

Harry Potter: The Duelist

Come on, you wimp. You defeated the ultimate evil, twice for god's sake.

You were the victor when it came to that bloody Snake.

You produced a Patronus so strong to defend yourself against an army of Dementor's.

Pull yourself together.

Your Harry James Potter, the Boy-Who-Lived, Sex God to the Stars.

He began to settle down as he stared at his opponent on the opposite side of the stage, a male Durmstrang student stood there with a look of indifference as he looked at his form. It was a little unnerving as he fingered his wand. Taking a deep breath he began to calm himself, remembering what his mentors taught to him.


Adding to his determination was the fact that the twins would probably wind him up a treat if they saw him now. "Bow" Moody told the two, making them bow to one another as the duel was about to begin. The other champions had already completed their duels with Krum setting his opponents hair on fire, causing some nasty burns.

"Begin" Moody announced, surprising Harry as the spells began to race towards him.

"Protego" he shouted out, annoyed with himself as he gave away what spell was being used, mainly annoyed with his verbal use because there were a number of weaknesses with this spell as the blue band stretched around his form.

The Durmstrang dueller smiled as he used his experience to get around the shield, sending a number of freezing spells which would make the shield heavier to hold, resulting in the caster dropping his defence which would then effectively end the duel. Harry knew this was going to happen as he'd read about it whilst learning new spells with Hermione, so instead of giving his opponent a chance to push the advantage he dropped his shield and immediately went offensive, firing spells silently as he avoided the spells that were thrown by his opponent, his Quidditch skills coming in useful for once.

Harry began to get into a rhythm as he took a couple of feet forward, stopping to defend himself, then firing some spells while moving nearer his opponent. Before too long Harry's distance to his opponent had greatly decreased as a number of students in the audience began to see this, along with his opponent as Harry took one more step, allowing him to pounce and end the duel. His fist connected against his opponents jaw as the student fell to the ground, shocked that Harry Potter would have the audacity to hit him to the ground.

Blood began to drip from a cut lip that'd opened up once Harry's fist had connected with the boys jaw line.

"You hit me" the Durmstrang student said as he realised what'd happened. "You fucking hit me" seemingly getting more agitated as he nursed his jaw. "That's not fair"

"You use everything at your disposal" Harry grinned at the bloodied student, catching a glimpse of Fleur as he gave her a wink for everyone to see which seemed to make her angrier. "Isn't that right Professor"

"Very true, Potter. When your life hangs in the balance you will do anything and everything to survive" Moody announced to the class. The Durmstrang student didn't seem to be pleased as he strutted of the stage and made his way into his group of friends.

Sore Loser

Harry made his way of the stage with his chest puffed out as he made his way to the Beauxbatons group while looking for the angel that was Fleur Delacour. "Hello good looking" he smiled as he finally found her, huddled up with her friends. The small group all seemed to hear him as they looked to see his quickly approaching figure.

"I never knew that angels dropped from heaven" he tried the corny chat up line as he continued "unless you've been naughty in which case I'm free to give you a spanking"

"The only people you'll be spanking are your two ginger friends" one of the angels responded, releasing the information that the Beauxbatons clang had actually been listening to the gossip.

"Maybe" he waved his hand as he took a step to close the distance "but what happens when I've been naughty. I can't have the twins spanking this perfect behind" he gave a comical twirl as a couple of the French girls admired his fine behind.

"Get one of your sluts to do it then" a girl to Fleur's left suggested. Harry's demeanour changed severely as they bad mouthed his girl-friends as in he had a friend that was a girl "Oh, have I touched a nerve" she mocked. Fleur was always considered very good at observing a person by reading body language but she didn't need to use it as she heard the faint crackling of magic forming around the young boy, choosing to back up a couple of steps.

"You have no idea what your talking about" his fists became rolled up as they continued to mock his friends.

"Oh, I think the girl with the terrible hair would be happy to feel your behind if you asked her. Probably do more"

"Hermione is not like that" he defended his oldest friend.

"Ah, so the slut has a name"

Harry tried to calm himself as he tried to think clearly, deciding on the way that Hermione would deal with such a situation "Yeah, I suppose maybe your right" he mused as a number of the Beauxbatons seemed shocked that he seemed to be agreeing. "You seem to have great experience when it comes to who is a slut, seeing as your whole school seems to be filled with them"

"WHAT" a number of murmurs and shocked voices could be heard as they repeated what the insolent child had said to them.

"You-are-sluts" he spelled it out. "All the signs are there I suppose. The need for every man to look at you, the makeup, the suggestive poses. God, you probably rent yourselves out when your back in your homeland"


Harry's face was graced with a great red hand mark as one of the girls hit him with force. "Oh, did I hit a nerve" he mocked. He began to walk away from them, adding just one more thing before he disappeared back to the Ravenclaw group. "By the way, don't talk to me like I'm a child and don't bad mouth my friends."

When Harry finally nestled himself back within the group he saw Cedric approaching him with a dejected Roger Davies by his side, wrapped heavily in bandages. "What was that about Harry?"

"Nothing important, just needed to put the French in their place" he informed him.

"Really" Cedric seemed surprised as he looked over to the angry looking group of French ladies, a number of which were glaring daggers at Harry. "They seem really nice to us, Fleur joins us for meals with a couple of her friends. They seem down to earth"

"Stop thinking with your dick"

"Ha, didn't think I'd hear the new ranged Harry Potter say that" Cedric laughed as he responded to the advice after he heard about Harry's recent shenanigans. "Anyway, I've got Cho..."

"...who keeps your dick occupied" he finished the sentence for Cedric with a smile forming on his face.

"I think it'd be in my interests not to answer that" Cedric replied cryptically.

"Apart from the 'blowjob' you received in the Library" Roger mumbled from his position which left Cedric red faced.

"I told you, she dropped her quill" Cedric replied like it was the hundredth time he'd giving the excuse.

"Yeah, for about 5 minutes" Roger informed a laughing Harry.

"Didn't think you had it in you, hell, I didn't think she had it in her..."

"Can we change the subject" Cedric pleaded with the guys as Harry continued.

"...but I suppose it's always the quiet ones, maybe Su Li would be an interesting girl to get into bed, probably kinkier than me" he mused as he stroked his chin.

"Next Round" Moody shouted from the front, ending the conversation in its tracks which seemed to please Cedric as he gave a sigh of relief. "Mr Potter will verse Miss Chamell" he told them, annoying Harry as he only had just come of the stage.

I really think he's trying to kill me

"Mr Diggory vs Mr Hiller, taking place on stage two" Moody continued to announce until all the stages were taken. Harry took to the stage at a brisk pace, excited and both a little annoyed as he looked at his opponent, a opponent that he'd just met a couple of minutes ago, the Beauxbatons beauty who dragged Hermione's name through the mud.

This should be interesting. Maybe a few of the experimental spells Fred showed me will come in useful.

He smiled at the thought as the large number of possible spells entered his mind, all used to embarrass the person it was inflicted on.

The duel started off with a bang as Harry began to fire a large assortment of spells, some verbally while others were silent as the streams of energy were avoided by the ballerina style of his opponent. These spells wren's meant to hit her, they were meant to test her technique, to see any vulnerability when he really began to pick it up. She seemed to be doing the same as they traded spells for a good five minutes as the audience watched the duel like it was a tennis match.

Finally the pace began to quicken as his opponent began to throw limb severing hexes at him, only avoiding them narrowly. When he saw an opportunity he used a spell that he knew would enrage her as he began to make the wand movement whilst saying the words in his mind. The spell shot from his wand, aim perfect as it caught her in the stomach which she seemed to notice as she stopped momentarily, probably expecting the spell to incapacitate her or something along those lines.

The spell took effect as her clothing began to loosen around her chest and legs, showing a glimpse of her bra as the males in the crowd stared in awe. "You bastard"

"Hey, you should be used to this" he mocked "You must be in heaven seeing as all the male population in this room are looking at you, lusting after you" he suggested with an evil smile.

Paybacks a bitch, bitch

"You fucking little boy" she screamed as she charged him, finger nails gleaming in the light as she approached him in her fit of anger. Harry meanwhile just stood there, waiting for the impact that was the come, only making one movement with his wand as the piece of wood touched his lips.

Pucker up, baby

When she got to a metre away from him he made a quick movement as she positioned her hands in front of her. He began to twirl as he avoided the first physical attack, catching her shoulder as he redirected her surprised form to his lips. His lips crashed down upon hers as she struggled when she realised what was happening.

Harry smiled as she tried her best to get away while his tongue massaged her top lip, knowing it would only be a certain amount of time before the spell took effect. This happened 10 seconds later as the Beauxbaton student moulded into the kiss, grasping Harry's shirt like her life depended on it.

The spell he'd basically used was a lust charm of soughts but could be placed on a person's body part. These kinds of spells didn't sit right with Harry because it was taking away a person's will to choose, but this spell did mention that the suitor needed to return some of the feeling, if in lust or love. This made it tricky to use and was a gamble but with his new found confidence, he believed that most girls wanted him. He'd placed it on his lips because he knew that this would've been the best place for it to have maximum impact. He knew that when she opened her mouth and rolled her tongue out, assaulting his in the process. She stepped it up as she began to wrestle him to the ground as Harry began to lose his sense of environment as her hand ran over his crotch. Harry's hands meanwhile were busy exploring her ample bosoms as he teased her nipples through her shirt.

"What are they doing?" students began to mutter amongst the crowd.

"Who wins?" another student asked as Moody went to separate the hormonal teenagers.

"Potter, Chamill, stop this at once" Moody ordered the two as Chamill placed her hand under his shirt while moaning into his mouth. As Moody began to get order as he dragged Chamill of Harry he began to decide who won the duel. "Seeing as Miss Chamell wrestled Mr Potter to the ground, I see her as the winner" he announced, only to be interrupted by the girl who'd been doing the 'wrestling'.

"Non, Non" she spoke in French. "I want to be with Harry, I want to taste him on my lips. I must have him" she pleaded as Moody shared a look with Harry, having a silent discussion as Chamill cooed over her new love interest.

"Lust Potion" Moody questioned

"Yeah" he smiled as Chamill was wrestled away from her friends.

"Then Mr Potter wins this round seeing as Miss Chamell is in no shape to fight" Moody announced to the crowd that'd formed.

Harry smirked as he walked past the glares of the Beauxbatons students, one of which tried to grab him as he turned to see the struggle that was commencing. "Reverse the spell" Fleur demanded.

"No thanks, I like her more like this" he responded as he stepped closer, intensifying the struggle that was occurring behind Fleur as his love interest struggled. "Me and Harry are meant to be, can't you see" Chamill pleaded.

"Reverse it or I'll hurt you" it sounded more like a promise than a threat.

"You beat me in the final and then I'll take it off" he offered.

"Who says you'll make it to the final"

"I know I will, but will you" he challenged her as he offered his hand.

"Wait, what happens in the unlikely event that I lose?" she inquired because even thought the possibility of her losing to him was comparably low, it would be clever planning for the case if it arose, however unlucky the odds were stacked in her favour.

"A date" he told her the forfeit for a loss to him.

"A date?"

"Yes, one date" he signalled by holding up his finger.

She seemed to think it over until she finally offered her hand "Deal, but you better not try anything with me"

"Deal" he smiled a boyish smile as he joined Roger who watched the Cedric duel that was still taking place. As he approached he could see that Cedric was very much in the lead as the teen vs. him seemed to be on the very brink of falling from the stage. Cedric saw this as he summoned a ball of fire, which when fired rolled across the stage, increasing in mass and speed as it approached his opponent. The opponent saw this and jumped of the stage as he saw no other way to survive that kind of attack.

"Mr Diggory wins" Moody declared from his position.

The rounds began to pass at speed as the number of students still competing in the Tournament began to thin over time. Harry had to duel a couple more students as he made his way to the Semi's, all opponents of which had completely different attacks. Some were quick back had a shoddy aim while others were slow but there spells packed a punch if they hit which could be seen as a number of bruises were scattered around his body.

So far he'd used an assortment of spells to send the duels. One was to summon a ghost like creature which charged the opponent, resulting in the student jumping from the stage in fright. In another duel he'd turned his opponent into a mouse, a spell that Moody had showed him. This was not the end of that duel as he conjured a wooden cat that'd been transfigured from the torn up flooring, resulting in a very shook up student who was indeed eaten by the transfigured cat, only to exit the way that most would.

"Krum, Potter, 1st Semi Final. Take your positions" Moody announced as Harry sighed as he made his way through the crowd, some seemed to be surprised he was still present while others still held a look of distaste (mostly the Durmstrang clang). He stepped onto the stairs that led to the stage, his feet dragging slightly as he felt the burn of the previous duels which had taken an awful lot out of his young body.

"Bow" Moody ordered as the pair stood on opposite sides of each other. "On three, 1...2...3...Go" he announced which was signalled when the bull like approach of Viktor Krum's wand work paid off straight away as a spell sent him crashing onto the floor.

Fuck me

Knowing that this position wasn't favourable he cast a quick shield before any other spells could hit his form. As he recovered he began to get to his feet, surprised that Krum had closed the distance quite severely as the bulked up teen planned on using his own move against him. Countering this he side stepped a number of pain inducing spells which allowed him to go on the attack. His mind quickly began to search for a possible spell to use in this situation.

Heaven Tonight, Nope

Dancing till Dawn, No

The Disappointed Parent, that'll do it

He smiled as he remembered the spell that would suite him best as he twirled his wand while narrowing his sight to get the perfect aim. The spell impacted a moment later, Krum not feeling anything as he continued the assault. Harry smiled as he saw the spell take effect, forming a small mist behind his head as two heads began to form, moulding into a woman and a man who looked the spitting image.

"What are you doing Viktor?" Krum stopped momentarily as he heard the recognisable voice.

"Mom" Krum asked as he looked over his shoulder.

"Of course it is your mother, Viktor. I know your stupid but no son of mine will be a retard" she chastised him. "I'll only ask you one more time, young man. What are you doing?" she demanded.

"Duelling" Krum replied stupidly as the entire room looked at Krum and the mist of his parents behind him.

"I don't call this duelling. This is a travesty to even think of this as Duelling"

"Yes Viktor, I expected better" his mother shook his head in disappointment.

"But I was picked as Champion for Durmstrang" Viktor's voice wavered slightly. "I am the best student"

"Viktor, we would've disowned you if you weren't Champion. We still might if you don't win it"

"I'm a star seeker" Krum offered another piece of information that he thought that would impress them.

"Not compared to Montgomery"

"But he's 36" Krum argued with the ghostly figures, forgetting that his parents were several hundred miles away.

"Yes and your younger so you should be better. Plus he's more successful and has a steady girlfriend"

"I have girlfriends"

"Yeah, most of which aren't girls, son" his father told his son.

"Sometimes I wish we'd used protection, honey" she cooed to her husband.

"Yeah, me too but I suppose that's what you get for inbreeding sister" the husband suggested as a number of the students looked on in shock as the statement was made.

"Shut up, shut up" Viktor grasped his head in an attempt to stop the voices.


"Drain on our income"

"Hopefully Death will take him soon"

"Wish we had Potter as a son. He's done more than you and he's younger" his father told him which seemed to make Krum snap as his eyes zeroed in on the amused expression Harry was wearing. Krum began to go into a fit of rage as he began to advance on Harry, batting off the spells fired at him. Harry began to become a little concerned at first as Krum closed the distance; this concern was unfounded as a spell that would end the dual popped into his head and would also show Krum that he wasn't meant to be messed with.

Aiming his wand onto the wooden floor, he fired a burst of energy which made a glue like substance coat the flooring which spread quickly as Krum angry form advanced on Harry. When Krum stepped onto the substance his feet immediately stuck to the stage which left a very irritated large boy who struggled against the spell that was holding him back.

"Leave me free"

"Why would I want to do that?"

"To show that your a man that can take a beating"

"No thanks, I rather like my face the way it is"

"Your such a fucking coward, Potter" Krum taunted Harry, hoping that this would distract him from the spell that he was casting. "God knows how to defeated the Dark Lord"

Harry smiled evilly "Luck I suppose. Now, be quiet. I need to concentrate" he informed as he tried to remember the movements and the wording for the spell that should be entertaining to everyone around.

Early Christmas

That was the name of the spell as he performed the movements to perfection, watching the stream of red hit Krum which Krum thought he shook off as he continued to struggle. "Is that the best you've got?" Krum taunted. "Wait, I forgot your a child"

I'll show you

Harry kept an eye on the clock that hanged over the room, counting the seconds for the first effects to be known.




Krum's face blanched as the spell finally began to take effect. The spell was pretty simple, it would temporarily turn any object into something affiliated to Christmas. This could range from a Christmas cracker to a tree, unfortunately for Krum the spell seemed to choose the latter as the teenage Quidditch star began to grow in height while his body slowly transformed to look like a tree. His body became much thinner as it began to resemble the spine of the tree, changing colour to a deep brown to add to the effect.

"What...the...fuck...is...this, Potter" Krum grinded out as his mouth began to seal while the crowd stared in awe.

"An early Christmas present I suppose" he smiled as Krum's arms resembled Tree branches while individual pines spawned from all over his body. Taking the opportunity he stepped closer to the boy that was almost completely converted, leaning in to whisper "Hermione Granger is my friend, and I defend my friends Krum, defend them from sick bastards like you who think that the opposite sex is made to service you"

Krum seemed to have heard him as he tried to shake his head which looked like a breeze had hit the top of the tree if someone from the outside had entered.

"This is a warning Krum, a warning to stay away from my friends, otherwise I'll turn you into something a lot less desirable. Maybe Karkaroff's underwear would interest you" once again Krum tried to shake his head while he was in pain as the pine stuck into areas that shouldn't experience that kind of pain. "Do you get me?" Krum tried to nod in agreement. "Then I'm almost done"

He smiled as he raised his wand one last time. Casting the spell he had on his mind the 'tree' was immediately decorated in such a way that made all the audience excited about Christmas. Bobbles now graced the branches which were Krum's arms while gold and silver tinsel was scattered all over the man made tree.

"Merry Christmas everyone" Harry spoke to everyone with a boyish smile. "I think it's over now, Professor" he turned to talk to Moody who was silently appraising Harry's talent. "Seeing as I've incapacitated my opponent"

"Yes Yes" Moody came marching onto the stage. "Probably not the spell choice I would've used but it got the job done I suppose" Harry could help look at Krum's wooden form as it seemed to shake in fury. "As much as I like being reminded that Christmas is only a few months away I think it'd be wise to turn Mr Krum back"

"Back sir, there is no counter spell. It should wear off in a couple of days though but I would suggest that he gets a grooming seeing as the human body wasn't meant to made into a tree"

"Indeed, you" Moody pointed to a small group of muttering Durmstrang students "Take Mr Krum to your Headmaster; he should know what to do with him" he told them what to do. The Durmstrang group of students slowly and hesitantly made their way onto the stage. When they got to Krum's unmoving form they grasped him lightly, picking him up in the process.

Harry was just walking off the stage when he was sure he heard a whisper on the wind, going something like 'Watch your back, Potter'. He smiled as he made his way of the stage, adding one last comment to the students that were carrying Tree Krum. "Water him on a regular basis and try to not snap of anything, even the smallest thing may be equivalent to something with the same size" he suggested jokingly which got a number of glares from the Durmstrang students.

"And now he's a tree" the mist of the parents appeared once again beside Tree Krum.

"Well he always wanted to put the fairy on top; he won't have any problems this time"

The room quickly went into wild mutterings as he stepped off the stage and Krum disappeared out of the room, all students in on the action as they whispered and pointed at him. For the first time, Fleur looked a little worried as he walked past her as she saw the assault of Krum, hoping that he wouldn't do that to a lady.

"That was a...interesting tactic Harry" Cedric told him as he looked up to see the bandaged arm of Cedric which Fleur graced him with.

"Well, I thought that this school needed a bit of Christmas cheer" Cedric sniggered as he cradled his broken arm. The conversation was ended prematurely as Moody began to speak once again.

"Alright, now for the final round, Miss Delacour vs. Mr Potter" Moody motioned for the two students to join them. Harry slowly walked up onto the stage while Fleur followed behind. They approached the gruff looking ex-Auror who looked at the pair, one eye focused on both. Moody quickly went over the rules as the pair took their positions.

"Begin" Moody signalled. Harry went on the offense from the start after he saw what Fleur could do if she was on offence, being like a cornered animal as she lashed out with deadly precision. A spell hit her hair as it began to change from the beautiful blond to a royal blue which made Harry smile as he knew it would take weeks to fade. Fleur could see this as a strand fell in front of her line of sight, a little preoccupied to respond as Harry sent a number of cutting hexes at her.

She used a powerful shield charm as the spells absorbed into the clear surface of the spell, giving her a much needed rest bite as she passed her injuries. Meanwhile, Harry took the time to rest as Fleur took shelter, knowing that any spell he threw would come to nothing.

Come on Fleur, hit me

Fleur knew she was running out of viable options as Harry stood on the other side, observing her kneeling form as he wiped his hands in his blood soaked shirt. She had one option still up her sleeve, an option that she really didn't want to use seeing as she thought of it as cheating but saw little option when it came to a choice between a date with him or getting the spell taken of her friend. Closing her eyes she focused on one emotion as she began to amplify the feeling to everyone in the room. I began as a dull throbbing but began to build until it was at breaking point, allowing her to let it out.

Harry on the other side of the stage didn't expect the sly tactics as the feeling to surrender and give himself to Fleur struck him. It was like a calling of sought, a warm feeling telling him everything would be alright if he surrendered to her will. He'd been struck by the Imperius Curse but this was much more powerful as he saw a number of students in the audience had already surrendered to her will as they looked at her with complete adoration.

Shake it off, one side of his brain argued.

But she's so pretty, another voice voiced its opinion.

She's trying to control you

It feels so peaceful

It's a trick

Harry swayed somewhat as he stood there whilst having an inner monologue with himself. Fleur on the other hand was a amazed that her opponent was still standing as she blasted him with her aura, this was amplified as she saw almost every male occupant surrendering to her will which was disgusting to her, mainly because she hated using a power that'd take away the will of a person.

No wonder women hate me

She could see that Harry was trying to fight to her will and what shocked her even more so was the fact that he seemed to be winning as he began to raise his wand at her. Expelliarmus, making the wand fly into the air as she looked at his pain stricken eyes as he looked at her once again. Seeing as the process seemed to be causing him actual pain made her feel happiness as the boy was brought to ground and then sadness as she realised that she was the cause of this treatment.

Raising her wand for the last time, a white strand of magic bolted from her wand, impacting upon his chest as he was dragged along the stage.

"Miss Delacour is the winner" Moody announced a moment later as Harry failed to move. Fleur didn't seem to happy to have won as she looked at the crowd, most of which still wore their tongues on the outside as they looked like puppies, all ready to take her command.

After a couple of seconds of peace, the young figure that was surrounded by torn up pieces of wood began to move. "Ow, bloody splinters" he moaned from his position. "Fuck, that's going to hurt tomorrow" he commented as he looked at his slightly disjointed ribs.

He was interrupted by his pain as the lean and mean figure of Fleur Delacour leant over him. "You turned my hair blue, Harry Potter" she told him as her hair hung in its natural position. He couldn't tell if she was angry or happy as the light didn't hit her face as she leaned over him.

"I like it" he responded, looking up as she ran her fingers through it "Brings out your eyes" he complimented her as she offered him a hand up which he accepted as he tried to stand up without screaming out in pain. "I hate to lose but I have to compliment you on your duelling. Your bloody brilliant" topping it off with a sheepish smile as he tried to keep his tone level as the pain would shoot through his body after every small movement.

"You do know I'm not going on a date with you right" she asked as he gave her a number of compliments.

"Of course, I just wanted to offer my congratulations. I have to say that using your aura was extremely clever, never saw it coming" he applauded her.

"I had too, Potter. You would've beaten me otherwise" she gave him a little compliment to his fighting ability seeing as how he was showering her with praise. Even though it was true, it wasn't in her nature to give out such praise to a competitor but this was different as this boy, no, this young man somehow dealt with her aura, probably defeating it if she hadn't taken his wand. There were few that could stop the affects of the aura of a Veela, the ones that could, would be considered as possible suitors, this being the case with her mother.

"Maybe, but you should use anything that may aid you. You shouldn't be ashamed to use such a weapon. It would be vital in a battle for life or death" he told her as he looked at her. She seemed to look disgusted with herself which Harry presumed was for using those tactics.

"Why do you say I'm ashamed?" she inquired as she faced him for the first time in the conversation as she neared her friends.

"Body language and the look of disgust on your face" he told her as he tried his best not to move his stomach where a couple of ribs had been broken. "If you don't mind, I'll be going to the Infirmary to get fixed up. The spell for your friend" he motioned to the loved up girl being held in place "is Lommante, wand motion is an 'S' movement" he told her as he began to leave. "I'll see you around Fleur" he bid her farewell as he limped out of the room.

"Ditto, Harry. Ditto" she whispered as he dissapeard from sight.