
Rebirth:I become the murderer who has killed 40 persons

Alex suddenly discovers that his surroundings gets extremely strange after he woke up this morning and he realizes that he has an amazing experience of time-and space travel. There is only a diary beside him and he thinks that maybe this diary would answer his current confusion. However, when he opens that diary, he finds that the contents of that diary are extremely crazy and it is clearly a record of crimes, including at least 40 cases. And It's 90% sure that original owner is that murder, which makes Alex totally shocked. Just when Alex is about to read carefully and figure it out , the piercing siren downstairs wakes him up. Do the cops come here to catch him? will he surrender himself? Did the original owner really disappear? Or should he at least try to survive? What he should do exactly then?... Thousands of memories have come to Alex's mind...

susanlu · Horror
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68 Chs

Chapter 36 Alex raises the hammer

Pulling Simon into the alley, Alex releases his hand, holding the hammer, looking at the terrified Simon, and says calmly,

"I made up that name randomly, I didn't lie to you, I really don't know him."

Then Alex raises the hammer in his hand and pretends to smash it down.

Simon shouts in fear, "Bro! Bro! Wait! Wait! I have news! News about you!"

Alex stops and pretends to be puzzled, "Do you know me?"

Seeing Alex stop, Simon breathes a sigh of relief and hurriedly says, "I know you indeed because someone asked me to monitor you."

Alex looks at him, waiting for his next words, but Simon doesn't say anything else. Alex looks at him in confusion, and Simon speaks with an awful expression, "That's all I know."

Alex is not surprised to hear Simon say this, then he says calmly,

"I probably know some of your rules, like you guys can't disclose information about the employer. I understand, totally understand, but people are always forced to do things against their will, don't you think?"

Simon's eyes flicker, and he looks hesitant.

Alex sees this scene, nods, and then swings the hammer at him. The hammer truly hits the wall with a extremely loud sound," bang~", and Simon dodges.

Alex is not angry, he grabs Simon's waistband and hits Simon hard on the head. Simon turns his head as fast as he could to avoid it again, and the hammer doesn't hit his head successfully, but hit his shoulder instead.

Simon cries out in pain and shouts hurriedly, "I'll tell you, I'll tell you. Stop, please stop."

Alex deliberately hit the wrong target since he certainly couldn't really kill people. But if he doesn't show his ruthlessness when dealing with people like Simon, they won't say anything, and even if they do, it will be fake.

Then Simon spills out everything he knew. Listening to Simon's story, Alex gains new insights. Tom never dreamed that Simon would find out all his information, while he probably thought he had hidden it well.

Simon seemed to be just doing things for money and didn't ask about anything else, but a cunning rabbit has three burrows. People have selfish intentions and always have to plan something for themselves, so he checked all the people who contacted him through his connections, just to make a fortune when he retires in the future. All this information is money.

After Simon finishes speaking, Alex picks up a stone and knocks him out. Before Alex leaves this city, Alex couldn't let him leave his sight, otherwise if he asks for revenge, Alex would not be able to bear it.

Alex checks the time and finds that there is still some time left before the bar is over. He carries Simon back to the car and drives to Mr Lian's house. When he is almost there, he calls Mr Lian and asks him to come downstairs and wait for him.

When Mr Lian sees his car from far, he runs over directly. He looked at Alex and asks, "What's the matter?"

Alex points to the trunk, and then Mr Lian nods to show that he understands. When he opens the trunk, he is startled. He points at Simon in the trunk with trembling fingers and stutters,

"This... this... this..."

Alex waves his hand, "Don't worry, he's not dead, he just fainted."

Hearing this, Mr Lian breathes a sigh of relief and asks, "What kind of things do you need me to do then?"

"During this period, you can arrange a place for him, either your home or a place you find, whatever, it's all right, just send him some food every day and don't let him starve to death, the only requirement is that you do not let him leave, and you can not give him a mobile phone or anything either, get it?"

Alex hands him 600 euros, Mr Lian doesn't dare to refuse, Alex look at him and warns,

"You are supposed to understand the principle of taking money to do things, right?"

Mr Lian nods hurriedly. Seeing how nervous he is, Alex smiles and comfortes him,

"Relax, it won't take too long, I promise."

After giving instructions, Alex leaves and returns to that bar to continue his surveillance. The information he got from Simon saves him a lot of trouble. Now he just needs an opportunity.

At the same time, Max and his team also arrives in Hua City. Through the local police, they quickly find out where Alex lives now and see Alex driving a taxi from the surveillance video.

Yang is terrifically puzzled,

"Alex came all the way here to drive a taxi? To get information? But according to our investigation, Alex has never been to Hua City, and his social connections don't show that he knows anyone there? So what is he doing here?"

Max is as puzzled as he is. The three of them check the surveillance again, determine Alex's location, and then leave the local police station.

On the way, Max says, "No matter what his purpose is, as long as we follow him, we will find it out at the end."

The three of them come to the vicinity of that bar and see Alex sitting in the car from a distance. Yang wants to continue to move forward, but is stopped by Max.

"Don't get closer, stop."

"Why? we can't see anything clearly from such a distance now." Yang asks puzzled.

Max pull the two to another place, and then point at Alex and says, "Observe Alex's every move carefully now."

Yang and Alice obey and do as he was told. After watching for a long time, Max asks, "Did you guys find anything?"

Alice answers immediately, "He is observing."

Max nods,

"Yes, he is observing everyone. Watch carefully. Once the same person appears in front of him twice, he will stare at that person for a long time. This means that he is now very vigilant and has strong anti-reconnaissance capabilities. In addition, he knows us, so we must be careful."

Yang nods seriously and says solemnly,

"The more I know about him, the more suspicious he becomes. How can a normal person understand this? What do you think he is hiding?"

Max jokes, " Would I come here If I knew it?"

On the other side, Simon also wakes up. He finds that he is tied up but he is not panicked much. He knows that since Alex was not killed on the spot, it means that he is still useful.

At this time, the back of his head is aching. Simon wanted to rub it, but he couldn't. He curses Alex in a low voice,

"Damn, bastard, it's so cruel!"

Mr Lian hears the noise and walks in, "Are you awake now?"

Simon sees the man's eyes flickering, then he knows at a glance that the man in front of him is just an ordinary citizen, who is definitely not someone like Alex. He thinks about it and asks,

"Bro, what do you mean by tying me up?"

Mr Lian thinks about it and finds that Alex did not say that he was not allowed to talk to this tied man. All what he needs to do is just ensures that this tied man could not contact the outside world and not starve to death. So he explains,

"I didn't tie you up. I am just responsible for watching you all the time. As for what he is going to do, I have no idea at all."

When Simon hears this, he becomes more certain of his guess, and thinking about his own situation, he hurriedly asks,

"So, bro, you are not familiar with him either, right?"

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