

Welcome to the Program

The pair walked down a deserted hallway, walking nowhere in particular as Harry seemed to lead the way. Harry was deep in thought as he looked over his pathetic life so far, looking back at his past decisions as he seemed to realise that his days were numbered. Voldemort seemed to have it in for him seeing as he was the one that defeated him, he didn't know how but he knew that Voldemort was going to get his full form back after a number of tries. The dreams he was having seemed to back up this fact as Voldemort, Wormtail and a guy he didn't know seemed to be planning something.

Nothing new there

He also looked at the track record of the Professors that'd been placed in charge of Defence against the Dark Arts as he saw that all previous Professor's teaching that subject had tried to kill him. Quirrel with Voldemort on the back of his head, trying to kill him to get to the Philosopher's stone. Lockhart tried to silence him and take the glory as he did with all his previous work. Lupin was the best teacher but his tendency of turning into a Werewolf didn't end well as Remus tried to kill him.

3 for 3, maybe we can make it 4 for 4

He knew that Moody was an ex-Auror but the job seemed to be cursed, all people who took it seemed to have it out for him in some way, it almost seemed planned. He shook his head from these thoughts as he looked at Hermione thoughtful face.

While Harry was lost in his thoughts Hermione was thinking over what had just happened. She couldn't believe that Ron had done that, she was so close to getting Harry out of that scene but then he had to open his mouth, the stupid words that drifted out of his mouth as she felt what Harry must be feeling up to a point after she was placed on one Ron's rants in the first year which led to the whole Harry rescuing her from the Troll.

I should have never taken him to that damn party

She knew it was a bad idea as she heard it from Ron, Ginny and a number of other students but was convinced otherwise after the large number of people seemed to overrule her, the one person that stood by him through this thing. She was brought back from her thoughts as she saw the emerald eyes look at her.

"I'm sorry, Harry. I should've told you"

Harry smiled at his friend "A party is meant to be a surprise Hermione, and I was most definitely surprised" he admitted.

"Still, I'm sorry"

"Doesn't matter, Hermione. I'm kind of glad that happened" she looked at him confused with the statement "I always wanted to strangle Ron. You missy fulfilled my dream" he smiled as he finished while she giggled quietly. They drifted into a comfortable silence as Harry rested his body against a wall; Hermione stared at him worriedly as she looked at the clock that over hanged the hall.

"We better get back, Harry. Curfew's in 5 minutes"

He looked up at her she seemed to fidget, readying herself to run back to the Common Room. "You go, I'll spend the night in the infirmary" at her doubtful look he added "I will, I swear" he placed his hand on his head. She smiled as she looked at Harry's behaviour.

"Fine Harry but you better head of there now. Filch won't be so forgiving"

"Ok, Miss Granger" he smiled as he knelt down and kissed her hand, blood rushed to her face as she blushed a brilliant crimson. She was about to ask him what had gotten into him but was unable to as he disappeared down the hall.

I will get you for that, Harry

Hogwarts Infirmary

"Mr Potter, what are you doing back here at such a late hour?" Madam Pomfrey came rushing from her office as she heard the first signs of movement from outside.

"Sorry, Miss" he rubbed his neck nervously as he continued to speak "I was wondering if I could sleep here tonight"

"Why may I ask?" she enquired as she tapped her fingers annoyed at the disruption from her beauty sleep. "You never want to sleep here normally. In fact you struggle for me to let you go"

He knew she had a point; he never liked this place even though he saw it as a second home which told you something about his personal life. "I just wanted to sleep next to someone that has got plenty of pain relieving potions" he pleaded with those adorable puppy dog eyes.

She sighed in defeat as she looked into his green orb eyes that seemed to stare into her soul. "Fine Mr. Potter. Take whatever bed you want, I'll be in my office if you need me" she ended as she made her way back into her office. Harry smiled at the retreating woman, happy that his plan had worked. This was the first place he thought of when he wanted to sleep, knowing that he wanted to go somewhere quiet and somewhere where no other students would be.

Hogwarts Infirmary was a perfect place, a perfect place to plan, a perfect place to change his life. He slowly made his way over to a bed that was placed next to a nearby wall, placing himself on the springy mattress as his muscles yelled with pain. He laid his back into the mattress, his head slowly hit the cushion as he moulded into the bed.

This is the life

This was the time that he was looking forward too. A time to look over past events and plan for the future, a future that he planned to enjoy.

I've spent all my life living with my disgusting relatives, relatives that abuse me every year that I return and before that, and why you might ask? Because of Albus 'freaking' Dumbledore, I don't thinks he's evil just a manipulative fool

I've been attacked by all my Defence against the Dark Arts Professors while my Potions Professor seems to want me dead. They say that Hogwarts is the safest place; I tend to disagree with that statement.

The people of this world are like sheep, listening to the press that seems to herd them to one side or another. The media aka the Daily Prophet seems to love me one day and hate me the next, making up insane stories about me and the people that I care for. Anything I do is under so much scrutiny; if they want a story then I'll give them one I suppose.

Then there's Voldemort. Killer, Rapist, Annoying Git who seems hell bent on ruining my life and I'm pretty sure that me being entered into this competition is his doing, obviously nobody believes the Boy-Who-Lied, the same person that has saved the students in this castle on several occasions.

Ron is very near to a lost cause in my book, jealousy seems to win out over his loyalty at times and I'm not sure I want people like that around me. Hermione is the kind of person that will always be a friend, offering to support me through thick and thin.

This Tournament is going to be a problem. The tip on the Dragons was a lucky tip which I can't count on again. That French girl said I was a child and in many ways she's right, I am one. I need to learn more spells, Hermione can help me with that and she's always happy to spend time in the Library.

Harry kept on thinking to himself as he went through many different subjects, deciding that this Tournament wasn't a joke after seeing what had happened in the first round, knowing he wouldn't be so lucky with the next round.

And that Egg. What the hell is that about? When I opened it earlier it almost left me bloody def, another item for me to put on my imaginary list.

Finally my social life, what social life? Exactly, I would only hang out with Ron and Hermione, maybe Dean, Neville and Seamus but that was the most. I'm so tightly wound. I need to spread my wings, I need to fly and see what's out there. Maybe Fred and George can point me in the right direction.

This thinking continued until he drifted into a dreamless sleep for once, enjoying the darkness that bled into his vision as he slept soundlessly.

Great Hall

The sun broke through the clouds as the tables in the Great Hall reflected in the sharp sunlight. The enchanted ceiling mirrored the skies movements from outside as they drifted slowly across the blue sky. The Great Hall was quiet as very few students milled around the tables, tucking into the food that'd appeared for them to eat.

Some students sat on each table, five students sat at the Slytherin table, seven sat at the Hufflepuff table while a couple of French girls joined the table a couple of minutes later, Ravenclaw was the most busy and that table only housed twelve students.. That left Gryffindor, the table that the young boy approached slowly as he minded his injuries, thanking Madam Pomfrey for the pain potion she had given him this morning.

Harry Potter decided to take a different seat today seeing as he didn't really want to meet any adoring fans, instead he headed to the centre of the table, a place that older students would usually sit and hopefully Fred and George. He was pleased that no-one seemed to be paying attention to him but didn't expect it to last, knowing that the whole story of what happened last night would be all over the castle by lunch.

Bloody Gossipers

He took his seat as he caught the eye of a younger student who was located nearer the end of the table, as the student caught Harry's gaze the child broke eye contact and began to focus on his food. The time passed and that meant one thing, more students, and more students meant more glares in his direction and the rumour mill would begin.

The time passed quickly as he tucked into a plate of pancakes that had materialised in front of his form, grateful to the house elf that'd made them.

Probably Dobby

As older students passed him he could feel the glares he was receiving, knowing that they didn't approve of a 4th year sitting with the 6th years but he didn't care anymore, table placement was the last thing on his mind at the moment. Finally, Harry saw the two people that he wanted to speak to, knowing these were the ones that knew how to have fun which made them the main targets. He began to wave his arms, trying to gain their attention as his fork gave them a signal, a signal that they seemed surprised to see as their faces lit up in recognition.

"Harry" Fred greeted him as the twins made their way over. All of a sudden the twins put on a apologetic gesture as they both held their hands out in a scene of forgiveness "We're sorry for not believing you, Harry even if we did doubt you could outmatch us and enter the Tournament" George smiled as he always that the way his name was placed in the goblet must've been impossible for a 4th grader.

"Thank You for at least thinking about the possibility of me placing my name in the cup wouldn't have been in my skill range"

Fred smiled a shook his hand fiercely, happy that the guy that bested a dragon didn't feel hard done by them. "No Problem, Harry. Now, may I ask why we're seated here?"

"I didn't really want to deal with my year at the moment and it gives me a reason to hang out with you guys, my best friends" he added with a laugh.

"Well where honoured to be in such good company. Now, was there a reason you wanted to speak to us"

"Yes" he replied as they took their seats on either side of him. "I realised something last night, I'm way to highly strung. I need to have a life, to have some fun and I thought who was better to talk to than you two in that area"

"You honour us with your fine words, young sir" Fred bowed his head in honour of the praise.

"Piss off" he muttered as they continued their playful banter.

"Did little Harry Potter curse, I'm so shocked" George feigned being in shock.

"We must be having an effect on him George"

"I think your right brother of mine" Fred replied to his twin that he seemed to be grinning to.

"Can we get back to the point or maybe I should see someone else when it comes to these matters" he threatened, hoping they would back down.

The hall was now pretty full of students now as the stream of students began to swell in number. He could see Hermione taking a seat in their normal spot with Ginny on her side. She seemed to search for him for a moment but seemed resigned to the fact that he wasn't there as she looked around the hall. A small parting had been created to the nearest person who was not part of the group while a large number seemed to be staring at him.

He switched his attention back to the twins as Fred began to speak. "Fine, Fine. What do you want from us? "Fred enquired as he begun to list the different packages that they could offer the boy."Do you want the average package which will involve an assortment of pranks and classes in how to be a romantic?"

"The high end package" Fred began the second option.

"Which will leave you open to a number of books that we have used to home our skills, romantic skills and how to manipulate people" George described the option to Harry as he took over from his brother.

"Or you can go for the XXX High end package"

"This will involve us two, the gods of love and pranks to teach you our ways. You'll be taught how to deal with girls, yes that's plural as in Girlssss. We'll teach you how to read people, something that has guided us well in our lives when trying to avoid detention. If you're not happy by the end we'll give you your money back"

"You're charging me" Harry laughed.

"You'll get a substantial cut" Fred offered his friend.

"Our services are priceless, Harry" George continued as he tried to explain to Harry the price of their services was high.

"You only just made up those packages" Harry accused the twins, seeing it in their eyes as they thought. This wouldn't have worked with any other students but the twins; they were almost in sync with one another, creepy in some ways.

"Maybe" George trailed off "but when you discover a potential business you charge for it"

"Fine" he sighed, knowing that the services of these two would change his life, hopefully for the better. "How much for the XXX package?"

"20 galleons, would usually be a 100" George said the price, wondering if Harry would barter with him, disappointed when he didn't seem to want to.

Harry went into his robes and pulled out a pouch which was filled with gold "There you go" he said as he placed a pile of golden coins into Fred's hand.

"That'll go towards the joke shop" Fred muttered as he played around with the gold that fell into his hand.

"God Harry, do you carry that amount of gold around with you on a daily basis?" George asked as he saw the amount of gold that'd been handed over so casually.

"Never know when you might need it" he smiled as he tucked his remaining gold back into his robes. Fred continued to count the gold until Harry's excitement got the better of him. "When do we start?"

Fred smiled as he admired his apprentice's spirit. He looked at Katie Bell as she took a seat a couple of people down, going into a deep conversation with one of her friends. Fred seeing the first test for Harry took his chance as he called out to his Quidditch teammate. "Hey Katie" Fred shouted as the girl in question raised her head as she was called "Harry here" he pointed to the confused boy "was wondering if you were free so he could take you on a date."

Harry looked shocked as he heard the words coming from Fred's mouth as he wanted the world to swallow him up and spit him out. Katie seemed to search for Harry for a number of second until she spotted the recognisable lump of brown hair. "Tell Harry he can pick me up at 9am tomorrow" she smiled and then went back to talking to her friend.

Harry looked up shocked, realising nearly all of the eyes were on him throughout the Hall. This moment was probably the most embarrassing for him but at the same time he felt thrilled with the possibility of going out on a date with Katie Bell, Katie Bell the stunner who was older than him. He saw a piece of food fall out of Ron's mouth as he smiled inside, knowing Hermione who sat opposite him would tell him off for his manners.

She probably feels sorry for you, who'd want to go out with you? The voice in the back of his head spoke up, which was quickly drowned out by the upbeat/determined voice.

Shut it! I don't care if she feels sorry for me. I've got a date with one of the most attractive girls in Gryffindor.

When he finally looked up he was met with the twins grinning madly at him.

"Welcome to the program, Harry"