
Rebirth:I become the murderer who has killed 40 persons

Alex suddenly discovers that his surroundings gets extremely strange after he woke up this morning and he realizes that he has an amazing experience of time-and space travel. There is only a diary beside him and he thinks that maybe this diary would answer his current confusion. However, when he opens that diary, he finds that the contents of that diary are extremely crazy and it is clearly a record of crimes, including at least 40 cases. And It's 90% sure that original owner is that murder, which makes Alex totally shocked. Just when Alex is about to read carefully and figure it out , the piercing siren downstairs wakes him up. Do the cops come here to catch him? will he surrender himself? Did the original owner really disappear? Or should he at least try to survive? What he should do exactly then?... Thousands of memories have come to Alex's mind...

susanlu · Horror
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68 Chs

Chapter 22 The fish bit the bait

Hearing Alex revealing the secrets, everyone gets even more excited.

Then Alex describes the incidents in detail.

"Let's talk about the first deceased at first... The last deceased is called Li, the security guard of our apartment, who had a serious voyeurism and was even expelled from school during college because of this creepy habit."

"Wow, so explosive?"

"Could it be that Li killed the anchor because of his twisted mentality, and then was discovered by the anchor's suitor or some acquaintance, and then was killed as a revenge?"

"I think it's very likely."

Hearing everyone agreeing with it, they look like the case is just like this.

Alex has no expression on his face, neither agreeing nor disagreeing, but claps his hands and interrupts,

"Okay, okay, the police will investigate what happened, can you be better than the police?"

Seeing that everyone wants to refute him, Alex continues helplessly, "Do you want to know another piece of news?"

Sure enough, as soon as this news comes out, everyone immediately become pretty honest and quiet, just like the students in the classroom, staring, waiting for the next step.

Alex slowly says, "I have pursued Tang."

This news makes everyone quiet for a moment, and then burst into exclamations. In their opinion, this is much more fierce than the previous one.

"Tell me, tell me in detail, the more detailed, the better."

Seeing everyone's curious eyes, Alex continues, "But she didn't agree. I'm just a fish in her pond."

"That's it?"

Alex knows that this answer would disappoint people, and then he pretends to be hesitant to speak more, and finally shakes his head,

"Forget it, the person is dead, I won't say it."

Alex glances at Alice and sees her frowning. Alex knew that the fish bit the bait and he has succeeded. What he did is just to attract her attention.

After that, Alex stops talking about the case anymore and everyone chat other topics again. As time goes by, everyone is ready to leave. Alice walks to Alex directly and whispers,

"What exactly did you want to say just now?"

Alex looks at her and smiles, "Do you really want to know that stuff?"

Alice nods certainly,

"If you really want to know, okay ,just follow me."

Alex takes the lead and walks in front and Alice follows him without any hesitation. Anyway, she is originally going to investigate Alex sooner or later. Now that Alex would like to give her some direction, she really appreciate such a development. Then, under the ambiguous eyes of everyone, the two walk out together.

Alex couldn't drive because he was drunk. So he stands on the side of the road and hails a car. Then the two get in the car and Alice asks,

"Where are we going right now?"

Alex smiles and responses, "Devil's Tears."

"Why will we go there? That place is a standard photo scam, nothing else to see."

"Have you ever been there?"

"Of course I have been there, but I never want to go there again after I went there once."

"I haven't been there yet, but I really want to see it, are you sure that you don't want to go there with me one more time?"

"Indeed, alright, but it doesn't matter if I go there again. By the way, can you tell me now what you really want to share before?"

"No hurry, I'll tell you when we get there."

Alice could only agree, but she is very confused. Why will Alex take her there? Would it be related to Tang's case? What did he know? One question after another lingers in her mind, and she couldn't help but look at Alex.

Alex is looking out the window casually at this time, with a faint smile on his face. He suddenly notices that Alice is staring at him, and then he turns his head and leans in front of her and whispers,

"I know you are here to investigate me, and you police suspect me. If, I mean, if I am the murderer, then you follow me alone, do you know what situation you will probably face?"

Without waiting for her to answer, Alex looks behind the car and asks, "Is anyone following us?"

Alice shakes her head immediately and denies,

"You misunderstood. I don't know whether the police suspect you or not. I'm not in charge of this case and I came back here just on a business trip."

Alex smiles silently.

Alice's expression remains unchanged, but she feels a little heavy inside. Indeed, she know that there are colleagues following her behind to ensure her safety. However, she is not sure whether Alex's words just now were a test or not?

But she finally understands why Chen and Yang are so suspicious of Alex, because this person is too abnormal. She could clearly sense the madness in his heart and Alice feels that he really enjoys this feeling.

Soon, the two arrive at the destination. Alice feels a little scared when she sees the desolate scene.

Especially after the driver left, there are only the two of them left here. The quiet and dark atmosphere makes Alice feel more frightened. She couldn't help but start to think wildly.

But when Alice thinks of her colleagues following her, she feels much betters. She suppresses her fear and asks in confusion,

"Now that we are here, you are supposed to tell me what I really want to know, right?"

Alex turns around and looks at her. Instead of answering her question, he smiles and asks back, " Alice, I feel that you seem scared. What exactly are you afraid of?"

Alice feels like her heart is being seen through, but she couldn't admit it, so she says stubbornly,

"You know I'm a police officer, why should I be afraid? I just wonder what you want to tell me by bringing me here?"

Alex shakes his head slowly,

"Everyone has the fear, which has nothing to do with their identity, but since you says you're not afraid at all, then follow me."

Alex then turns around the lake, not caring whether Alice follows him or not. Alice looks at his back, hesitates for a moment, then grits her teeth and follows him at the end.


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