
Rebirth:I become the murderer who has killed 40 persons

Alex suddenly discovers that his surroundings gets extremely strange after he woke up this morning and he realizes that he has an amazing experience of time-and space travel. There is only a diary beside him and he thinks that maybe this diary would answer his current confusion. However, when he opens that diary, he finds that the contents of that diary are extremely crazy and it is clearly a record of crimes, including at least 40 cases. And It's 90% sure that original owner is that murder, which makes Alex totally shocked. Just when Alex is about to read carefully and figure it out , the piercing siren downstairs wakes him up. Do the cops come here to catch him? will he surrender himself? Did the original owner really disappear? Or should he at least try to survive? What he should do exactly then?... Thousands of memories have come to Alex's mind...

susanlu · Horror
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62 Chs

Chapter 54 One attack is set for Tom in the heavy rain

Because of the sudden heavy rain, Mr Lian slows down the car. He glances at Tom from the rearview mirror from time to time and finds that Tom does not show any special behavior, but just closes his eyes to have a rest quietly.

He looks at Simon, who is sitting in the passenger seat, warily. Simon is looking out the window at this time, not knowing what he is thinking exactly.

The car is extremely quiet, and only the sound of rain outside could be heard. The quieter it is, the more uncertain Mr Lian feels. In this moment, he really wants to make some noise, but he doesn't dare to do it, which makes him very depressed.

At this time, Mr Lian sees from the rearview mirror that a car behind him is frequently turning on the high beam. This phenomenon attracts his attention totally since he doesn't know what the car is going to do. He thinks the other party might want to overtake, so he could only slow down and give way.

But the car doesn't mean to overtake, and it is still following behind him, still turning on the high beam frequently, which makes Mr Lian a little confused.

Simon also notices this weird phenomenon, but he knows that the car behind him is probably Wang and his group. He looks at Mr Lian, who still frowns and is obviously very confused.

Simon looks back at Tom who closes his eyes and doesn't seem to notice the car behind them. He thinks for a moment and says to Mr Lian calmly,

"The car behind us has been flashing its lights at us for a long time. Is there anything wrong with your car?"

When Mr Lian hears Simon's words, he thinks of Alex. It is obvious that Alex wants to deal with Tom, so the car behind them might be the killer hired by Alex. He goes with the flow and says,

"I don't know. I have thought that the car behind us was going to overtake. However, now it seems that there might be something wrong with my car. I'll go down and take a look. Do you guys think it's okay?"

As Mr Lian says this, he turns around and looks at Tom to ask for his opinion.

Tom opens his eyes, took a deep look at Mr Lian, and then nods silently.

"Okay. Go ahead"

Mr Lian slows down and pulls over, then Mr Lian takes out an umbrella and gets out of the car. Simon also plans to get out at this moment. In his opinion, when Wang arrives, they would directly attack Tom, which probably would be unsafe for him to stay in the car, so it would be better to stay away first.

Just as Simon is about to open the door, Tom speaks up,

"It's raining so hard outside, and you don't have an umbrella. What are you doing outside?"

Simon gets stunned. He turns his head and looks at Tom who is staring at him at this time. Simon feels so nervous and laughs dryly twice,

"Out of curiosity, I just want to see what's going on?"

Tom smiles and doesn't say anything, but the meaning is very obvious, that is, not to let Simon get out of this car.

Simon doesn't insist on getting out of the car after seeing this and he sees that the car behind them has stopped at this time. The two people who get out of that car are Wang and Florian. His heart instantly rises to his throat and he stares at them nervously.

Mr Lian outside sees that the two people got out of that car but he doesn't know them at all. Alex didn't tell him who the killers were, but just asked him to pick up Tom.

Wang and Florian walks toward to Mr Lian and asks,

"Is it you who made the phone call just now?"

Mr Lian realizes what is going on as soon as he hears it. Then he hurriedly says,

"Simon and Tom are in the car now. Simon is sitting in the co-pilot and Tom is sitting in the back seat. What's more, Simon has turned against you. Be careful please."

Wang nods, but he is actually a little nervous when he gets to the point. After all, this is murder. He squeezes the sharp knife in his hand to cheer himself up, and then asks Florian,

"Are you ready?"

Florian nods with a serious expression, indicating that he is fully ready.

While the three are talking quietly, Tom suddenly asks Simon in the car,

"How did Alex discover you?"

Simon comes to his senses quickly and tells him exactly how Alex found him at that time, but he lied at the end and said that he ran away.

Tom nods without asking any more questions, then slowly takes out a scalpel from his bag and slashed it directly towards Simon's neck.

Simon is now very focused. The moment Tom makes a move, he dodges directly, then pushes open the car door and runs out.

When the three people outside see this, Mr Lian turns around and runs as fast as he could. He thinks his mission is completed well and he has to find a safer place to hide.

Wang and Florian rush directly to the car. Simon sees them and shouts loudly,

"Hurry up! He is well prepared!"

Wang glances at him and ignores him. Now the first thing to deal with is Tom. As for Simon, little bastard, there would be plenty of opportunities in the future to deal with him.

Tom has already gotten out of the car at this time. Several people stand in the rain, staring at each other seriously. Tom leans against the car door, Simon stands not far to Tom's left, Wang and the other stand to Tom's right, and Mr Lian is next to Wang's car.

After Simon finishes shouting, no one speaks, as if someone has cast a spell on them.

At this time, a car passes by several people, as if a switch is turned on. Wang and Florian look at each other and rush towards Tom quickly.

Tom also takes action immediately. He takes two steps forward to keep himself away from the car, so that his range of movement would be much larger.

Wang stabs Tom's chest with a sharp knife first. However, Tom dodges sideways and slashes the scalpel in his hand towards Wang's abdomen, while Wang could not dodge in time. This knife should have directly cut open Wang's stomach hardly, but because Florian rushes over, Tom is forced to give up this action.

Wang is extremely frightened and breaks into a cold sweat. He was almost killed by this bastard just now, then he shouts to Florian, "Be careful."

The weapon in Florian's hand is truly different from Wang's. Florian is holding a machete which is very powerful. This resulted in Tom having no chance to get close in a short period of time, and he could only retreat to avoid it.

Florian is relentless and stabs Tom with one knife after another. Wang follows behind him and he is always looking for an opportunity.

Simon is very excited when he sees that Tom is temporarily at a disadvantage. As long as Tom died, everything would be over. Thinking of this, his eyesight changes totally and he finds the right opportunity to hit Tom.

Tom could not dodge in time and is directly hit and staggered. Florian's and Wang's eyes lit up when they see this scene. Although they don't know why Simon suddenly did this, it was indeed a wonderful opportunity.

Florian doesn't have more time to think about it carefully, and slashes at Tom with a knife. Tom rolls on the ground to avoid the knife, and then looks at Simon fiercely.

Simon discovers Tom's fierce eyes, which make him more determined to kill Tom tonight.

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