks, "Are you going with us together?"

Simon shakes his head, "No, I prefer to stay here."

Alex doesn't force him, and then takes Mr Lian to the second-hand car market and chooses a car similar to Mr Lian's before.

On the way back, Alex sits in the passenger seat and says,

"After we get back, I will ask you to do something. Simon already knows about it, but you don't know yet. It doesn't matter and I'll tell you now."

Mr Lian's heart sinks. It is really hard not to make associations when he is asked to do something right after buying a car.

Alex sees that his expression becomes more and more serious and comforts him patiently,

"Don't worry, since I said I won't hurt you guys, I will keep my word and won't ask you to do anything dangerous. I will just need you do me a little favor, picking up someone with Simon together."

Mr Lian gets slightly relieved when he hears that it is just to pick up someone, but he is still not completely relieved and asks cautiously,

"Who do we need to pick up then?"

"Well, It's the person that I asked Simon to tell you before."


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