
Rebirth:I become the murderer who has killed 40 persons

Alex suddenly discovers that his surroundings gets extremely strange after he woke up this morning and he realizes that he has an amazing experience of time-and space travel. There is only a diary beside him and he thinks that maybe this diary would answer his current confusion. However, when he opens that diary, he finds that the contents of that diary are extremely crazy and it is clearly a record of crimes, including at least 40 cases. And It's 90% sure that original owner is that murder, which makes Alex totally shocked. Just when Alex is about to read carefully and figure it out , the piercing siren downstairs wakes him up. Do the cops come here to catch him? will he surrender himself? Did the original owner really disappear? Or should he at least try to survive? What he should do exactly then?... Thousands of memories have come to Alex's mind...

susanlu · Horror
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68 Chs

Chapter 28 Does someone know the contents of the diary?

Alex's sudden action startles the couple next to him. Seeing this, Alex turns around and smiles apologetically at them. Unexpectedly, this smile makes them leave directly. The boy whispers that Alex is a mental illness when he left.

Alex hears it and feels helpless. He thinks that the boy is right because he indeed does look like a mental patient now.

After finishing his meal quickly, Alex returns home and meets Tom again at the door, who seems to have forgotten the previous embarrassment and smiles,

"Did you go outside to eat?"

Alex glances at him and ignores him at all, closing the door.

Tom shrugs at the closed door and talks to himself,

"How rude! This is absolutely not good."

The meeting room is completely silent, and everyone is very serious. Chen sits in the first seat with a frown on his face at the same time. In just one week, his hair has turned a little gray because there is still no any progress in the case of Li's death.

This murderer was too straightforward. Many serial killers have a psychological quirk, which is to collect some things from the victims and regard them as their own trophies, but this murderer did not. He just killed and left without any extra movements, just like he had only one intention is to kill Li.

What kind of flaws did he deliberately leave to provoke the police, or some symbols that belonged to him, or did something he put next to the body? None of them.

No, there are still some, that is, beating the victim. This method is his mark, but it has no effect on the case.

The police only knows that the murder's dominant hand is his right hand and the murder weapon is a blunt instrument, and there are no other clues.

There is no clue to this case now. How can Chen not worry about when he learns that another murder case has occurred in that apartment again? He is silent for a long time before he slowly speaks,

"Tell me about it."

Yang immediately stands up, turns on the projector, and introduces,

"The deceased is named Susan, female, 29 years old, single, a sales representative of a pharmaceutical company, and is quite extreme. She often makes some extreme remarks on the Internet. Such people are ridiculed as "boxers" by netizens.

The time of death was between 1 and 2 am. today, and the place of death was at home. The cause of death was multiple heavy blows to the head. No murder weapon was found, and it should be taken away by the murderer.

The person who reported the case was a colleague of her company because she saw the deceased send a microwave."

Yang points to the projector, and a video is playing on it. The content of the video is that the deceased was excusing the murderer, saying that the murderer certainly had reasons for killing people and it was understandable. Even if she was killed one day, she felt that it was justifiable and hoped that the murderer would not be held accountable.

After playing the video, Yang continues,

"The deceased's colleagues knew the deceased well and thought the video she posted was too strange. In addition, the deceased did not come to work, so they reported it to the police.

The video has been removed, but many people still saw it.

"It can be seen that the murderer was next to her at the time and forced her to shoot this video."

"What else is found at the scene?" Chen asks.

"It will take two days to know."

"Where is the surveillance? Isn't there a surveillance camera in the apartment now?"

"It's broken. Someone destroyed it two days ago."

"It was destroyed by someone, and it was destroyed two days ago. Why didn't the property management deal with it for so long?"

"Their reply is that they are dealing with it."

Hu sneers when he hears of it ,

"Well, a broken surveillance camera has not been repaired for two days, really...well, go ahead."

Yang continues,

"Originally this case was easy to investigate, because the murderer destroyed the surveillance camera accurately, and the approximate range could be locked to the people who live in this apartment, but now it is not possible, because many people in the apartment have moved out because of previous cases.

In order to allow people to move in quickly, the apartment has opened up permissions, and many real estate agents bring people to see the house every day, so..."

"Do you think this case is related to Li's case?"

"The only connection is that the deceased once commented on Li's case, and the words were very extreme."

As Yang says this, he pulls out the comments posted by the deceased. Everyone reads the comments and no one speaks. This did not mean anything, it only proved that the murderer had seen this comment.

At this time, a piercing cell phone ring rang. Chen takes out his cell phone and checks the caller ID. 

"Yes, yes, I know."

"Yes, yes, I promise to complete the task soon!"

After hanging up the phone, Chen gets even more helpless. He looks at everyone and says tiredly,

"You guys heard it too. Hurry up and do your work."

When Alex is watching the video about the case at home, he receives another call from his mother. Just like last time, she asks him to go to their house quickly and live there, or move out as soon as possible. His mother thinks that this apartment is too evil, and Alex also feels that he should move out soon.

But it is impossible to go to their house. Thinking of his father and the weapons in the cellar, how could he go home?

After a few perfunctory words, at the end, his mother does not ask him to go back again. This time, he does not soften his heart, but refuses on the grounds that he is busy with work.

After hanging up the phone, Alex sees someone @ him in the owner group. He clicks in and finds that it is Tom sending messages @ everyone. Alex frowns. Why is this person always haunting?

But when Alex sees the content posted by Tom, he is stunned.

"I found out that the deceased was Susan, and the cause of death was multiple heavy blows to the head. It's too tragic!"

This Susan also suffered multiple blows to the head, which is similar to what the first person named Susan too and written in the diary experienced. Is it a coincidence? Or does someone know the contents of the diary?

Alex looks through the chat records. Tom did not say this sentence suddenly, but someone in the group was discussing it, and then someone asked him, so he said it.

But Alex still doubts it, because the action of @ everyone is extremely strange, as if Tom is telling him on purpose.

Alex is a bit anxious. If Tom really wants to remind him like this, then why does he know the contents of the diary? Who is he exactly?