


Harry left the Great Hall before anyone else as he chatted to the twins after they'd arranged a date with Katie Bell. He almost skipped up to Gryffindor Tower, joyous in the way that things were beginning to change already, this being the first time he was having fun in the first time in a long while. This whole year had sucked up until that point.

He remembered when he got up to leave that nearly everyone seemed to stare at him, making him realise that the news of his falling out with the Gryffindor students had become public knowledge. All the four houses seemed to be whispering about him, some lies while other comments were closer to the truth. The girls of Beauxbatons were the only ones that didn't seem to pay that much attention as they seemed to be more interested in there reflections as they admired themselves in the silverware. This would've pissed him off in normal situations but today he had had enough, so instead of looking like a nervous boy he pumped out his chest and straightened his back which made him look like a confident man.

The reason for his current destination was to collect some items from his room; well some items may be an understatement in this case. He planned on moving to a different place which would get him away from all the other people that resided in the dorm, the dorm where he couldn't even look at one of his dorm mates without the feeling of disgust.

The problem which he was thinking over was where he could possibly sleep if not for the Gryffindor Tower.

I could ask Dumbledore but he'd probably send me away, telling me that my friends are my biggest asset or some crap like that. Plus I don't really want him knowing about this seeing as this is something that I want to do on my own, with my own will.

He was so lost in thought that he'd seemed to have wandered up several flight of stairs and left him walking down an unfamiliar hallway.

"Where the hell am I?" he questioned to nobody in particular. "Why does this seem familiar?" he asked again as he began to see something's that caught his eye, the suits of armour, the stained glass window showing Godric Gryffindor. "7th floor. That's where I am" he sighed as he realised he'd gotten way of course.

As he turned to make his way back down the hallway his thoughts jumped back onto the topic that was giving him problem.

I need a place to sleep, but where?

That was when he heard it, the sound of moving stone as it grinded together. He turned slowly to see the sound, getting ready to run if need be as his muscles tensed somewhat, placing a hold on his wand as well. When he'd turned fully he was subject to a door, a door that he could've sworn wasn't there a minute ago. It looked ancient as old carvings had been finely placed into the wood.

When he saw the door he knew what was going to happen straight away as he felt the blood flow through his veins at a quicker pace, he was going to open it because he was a Gryffindor through and through, bravery ran through his heart and that's what made him reach for the handle as he pushed it open.

When the door opened fully he made his way inside the room, the room which was amazing in every way, a room that matched his thoughts exactly. This room was a bedroom but not just any bedroom. This room was a massive bedroom with a king sized bed sitting in the middle as bookshelf's lined the walls. The room was decorated in red after his need for a room that represented his house.

"What is this room? It's perfect, exactly what I need" he spoke out. The room seemed to hear his question as a book flew out of a nearby bookcase, Harry catching it with his Quidditch reflexes.

"Room of Requirement" it was titled. "Whatever the user needs the room will require within reason. The room can only grow to a certain size, once over that size the room will stop, a invisible wall stopping the user from going any further" he read in awe.


When he got the control of his muscles back he began to head towards the bed that sat in the middle, immediately feeling tired as he felt the fabric wrap itself around his form. "This is heaven" he whispered. "Thank God it's Saturday"

This was how his day started until lunch time. He sat in his bed while summoning some of the books that sat upon the shelves. The topics of the books were amazing, covering everything from Dark Arts to Muggles, Hermione would love this. He had everything he would ever need in this room which made him laugh as his plans seemed to be taken affect just by chance as finding this room was completely lucky on his part.

When lunch arrived the room told Harry by creating a piece of parchment which read 12 noon. Instead of going to lunch like the other students he planned to go to the tower, fulfilling the task that he was doing before he discovered the task. He knew that no students would be in the tower while lunch was happening, especially Ron who would be the first person down there, stuffing his face in the process.

Leaving the room he made his way to Gryffindor Tower to get his clothing and other items that was close to him. He took the nearest moving staircase and waited until it approached the Fat Lady to depart the stairs. He quickly muttered the password which opened the portrait, which led to the common room and more importantly the dorms.

After a couple of minutes walking he finally made it to his destination after finding the Common Room to be relatively empty apart from a couple of students making out in a corner. He opened the door slowly, making sure that nobody was currently residing in the room. Seeing as it seemed to be empty he got down to work as he began shoving all his belonging into his case. The Invisibility cloak, robes, family photo album and many other items entered the case as sweat began to form on his brow.

I really need to get fit

As the final possessions entered the case he felt someone else's presence in the room. He couldn't really say how he knew, putting it down to instinct after all the years of attempts on his life.

"What have we got here then, Fred"

"Looks like someone who's planning on leaving, George"

Harry spun and looked at the two leaning on the wall like they were there all the time. "Hello Fred" he indicated to the right "George" then to the left.

"Hey, I'm Fred" Fred said.

"and I'm George" George followed.

"Are you sure? You remind me of George, Fred" Harry smiled as he went back to packing.

"Yes I'm sure. George, back me up"

"I think your right"

"See Harry" Fred concluded quickly until he realised what his brother had said "Wait, you think I'm right"

"Yes, I think. We switch so many times" Fred offered his answer.

"A word Fred" George muttered as he walked towards his brother. Harry loved this, he was only kidding when he said his thoughts on the twins identities. He could only hear muttering as he finished packing and looked at the pair who seemed to be having a conversation over their identities.

He could make out certain words and mutterings that could be heard from the pair. 'I'm George and your Fred, Alright'

'So I'm George and you Fred'

'No you idiot' this line of arguing seemed to continue until they got stuck on other trivialities 'Who's Forge then?'

'That's a joke, a combination of Fred and George equalling' a couple of seconds without an answer 'Forge you idiot' George seemed to slap his face in annoyance of his twin brother.

'You don't need to be mean'

Finally they came out and looked at Harry with a happy expression, realising that the young trouble maker was having them on all the time.

"Nice try Harry. Good to see you've got some spirit, it'll help during the training" George told him.

"About that, when do we start?"

"Ohhh, does little Harry want to start so he can whoo Katie tomorrow"

"Partly" he smiled mysteriously as he picked up his case to leave the dorm forever. Fred saw this as Harry began to walk towards the door.

"Is there a reason why all your belongings are in a case that you are taken out of the place you sleep and reside?"

"Yes, I'm moving" he smiled as he left the room.

"Where?" Fred yelled as he tried to get an answer, being stopped as Harry had disappeared down the staircase. "That kid is bloody mysterious"

"Yeah" George agreed "He's going to be a hit with the ladies" he added as they both laughed.

Chick Magnet indeed

Room of Requirement

"Bloody Hell"

"This is bloody amazing"

These were the reactions of Fred and George as they entered the room. Harry had decided to let them into the secret after he thought that'd be the perfect place to perform the lessons without anyone knowing. They seemed to be in shock as he looked at them.

Probably seeing all the things that could be done in this place

"I know" he admitted to himself.

"How isn't it on the Marauders map, I swear we would've seen it" Fred found his voice as he became confused over the map that'd been given to Harry.

"I don't think they knew this place existed"

"Yeah, that would explain it" George replied in awe as he took in all the room. This kind of behaviour went on until Harry settled them down enough to begin the lesson he had paid them for. The thought of teaching their ways to another person who was paying them for their services seemed to make them calm down.

They settled down, letting them speak to Harry. "Alright Harry. What's the first thing you'd like to learn?"

"It better be about dating seeing as I've got a date with a very beautiful woman tomorrow"

"Well you've got one of traits straight away Harry" he looked at them confused to what Fred meant "Girls love flattery. Good way of getting out of detentions with the female Professors as well actually, George" Fred indicated for his brother to continue.

"Yes, Fred. McGonagall really likes to be complimented on her figure. Something like 'have you been working out, Professor' will get you out of almost any situation" George told him as the memories of how many times that statement saved his ass. Harry smiled as he began to learn, taking in all the knowledge that was being provided by the twins.

"When you first see Katie tomorrow, compliment her on her clothing or jewellery"

"You should take her on a picnic seeing as it should be a nice day tomorrow"

"You should be confident. Don't let her get to you."

"But don't be too confident. Shyness can also be tolerated but in small doses"

"You should flirt with her, insinuate things to come even if you don't mean it"

The advice kept on coming and Harry took note as he tried to go over everything in his head, over and over again. When they finished giving him advice they began to role play as to how the date would turn out, showing him what to look out for in the body language department. Harry was amazed at all the different signals that would range from meaning. Some of the movements could mean 'I want to kiss you', 'I don't like that point of view' and the funniest in his opinion 'I want you to make passionate love to me right now', thinking that Fred and George were having a laugh when it came to that particular suggestion.

"Hey, don't laugh. That's what that means when a girl lets you see more cleavage without slapping you" George told him.

"Next" Harry told him as he was having problems holding his laughter in.

"Harry, you need to know this stuff" Fred offered, knowing that particular one wasn't completly proven but still pushing it on him, thinking that the scene could be funny if Harry did act on that signal while with Katie.

Probably a blow in the nuts



The next part of the session made Harry feel very uncomfortable as the twins showed him the different techniques when it came to kissing. This was made kind of humorous as two dummies were thrown into the room, ending with the twins shoving their tongues down the dummies throats. This was stopped as Harry saw the twins taking it too far as they began to explore the dummies bodies.

"Get a room" Harry yelled as he looked at twins as they looked up, shocked that other people were present. They got of the dummies slowly as they surveyed their surroundings. "I only wanted to see the kissing, not full on sex guys" Harry laughed as the twins joined him nervously.

They seemed to have recovered as the dummies faded out of existence. "You may need the advice Harry. You never know how it'll go with Katie"

"Shut up. I don't really want to worry about that tomorrow"

"You never know, Harry. I've got a feeling about you"

"What's that meant to mean"

"Nothing" Fred replied cryptically.

"I hate you guys" he muttered as he sat upon the bed. The twins responded by sharing a smile between each other and continued on with the lesson. In all honesty the twins were extremely impressed with Harry because he seemed to take in everything that they taught him, even the stuff that didn't hold that much truth seemed to be taken in by the boy. He even asked questions showing that the teen was always paying attention. Yes, they had a feeling Harry would do fine with Katie, maybe better than what Harry was expecting.

If he gets her into bed then he'll be teaching us the art of seduction

Great Hall

After a number of hours being taught by the twins, Harry had had enough and insisted that they should end the lesson for the day. It seemed to go on for hours as the twins sprouted facts about everything that they had gained in their lives. He found the information on flirting and girls as a whole to be very important, realising why Hermione had blushed so brilliantly when he had kissed her hand yesterday night.

So that was where they were situated at that very moment, sitting on the bench while they stuck into their portions of food. As he dug into his second portion he felt a small tap on his shoulder, coming from a girl he observed as he could tell from the finger nail that struck his shoulder, a trick that the twins had given him. When he looked around he saw one of his best friends, the busy haired girl that went by the name of Hermione Granger seemingly annoyed as she tapped her foot against the floor.

"Hermione" he greeted her as he made a gap for her to sit down, patting the bench so she would get the point. Fortunately she got the gesture and took a seat next to Harry and the twins as they seemed to be talking with other people that sat around the table.

"Where have you been all day? I've looked everywhere" Hermione asked affronted to him not spending any time with her throughout the day.

"Calm down, Hermione. I've been with these two for most of the day"

"That doesn't make me feel any better, Harry"

"Hey" Fred turned as he heard mention of him and his brother. "I resent that"

"You resent what? That you're the biggest trouble makers in the school"

"She does have a point, Fred"

"Still" Fred then turned and resumed his conversation with one of his friends or a potential customer, he couldn't tell.

"And what this I've heard about you moving all your stuff from your dorm. You may hate your dorm mates Harry but you need a place to sleep"

"Don't worry so much Hermione. I spent today with these two because I've decided something"

"What?" she asked, clearly intrigued to what Harry had decided, knowing that his decisions usually became the talk of the school.

"I've decided to have some fun and these guys" he indicated to the twins "are helping me in doing that"

"Harry, I don't think this is a good idea"

He sighed as he knew that Hermione would be a difficult person to turn onto the 'dark side'. She was probably one of the most highly strung people in the school, almost always with her nose in a book.

"I'll tell you what, I was planning on spending some time in the Library after this. You can join me and I'll try to tell you my reasoning, alright" he smiled as he looked at her. Hermione seemed to think this over for several moments, seeing Harry wanted to speak to her alone settled it as she realised he wanted the conversation between the both of them to be a private affair.

"Fine Harry but you have to promise that you'll tell me everything"

"I swear" he placed his hand over his heart while he grinned at his friend, only for Hermione to knock his hand from his chest.

"Knock it off, Harry"

The meal continued in a happy atmosphere as Hermione and Harry talked about many different topics which would cover what was the deal with the golden egg to homework that was due in on Monday. She seemed to be both annoyed and surprised that he couldn't do the homework on Sunday seeing as he had a date with Katie. He could've sworn that he saw a hint of jealousy when he mentioned it to her, surprised that she didn't know about the date after a number of students had heard about it at breakfast, no doubt.

Of course the news of him falling out and 'acting like a spoiled brat' (according to some students in Gryffindor) had drifted throughout the castle, surprisingly getting some of the teachers to pick up the information as they eavesdropped on unsuspecting students. He could see this as he looked up at the main table that sat a couple of feet higher than the others.

He was enjoying his dinner until a small group people approached him, his sixth sense telling them their identities straight away.

"Hello Ron, Seamus, Dean" he muttered without turning around to greet them.

"Harry, why are you up her? You should be eating down in the regular spot, with us" Ron spoke as he tried to get his full attention. "That goes for you too Hermione"

"Leave us alone, Ron, before I do something that I'll enjoy"

"I'll tell McGonagall if you don't move" Ron became angry as he brought up the new threat, knowing Hermione wouldn't want to break any rules.

"You're not a prefect Ronald" Hermione voiced her opinion for the first time, annoyed that Ron thought he could boss her around. "And there is no rule that mentions where a student can sit. I should know"

Ron quickly changed tactics as he knew that he would never win against Hermione when it came to rules "Why are you hanging out with him?" he pointed to his brothers that seemed to be immersed in another conversation until Ron spoke directly to them.

"Harry here is our apprentice" Fred declared happily as he rapped a arm around his apprentice.

"What?" Ron asked clearly confused to what had happened since the last time he'd seen his brothers.

"Harry here has asked for our services and we are providing them to him, we cannot reveal anything else at this point. Patient confidentially and all that"

"I'm your brother though. I should be more important than Harry" Ron said exasperated, blood was more important than work or friendship.

"You'd think so wouldn't you but either way, we like Harry a lot more right now and you're near the top of the list for pranks to come so I would leave if I was you" George told him in a dreamy voice which seemed to make Harry and Fred smile.

"No" Seamus spoke as he stepped forward. "If Hermione's right we can sit wherever we want to sit and I want to sit right here" he ended as he tried to make a gap for him to sit down. Harry reacted instinctually as he grabbed Seamus's head and brought it down to the table at pace, making a loud click as his nose broke on contact.

"Fucking Hell Potter. What the hell is wrong with you?" Seamus yelled out which got everyone's attention, this was made worse as McGonagall made her way towards the group.

"You know what to do, Harry" Fred whispered as he looked at McGonagall lean body. He knew almost instantly what he was talking about after the lesson on women; leaving him the opportunity to test out some of the techniques he was shown.

"Mr. Potter, Mr Finnegan, what are you doing and why have you got a broken nose" she demanded as both groups looked at her worriedly. "Well, someone answer me"

"Professor, we came over here and wanted to talk to Harry" Ron whined as he spoke, trying to get him into trouble and a possible detention which would ruin his date tomorrow.

"Then Seamus wanted to take a seat and that was when Harry assaulted him, breaking his nose in the process" Dean finished as Seamus held his head backwards, trying to stop the blood flow.

McGonagall was shocked as she heard what Harry had done, thinking that Seamus was making it up but his broken nose proved it up to a point. She needed to get the perspective from Harry to see if he would do what he was charged with. "Mr. Potter, is this true?"

"It's about right" he admitted as he continued to eat, the twins seemed to find it funny as the Professor seemed to be getting worked up by the occasion. Hermione was shocked as Harry didn't even bother to attempt to tell his story. She was about to speak her mind until Harry wrapped his had around hers, telling her to stay calm and not to intervene which she did for her friend.

"Mr. Potter" she tried to calm herself "Go to my office right now and wait for me. I will be there in a couple of minutes" when he didn't move she spoke with more steal "NOW Mr. Potter"

"Fine" he muttered as he stood up and made his way down the hall. He spotted Ron looking smug as he made the 'walk of shame' but this had to happen in his eyes, there was no other way out of the situation. The good thing was that no punishment had been given so far which left him with some wiggle room.

"Go to the Infirmary Mr. Finnegan and take your associates with you" she told the boys as they began to walk out of the hall.

When McGonagall left Hermione turned to Fred and George as she saw their happy faces "Why didn't Harry tell her the full story? Why are you so happy?"

"Well Hermione, this is a test to see if Harry can get out of this situation without any real punishment. This is going to be interesting"

McGonagall Office

This was not the first time that he had visited this office. He'd been in it a number of times over the years when he needed help (which never came) from his Head of House. This visit was different as he knew he was in a bit of trouble with the Professor after more or else admitting to the crime. He thought that the twins thought he could do this because they could've gotten involved and told her what actually happened. He had to stop Hermione from butting in several times while the conversation took place.

After 5 minutes of sitting on the old pink chair the door opened to reveal the tall domineering figure of Minerva McGonagall. He immediately began to look at her as he surveyed the possible complements he could pay to her, finding one straight away. He knew he had to have the higher ground and one way of achieving this was to start the conversation.

"I'm sorry Professor"

While she took of her cloak she was surprised to hear Harry speak first, making her take of her robe and sit down to look at the green eyes that looked at her. "What you did to Mr. Finnegan was out of order"

"I know" he hung his head as she walked into his trap.

"What came over you?"

"It's just" he paused for a second "my emotions are all over the place these days. Seamus and the others came over and taunted me and before I could stop myself I broke his nose. I just can't control myself, Jesus right now I can't look at you Professor"

"Why can't you look at me? Maybe I should take you to Professor Dumbledore" she said, knowing Albus wanted to know everything that went on with Harry.

"No, I don't want Dumbledore to know about these thoughts" he pleaded as he shuffled his feat nervously.

"Then tell me what you're thinking Harry. I can help you" she asked as she put on a nicer tone, a tone of voice that made students open up to her.

"I shouldn't" he muttered as he kept his eyes glued to the floor.

"Harry, as Head of House I'm here to help my students"

"Alright but you can't tell anyone else, it's too embarrassing" he continued as the final touches of the plan were put in place, McGonagall nodded to his request which made his lips twitch as they tried to make a smile. "I'm having sexual thoughts" he paused for effect "thoughts about you Professor" McGonagall blushed which was odd as Harry had never seen this much emotion to come from his Professor "Bloody Hell, like right now I want to bend you over this desk and do unspeakable things to you, Professor" he dipped his head lower just to add to the nervousness factor he was faking.

McGonagall was speechless as she tried to give him a reply, thoughts of the things this student could do to her. She knew it was wrong but she hadn't been 'serviced' in several years. Shaking her head slightly she focused on the small boy that seemed so small as he seemed to wrap himself into a ball. "Mr. Potter" she so wanted to explain what was happening to him but was being hampered as the impure thoughts hit her again which made her realise she needed to get him out of her office. "You can go Mr. Potter"

"But what about my impure thoughts Professor" at this point McGonagall was standing and approaching the door.

"It's a thing all boys go through; you can find it in the Library. Now go Mr. Potter"

"What about Seamus" he added, enjoying the way she was squirming against the door.

"I will let you off this time, NOW LEAVE" she screamed, making Harry scramble towards the door at a agonisingly slow pace as he tried to hold in his laughter.

"Goodbye Professor, have a good night" he said, insinuating things to come that she didn't seem to recognise as she shut the door with a loud bang.

Wow, that was amazing. He thought as Goosebumps rose from his skin.

Harry Potter 1 – Female Population 0