
Rebirth:I become the murderer who has killed 40 persons

Alex suddenly discovers that his surroundings gets extremely strange after he woke up this morning and he realizes that he has an amazing experience of time-and space travel. There is only a diary beside him and he thinks that maybe this diary would answer his current confusion. However, when he opens that diary, he finds that the contents of that diary are extremely crazy and it is clearly a record of crimes, including at least 40 cases. And It's 90% sure that original owner is that murder, which makes Alex totally shocked. Just when Alex is about to read carefully and figure it out , the piercing siren downstairs wakes him up. Do the cops come here to catch him? will he surrender himself? Did the original owner really disappear? Or should he at least try to survive? What he should do exactly then?... Thousands of memories have come to Alex's mind...

susanlu · Horror
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68 Chs

Chapter 35 Go to hell!!!

Alex drives back to the hotel directly since he wants to take a rest now and it is time to work at night.

What Alex doesn't know is that he has been watched since he got off the plane. And the young man who was talking to Tom is installing surveillance in Alex's room at this time, since he has to know Alex's every move.

When Alex returns to the hotel, that young man has already left safely. Alex enters the room and immediately finds that someone has been to his room before. Alex had tampered with the door, so he would clearly know if anyone came in. How could he not be careful when he is out alone in such a city? Especially for someone like him who has secrets.

When Alex left, he specifically asked the front desk not to let anyone enter his room, but it seemed useless. He didn't say anything and just lay on the bed and fell asleep as if nothing has happened.

Because Alex has been on a plane all night, he sleeps until the night. When he wakes up, it is already past eleven o'clock in the evening.

The room is dark, he doesn't turn on the light, while he turns on his phone and looks around carefully, he finally finds the camera installed in the room, which was obviously installed after he left, because he checked the room when he first checked in.

Alex thought before that it was the hotel staff who came in, the purpose was to steal something, but now it seems that he was wrong. Someone is targeting him and he knows who this person is. It must be Tom and he must have sent someone to monitor him, after all, Tom has lived in Hua City before for a long time, so it is pretty normal for him to have some connections.

After knowing that it is Tom who sent someone to monitor him, Alex plays along, and does not remove the cameras, he would not do anything else in the hotel room except sleeping, if that guy wants to see it, go ahead.

Alex checks the time and it is still a little early. It is just right to see if he could catch the person who is following and monitoring him. He goes downstairs for a midnight snack.

During this period, Alex roughly remembers almost everyone he has seen. If someone appears in front of him for the second time, then this person is likely to be Tom's man. He doesn't think that a small follower knows any anti-reconnaissance technology.

After having a midnight snack, Alex drives to the local biggest bar, where is the territory of the largest local gang. Gang members come here to consume when they have nothing to do.

It is already past twelve o'clock when Alex arrives at the destination. However, it is still too early to do his business. He just has to wait for a while, anyway he is not in a hurry.

While Alex is waiting in the car, he sees a familiar face. The man is a yellow-haired man. Alex has seen him when he had a midnight snack. It is impossible for him to make a mistake because his hair looks particularly special.

Was this person really found by Tom? If so, then he thought too highly of Tom, or did Tom think too little of him?

Alex gets out of the car and walks straight to the man whose acting skills are good and very natural and who does not realize his biggest mistake. 

Alex takes out a cigarette and hands him one, asking, "Do you have a light?"

That yellow- haired man naturally takes the cigarette and takes out a lighter and hands it to Alex. Then Alex lit the cigarette but doesn't smoke it, just holds it in his hand. He has the habit of smoking before his time and space travel, but the original owner didn't. If he smokes now, his body would absolutely feel very uncomfortable.

Alex turns his head and looks at him, asking, "What's your name?"

The man looks at him with a look of a lunatic, turns around and is about to leave. Alex doesn't stop him but follows him silently.

The man sees Alex following him and asks angrily, "Are you sick? Why are you following me?"

Alex still doesn't answer, but the meaning is very clear, that is, Alex wants to follow him.

The man is stared at by Alex, and gradually becomes a little flustered. He turns around and walks away quickly. Alex still follows him. The man looks back from time to time, and his speed becomes faster and faster. Finally, he starts to run.

Alex also runs with him. After the two run for a while, the man sees that he could not escape, so he stops and looks at Alex and cries,

"Bro, what do you mean? Did I provoke you?"

"What's your name?" Alex asks again.

The man answers helplessly, "Simon, everyone calls me Simon, bro, I have told you everything, can I leave now?"

Alex answers doubtfully, "I didn't stop you from leaving."

"Bro, you indeed didn't stop me from leaving, but you kept following me. Can you not follow me again?"

Alex shakes his head. Seeing this, Simon takes a breath and asks, "Bro, what are you trying to do exactly?"

"Do you know Anthony?"

Hearing Alex's question, Simon's expression does not change at all, and he shakes his head and answers quickly, "No."

"Really not?"

"Really not."

Alex nods and sighs, "That's a big pity."

After saying that, the hammer in his sleeve slipped out, and Alex walks towards Simon holding the hammer.

When Simon sees this scene, he doesn't care about anything else and runs away, but how could he run faster than Alex? Alex exercises every day and is much taller than him, so Alex catches up with him in a few steps.

Alex grabs the collar of Simon's neck and knocks him down, then looks up and looks around, puts away the hammer, strangles his neck with both hands and drags him into the alley.

Where has Simon seen such a scene? He is so scared that he shouts for help, but Alex strangles his neck, so the sound is not loud at all. After Simon discovers it, he is even more scared and struggles harder and harder.

Alex whispers, "Relax, don't be afraid, it will be truly quick."

Simon hurriedly says, "I know him! I know Anthony!"

But because of the stranglehold on his neck, Alex couldn't hear what he said clearly, so Alex releases a little and asks,

"What did you say?"

Simon pants heavily, "I know Anthony, I really know him."

Alex nods expressionlessly, and then continues to drag him into the alley. Simon is anxious and shouts,

"I said I know Anthony! I really know him! I really didn't lie to you!"

Alex nods, "I know, relax, it doesn't matter whether you know him or not, I don't know him anyway."

Hearing this, Simon gets extremely stunned, 

"Go to hell, Fuck you..."

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