
Rebirth:I become the murderer who has killed 40 persons

Alex suddenly discovers that his surroundings gets extremely strange after he woke up this morning and he realizes that he has an amazing experience of time-and space travel. There is only a diary beside him and he thinks that maybe this diary would answer his current confusion. However, when he opens that diary, he finds that the contents of that diary are extremely crazy and it is clearly a record of crimes, including at least 40 cases. And It's 90% sure that original owner is that murder, which makes Alex totally shocked. Just when Alex is about to read carefully and figure it out , the piercing siren downstairs wakes him up. Do the cops come here to catch him? will he surrender himself? Did the original owner really disappear? Or should he at least try to survive? What he should do exactly then?... Thousands of memories have come to Alex's mind...

susanlu · Horror
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68 Chs

Chapter 5 Is this what it feels like to control others' lives?

"Don't worry, we are investigating and seeking for some evidences firstly. Even if we take him back to the police station now, we won't be able to find anything and it will just arise his awareness and waste our own time , which does not make a sense." Chen answers.

"Yes, right." Max nods, and then sighs, "Well! This is a high-end apartment with high confidentiality. This will absolutely bring a lot of troubles to us in solving these cases."

Chen dose not give his opinion, but looks at the huge gift box silently, and the eyes in his memory gradually appeared on the gift box. "

The scene report and autopsy report will not be available until two days later." Max adds.

At this time, one middle-aged man trotted over. He is the property manager of this apartment building. He has been working here for several years and has never encountered such these things.

The middle-aged man is wearing a black suit. He is a little frightened and clears his throat.

"I am the property manager here, my name is Liu. I feel very sad that such a vicious incident happened in our apartment. This shows that the security of our apartment needs to be strengthened. We will fully cooperate with the police department, strive to solve the case as soon as possible and help the police capture the real murderer."

Seeing that Liu still wants to continue, Chen waves his hand to interrupt the meaningless remarks, points at the messy open space and asks,

"What's going on here?"

"We're going to add some entertainment facilities here."

"Well, let's go to the guard room and have a look."

In this apartment, there is only surveillance at the door, which is in the guard room.

Liu nods, and several people come to the guard room together. The room is not big. There is a security guard who is nearly twenty years old and is standing outside the door. It seems that he already knew the news.

Liu introduces expressionlessly, "This is my brother-in-law, his name is Li. He was on duty last night."

Li is a little bit nervous. Chen tells him not to be nervous and says, "How long have you been working here?"

"About a year and a half."

"Pretty long!!! It doesn't look like it." Chen looks up.

Li laughs stiffly twice without saying anything.

"What do you think of this job?"

Li glances at Liu and says, "It's pretty good, easy and relaxing."

"Did you hear anything last night?"

"No." Li recalls several seconds and answers .

"Could you know when outsiders come in?"

"Of course!" Li suddenly became excited.

"Relax, there's no need to be so nervous."

Liu interrupts at this time, "Our apartment is a high-end apartment. Even takeout is not allowed in, and other doors are not open."

Chen nods and continues to ask , "In other words, the murderer is someone from the apartment?"

Liu gets speechless, how dare he could say that? How can the guard notice all the people coming and going in such a big apartment? What he just said is just to absolve himself of responsibility.

Chen already guesses what Liu is thinking and asks a few more questions . What a pity, there is no more clues offered. He asks Liu to hand over the door surveillance to him, and Liu agreed wholeheartedly.

It is almost noon, and Alex has already read all the chapters of that crazy diary. He holds the diary with trembling hands.

A total of forty lives lost were recorded in this small notebook.

After compiling his emotions and hiding this terrified notebook, Alex goes downstairs to have a meal outside like a normal person. He does not deliberately avoid the police during this period. He is sure that he has to behave normally now.

After he comes back from dinner, the police in the apartment have already left. The apartment square is pretty empty and loses its usual bustle. Occasionally, only a few people are walking in a hurry, as if there are unknown monsters chasing them behind.

He knows this is just because people feel the fear. Two consecutive cases happened in the apartment. No one knows whether such things would continue to happen or not, and no one knows who the murderer's next target would be?

He is also afraid, but he is different from other people's fear. His fear comes from himself. He doesn't know if he would commit murder again or not.

As he walks, he passes the open space downstairs of his house. The open space is dug into a mess. The police cordon on the edge tells everyone that a murder has occurred here.

He unconsciously recalls the contents of the diary. She was a very beautiful woman. She was still so beautiful even after she died. She was lying quietly in the gift box.

She was a perfect work.

Thinking of this, he suddenly shudders. Why dose he think so? That is a living life, how can it be a work?

The more he wants to forget this thought, the more he couldn't ignore it.

When death was given the attribute of art, it makes him temporarily forget the human instinct of fear of death.

He imagines a scene in which the God of Death holds up his scythe in the dark night. The scythe is so sharp!

Raising his right hand, Void shocks it.

Is this what it feels like to control other people's lives?

Suddenly, his whole body freezes. He is frightened by his own thoughts. This discovery makes him speed up his pace home unconsciously.

When he gets home, he takes a cold shower to try to calm himself down, but unfortunately ,under the stimulation of the cold water, the contents of the diary in his mind not only does not disappear, but become clearer and clearer.

Alex could understand the original owner more and more.

He opens his eyes and looks around. The unfamiliar yet familiar room seems to have changed, but he knows that the room has not actually changed.

Maybe it's only him who has really changed?