
Rebirth:I become the murderer who has killed 40 persons

Alex suddenly discovers that his surroundings gets extremely strange after he woke up this morning and he realizes that he has an amazing experience of time-and space travel. There is only a diary beside him and he thinks that maybe this diary would answer his current confusion. However, when he opens that diary, he finds that the contents of that diary are extremely crazy and it is clearly a record of crimes, including at least 40 cases. And It's 90% sure that original owner is that murder, which makes Alex totally shocked. Just when Alex is about to read carefully and figure it out , the piercing siren downstairs wakes him up. Do the cops come here to catch him? will he surrender himself? Did the original owner really disappear? Or should he at least try to survive? What he should do exactly then?... Thousands of memories have come to Alex's mind...

susanlu · Horror
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68 Chs

Chapter 27 One same kind person of original owner found Alex

It is so scary because Alex has thought that the original owner ran out again to kill someone while he was asleep. Now that he knows the original owner didn't kill anyone, he relaxes finally.

Alex walks to the window and looks at the busy police downstairs the apartment. He doesn't know what happened, and he doesn't want to know either. Anyway, it is none of his business. Alex just feels that this apartment is too weird. How long has it been since the last case? Something happened again.

Now there should be more people moving out. He wonders if he should move out too?

"Knock, knock, knock"

There is a knock on the door. Alex frowns and becomes unhappy. He thinks the police comes to the door again, which makes him truly annoyed and feels that it would never end.

After hiding the diary well, Alex angrily opens the door and is about to ask questions, but he finds that the person who comes is not a policeman, but Tom, the new neighbor who moved in across the street.

Tom sees Alex's unhappy expression and asks in confusion, "Did I bother you?"

Alex exhales, holds back the prepared lines, and smiles, "No, what's the matter?"

"I see the police comes to our apartment. I am a little curious and plans to ask you if you would like to go with me to see it."

Alex frowns at him and asks,

"Why do you call me? Are we very familiar with each other?"

Tom is choked by Alex's straightforward words and responses awkwardly,

"Uh... No, you misunderstood. I thought you might be curious, and I was curious too. We are neighbors, so it is convenient that we can come together and I can ask you if I don't know something. I am really sorry for being rude."

Alex nods but says nothing, and then stretches out his hand to close the door.

Tom stretches out his hand too to stop him. Alex narrows his eyes when he sees this action. Alex really wants to say,

" You really do not know who I am? When I go crazy, even I am afraid of myself."

But Alex knows that he could not say this stuff, and he looks at Tom and waits for him to explain.

Tom's expression is still a little embarrassed.

"Well... I just want to ask if you are curious? If you are curious, let's go and have a look together."

"I'm not curious at all." Alex replies expressionlessly.

Tom nods, indicating that he understands, "Okay, sorry, I disturbed you."

Alex closes the door. Curious? Of course he is curious, but he feels that the reason why his life is so good recently is because he has not been exposed to these things.

Alex is truly afraid that the action that he would go and see it out of curiosity will probably lead the original owner out again, which would be terribly bad. Comparing with his peaceful life in the future, he could still curb this little curiosity.

Tom stands at the door of Alex's house, frowning, because Alex's behavior is indeed beyond his expectations.

Alex returns to his house and feels that something is wrong. Tom's behavior seems normal, but it is very strange.

Tom was polite and had an awkward expression, which made him look like a social phobia, but his behavior was indeed a real social bull. Who would knock on the door of a neighbor who had just met once?

Moreover, the relationship between neighbors in big cities is just like that. Good neighbors who can help each other when there is something wrong are hard to come by. It is a blessing to be a reasonable person. Nodding acquaintances are the norm.

Shaking his head, no matter what Tom's purpose is, as long as he ignores Tom, there should be no big problem.

At noon, Alex goes downstairs to eat and found that the police car had left. He comes to the restaurant, just after ordering the meal and sitting down, he hears a young couple at the next table discussing the case.

Alex really wants to leave and he doesn't want to hear anything about it now, but then he thinks that he couldn't escape. The cases that happened one after another would definitely become a hot topic again. It would be difficult for him not to see them, unless he won't touch his phone. But for him, not touching his phone would cost him his whole life, wouldn't it?

Since Alex would know it sooner or later, he simply listens. As the young couple discuss, Alex also gets a general idea.

There is a dead woman and no one knows her name or age. Now people speculated that she was killed because she made a lot of inappropriate comments online.

Alex frowns, and he thinks of the "boxing ring" he saw on the internet on the way he came back from the police station before. Really? Such a coincidence?

Alex doesn't know if the deceased is the woman who thinks Tang is truly forced and innocent even if she is a murder. He takes out his phone, and sure enough, the Internet is full of information discussing this case. It doesn't take long time for him to confirm that the deceased is the person who posted the comment he saw at the time.

Then Alex notices that the comment with the highest praise under her comment is,

"I really hope that the murderer will find you."

Alex has seen this comment before, and there are many likes at that time, but he doesn't care. No one would care since it is just a random comment on the Internet and there are many more vicious comments than this.

Now it seems that the murderer saw this comment and killed her.

Alex sneers in his heart, loser, this murderer is such a loser, who does he think he is? The messenger of justice in the world? Does killing need a reason? Killing just relies on instinct.

Thinking of this, Alex suddenly wakes up, and then slaps himself hardly, saying that he would not supposed to be curious. He just got a little bit of information and came up with such a strange idea. It's really a self-inflicted disaster.

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