


Harry lay in his bed as he rested his brain for the incoming day of schoolwork and annoying students/professor's. The rest of the weekend had passed pretty quickly once he'd finished the vomiting stage. He said goodbye to the girl's and thanked them for a fantastic time they'd given him and the rest of the party goers.

Sophia was her usual self as she gave him a deep kiss while one of her hands drifted into his trousers, grasping his 'wand' in the process. 'Keep it safe until we meet again' she said as she finally let go. Naomi was much more uptight as Harry gave her a farewell hug and a kiss to the cheek where she blushed which was made even funnier as he remembered parts of last night where she was much more out there than anyone else. Hayley ended up gripping his ass lovingly, telling him that this was now here property which he thought was a complement to his cute ass.

The news of the recent party was surprisingly slow moving as the lower years didn't really hang out with the older students which made the transfer of information much slower. He'd heard from the twins that the students from Beauxbatons and Durmstrang had heard about the event but most didn't know that he'd set it up. Supposedly, the students from the other schools were saddened that they weren't invited to the event, especially when announcement of who was singing got out, a band that was known worldwide in the magical community.

Another Party possibly

Better yet, Dumbledore couldn't pin the party on him because of the number of students that seemed to be suffering from the same hangover. The 'loss of speech' charm was a good idea on his part as he read about the charm in one of the books that dropped out of the air when he was in the Room of Requirement one day. A couple of students tested this but soon learnt their lesson as they stopped trying to get him into trouble.

Room of Requirement

The day was Monday as he stretched his body, feeling the presence of another person as she treated him to the perfect wake up. "Oh man, Katie" he moaned in pleasure as Katie's mouth did make him feel like he was unbeatable, even if Voldemort stood in his way he felt that he could beat him. "Your amazing, Katie"

Katie continued to bob her head in a certain rhythm as her tongue explored his manhood, finding all the places that he was sensitive to increase the pleasure as she began to find the tip interesting as she focused her efforts there. Finally after a couple of minutes of Katie performing her oral skills Harry couldn't hold it as he thrust into her mouth, blowing his load inside her hot, wet mouth. Katie seemed to like this as she swallowed all of the liquid as she brought a hand to her heat, wetness gracing her fingers in the process.

"That was by far the best waking up experience that I've ever had, ever" he breathed heavily as Katie lay sexily on his chest, licking her lips as she savoured the taste of Harry.

"You deserve it, plus I wanted to do it and remember it, savour the experience" she whispered sexily as she snuggled into his chest. Harry laughed slightly as he remembered the previous night of sex that wasn't experience under the effects of Alcohol. Two words, Bloody Amazing.

The time came eventually as he and Katie began to get dressed and leaving the room together. At the moment Harry didn't really know what his relationship with Katie was, being a Girlfriend to Friends with benefits. Hell, he didn't really care after the performance from her yesterday, she could've put a dog leash around his neck and he'd still come back for more.

The pair made their way to the Great Hall, readying themselves for Breakfast and the day to come while they slipped into a comfortable silence, enjoying the silence as they remembered the sounds that were made last night, animalistic in many ways.

If only the walls could talk, in fact it's probably best they don't

After a few minutes they'd finally made it, taking there respective seats as Katie sat next to Angelina and Alicia who were positioned a couple of feet away from Fred and George. As Harry took his seat Fred and George wore identical twinkling smiles as they switched their focus between Katie and him, trying to insinuate something.

"Have fun last night, Harry" George asked as he looked at Katie's slightly tired face.

"Did a certain Quidditch player tuck you in?" Fred insinuated, giving him a cheeky wink.

"I did ask Angelina and Alicia" he smiled as he saw the annoyed expressions of the twins "but they needed there rest for their lessons today. There words I believe were 'you'll wear us out, you stallion', that was Angelina I believe. 'I like having a piece of wood in between my legs but yours is an exception that I can't cater at his moment' that was Alicia"

"You know that one day you're going to go too far"

"Probably, but until that time I might as well enjoy my freedom" he replied smartly as he knew that Fred and George were already planning on getting him back for all his kidding. The group ate in silence as various stories were discussed, like the discovery of Professor Flitwick who according to the twins was suffering from burns. He couldn't help but feel a little sorry for the Professor, seeing as Flitwick was one of the nicest Professors in the School.

Oh well

"Training today, Harry" Fred announced happily as he looked at Harry with a joyful grin. "Your gonna wish you'd never been born"

"Looking forward to it" he answered distracted as he glanced at Draco Malfoy who seemed to be attempting to stick his tongue down Pansy Parkinson's mouth but it came off looking like a horror scene in a alien film. Fred followed his gaze as he looked at the sight.

"Word is spreading about you, Harry. A number of girls want a piece of you according to him, some of which are in Slytherin"

"He's doing it to be 'cool'" he asked, wondering if it really meant that much to the blonde boy.

"It's not that, Harry. It's reputation. He can't be seen as being inferior to you, which is making him try and act like you"

"Ha, that's so not going to work. He'll end up with his balls hanging on the Christmas tree if he tries it. He doesn't have the same charm as me..."

"...and arrogance..." George offered from his position.

"...and overall sex appeal" Harry finished finally as he smiled at the twins. Harry was disgusted when Draco's hands began to fondle Pansy's ass in front of the entire Hall. "Get a room" he muttered, causing a few sniggers from the people around him.

I hope I don't look like that

Room of Requirement

"Come on Harry. Or am I going to have to shove my wand up your ass"

"Fuck You" Harry moaned from his collapsed form on the floor.

"Fuck me, fuck you, you lazy git" George threw the insult at the lazy boy, annoyed that he'd given up his afternoon for this.

"And I thought you were a stallion" Fred muttered from his corner.

"Well, there's more of an incentive in that situation, unless one of you wants to open your legs for me" he offered as he gulped in breaths of air.

"Don't look at me, Fred" George answered as his brother looked at him, looking like he was waiting for him to 'take the position'.

"10 more, Harry"

"Give me a minute"

"NO" George screamed from next to him "10-N-O-W" he ordered him. When Harry made no move, George pulled out his wand, firing a small jet of freezing water upon his back.

"Argh" Harry gritted his teeth.

"Next spell will be more inventive" George promised from his position. "I thought you wanted to learn, to turn your life around, become more powerful and much more. What I see now is a pathetic boy"

"Fuck You" Harry cursed again, only for George to raise his wand again, this time a small lightning bolt erupted from his wand, giving Harry an electric shock all over his body as the water covered his back. "ARGH, Fuck" he stuttered.

"Stop cursing for God's sake" Fred spoke as he'd finally had enough of Harry's demeanour. "Show that my brother is wrong, please. I beg of you" Fred brought his hands together in a begging position.

"Or are you a piece of shit" George played bad cop brilliantly. Harry knew the game but was getting wound up even though he'd agreed to this beforehand, torture tactics and all. Calling on all his strength he slowly raised his body as his arms held his body.


"10, well done, Harry. Good to see that you aren't a worthless piece of shit" George gave Harry a small grin. "Now, you do it while Fred sits on your back"

"You've" GASP "gotta" GASP "be kidding"

"Nope, 100 push ups with Fred sitting upon your back"

George nodded to Fred for him to take his position, making his brother walk over to the angry boy and take hit seat. "I really fucking hate you"

"Hey, paybacks a bitch"

Hallway leading to Library

Harry made his way out of the Room of Requirement after a number of torturous hours in training. All physical of course as the twins kept on pushing him to the brink. He walked as quickly as his tired legs could carry him as he made the trip to one type of training to another, the other being the Library where he would learn the spells and then do them later.

Harry suddenly heard oncoming footsteps and a spoken conversation that was spoken in an unusual dialect. "Тя е леко странна"

Harry ducked into a corner as the group of incoming foreign students made their way nearer him. He waited in his corner until the offenders of the conversation came by; identifying Viktor Krum as one of the group.

"Тихите е винаги по-къдрав"


He smiled as he realised what language they were speaking, thanking the heavens that he'd learnt the conversion language. Raising his wand he performed the spell quietly.

"She looks like high maintenance. It'd take you months to get her into bed" a big headed boy to the side responded to Krum.

"Yeah, but it'd be enjoyable" at this point Harry was wondering who were they talking about, a person that seemed to captivate Krum's attention must be special.

"And I bet she's a virgin" another teen with brown hair and a small scar gracing his cheek made the assessment.

"Bet she's not well groomed though looking at her hair, unless you're into that"

"I don't mind, the sacrifice will be worth it"

"Do you even know her name?"

"Yes, Hermione Granger" Harry froze as he heard who they were talking about. Even though he may have agreed with most of it he still didn't agree. Before he could attack Krum and the rest of his cronies he was stopped as Karkaroff told them to follow.

Damn it

At that moment he made a promise to himself when it came to Krum and his little group.

No one talks about my friend like that. I will defend Hermione's honour

Great Hall

The days passed by pretty quickly from then. The training was constant as Fred and George pushed him to the limit, not helping that the training was mostly exercising his body which didn't really excite him. Yes, the ladies liked it but the whole process of exercising the muscles was a pain in the ass. This made the current day Wednesday as he heard a couple of voices in the background as he zoned out, only to be brought back by two clicking fingers hovering in front of his face.

"Harry to earth is anyone there" Fred snapped his fingers impatiently in front of Harry's face.

"Harry to earth"

"What" he slurred slightly as he was brought from his thoughts.

"Mad Eye's looking at you" Fred told him as he looked up to meet the gruff Professor stare, surprised when he saw both eyes looking at his standing form.

When isn't he looking at me?

"This is becoming a regular occurrence Harry. Is there something you want to tell me about your relationship with him?"

"Nah, he's not into brunettes" he joked as he brought his gaze back onto Fred "Much more a Ginger lover"

"I get it, I get it" Fred responded as he continued. "Mad Eye is into me, he's always fantasised about having twins. Am I right or am I right?" Fred drawled.

"Not really" he bit down on some toast. "You'll have to ask him if you want to know such information but I don't think he's into guys"

"Shut up and stop kidding around"

"Who said I was kidding" he offered.

"Then who" Fred finally asked the question that Harry wanted him to ask since the start of the conversation.

"I'll give one name" he looked at the eager expression of Fred as he caught a glimpse of George descending down the Great Hall to their position, knowing he would have to time this just right. "Molly Prewitt" he finally announced as George got into hearing range.

"I know that name from somewhere" Fred seemed confused as he remembered the name from somewhere before, but couldn't place it.

George strolled up to the pair, casually "Why are you talking about Mom?" George asked as he took his seat, a large smile graced his face as it lit up like a Christmas tree.

"Who" Fred asked his twin

"Molly Prewitt, her name before she married Dad" George informed his brother in a superior tone.

"Oh, I knew I knew that name from somewhere" Fred paused unexpectedly as he realised what Harry had insinuated "Hey, wait a minute" Fred switched his gaze to Harry as the boy gulped down some fresh water.

"What" he smiled in a silent victory, planning to thank Sirius for that useful bit of information.

"My mother did not sleep with Moody" Fred seemed angry as he glared at the small teen.

"Not how Moody tells it" he gave a little giggle as George realised what he was talking about, matching the glare which was being held by Fred. "The pictures which he showed, all ordered numerically by the way" as he pretended to look over the images in his head "Didn't actually think your mother could achieve some of those positions" he pushed himself away from the table as Fred made a grab for him. "Hey, don't shoot the messenger" he offered as he took his leave as he saw the tense knuckles of the twins shake slightly. He gave them a bow and began to exit.

As he walked out of the hall, attracting a number of stares and glares, this time even the other schools looked at him. The French girls looked extremely tasty as he viewed them from the corner of his eye.

I'll have to try some of that

Harry left the Hall soon after just as Moody left his seat at the staff table while Fred and George planned there revenge, a plan which would leave the teen very red faced, no one talked about their mother like that.

Harry made his way down the Hall, planning on going to the Library seeing as he had a rare free period and knew that was where Hermione would currently be residing, trying to help in trying to find out what was in the egg, and how to understand the screams before the user succumbs to deafness.

Rounding a corner quicker than expected, he impacted something or someone as he fell to the ground, bashing his shoulder against the stone wall as he slid down it, cursing the person or thing that'd been the cause of this. However, before he could chuck a few insults at the offender, he caught sight of the false limb, then the shabby clothing.

Crap he realised as he brought his head up to the face "Professor" he greeted Moody who seemed to have not felt the impact as he stood there, looking at him while he presumed that other eye was looking to see if anyone was coming.

"Potter" Moody acknowledged his presence as he looked at his floor ridden form. "You should've been more aware Potter. What if I was a Deatheater's that planned to paint the walls red with your blood? Constant Vigilance" Moody warned Harry with his catchphrase of sorts.

"Why use blood to paint the walls though?" he inquired the Professor, deciding to have some fun seeing as Moody took life to seriously.

"What" Moody asked, clearly confused by the response.

"Well, blood is an awful way to paint the walls; it would fade within days of appliance"

"You're not getting the point Potter" Moody was getting aggravated as Harry purposely missed the point.

"Why not use paint, surly Wizards know of paint" he continued as if Moody hadn't spoken.

"That was not the point. The point is that I could've killed you if I wanted too"

"Yeah, but if you killed me you'd miss obsessing over the Cup" he was loving this as he talked back to the Professor, making Moody rephrase his every sentence, a number of times.

Moody sighed annoyingly "I'll tell you one more time. If I, as in me, was a Deatheater, I could've killed you" he tried to explain it clearly as he began to lose his cool.

Harry thought for a moment, faking thought as he stroked his chin. "Nah, you couldn't pull of the black cloak and all" he doubted it as he tried to picture the scene.

Moody seemed to wear a mask of contempt as the boy began to test his patience. "I most definitely could and would" Moody defended what he could and couldn't carry off which pleased Harry to no end as Moody rose to the challenge.

"Whatever you say Professor" he waved it off as he got bored of the argument, short attention span and all that.

"You should be careful to presume something about me Potter"

Harry sighed as he wondered why the gruff old ex-Auror seemed to be sticking around which was unusual because he was usually always on the move, busy doing something or the other. "Well, what can I do for you on this glorious day, Professor?"

"I'm glad you asked, Potter" Harry gulped as Moody looked at him with an evil glint in his eye "I've been planning on carrying out some duels today, in fact, in about 10 minutes I'll be holding a duelling competition of sorts and would be beneficial to you, Potter"

"That's all good and well Professor, but why are you telling me this" he asked, hating the way that this conversation was turning out as all the foolery of earlier was forgotten.

"Ah, the reason is simple. I want you to attend that class. It'll give you a better insight into your opponents fighting style, just encase it comes up in the tasks"

"It would be a privilege Professor but they will rip me to shreds"

"Nonsense" Moody waved off the possibility of failure like it was an insignificant bug. "I've heard how you dealt with Malfoy in your second year, turning his spell onto himself and add to the fact all the other tasks you have completed" he seemed to pause for a second as he got his voice in check "and of course the highest achievement anyone can achieve, injuring the Dark Lord" Moody voice seemed to go dreamy as he said Voldemort's name, confusing Harry in the process.

"Injured, Professor" he inquired.

"I doubt that you" Moody held a little disgust in his voice as he brought his hand over the boy, quickly realizing his mistake as he placed a neutral tone into his speech "or anyone else could kill the Dark Lord"

Harry didn't bother to mention that Moody had more or else said that the Dark Lord was unbeatable, planning on thinking about it later seeing as he was already busy trying to avoid the class. He wanted to learn new content but that kind of jump would most likely end in his death. "Professor, I really don't think it's a good idea"

"Nonsense Potter, unless you've got somewhere to be" Moody challenged him

"No, but..." Harry trailed off as Moody got a grab of his arm, bringing him with him if he liked it or not.

"No excuses then, you'll come and learn"

"Fine" he sighed as he began to pick up his pace.

Why does all the interesting stuff happen to me?

Duelling Room


This was what he was feeling as he walked into the room as everyone enjoyed their favourite activity, being Harry watching as he looked at a number of faces he'd never met in his life at Hogwarts. The room seemed to have been split into groups as all the Durmstrang stood in one corner, surrounding there leader of sought which was Viktor Krum.

The Beauxbatons students were in a different space, all dressed in there pale blue uniforms which were fitted to perfection which a number of other students agreed as he looked a couple who were openly gawking at the girls. Of course the rest of the female population hated the Beauxbatons students because they would usually get all the attention when they were present, annoying the girls that didn't have the same level of Beauty as they were overlooked.

Wow, could they look any more editable

The final group of students were from Ravenclaw,

Surprise Surprise. Most of the group were staring at him, some with an air of excitement as they planned on taking him down in this obvious duelling situation which was more or else obvious as a long thing stage adorned the centre of the room. Cedric seemed to be the only one that didn't seem to be calculating a plan against him as he smiled a friendly smile to him, giving him a small wave which was met with a couple of strange looks from his classmates.

"Settle down, settle down" Moody ordered as he stepped onto the stage. "Today we will be testing your abilities when it comes to duelling. The practise of Duelling is one of the most important things when involved in a fight. All of your abilities will be tested. Strength, Endurance, Stamina, Magic, Fatigue" Moody listed the main points "All of these are extremely important, a reluctance to further even one of these skills will end in your deaths, trust me when I say that" he warned them which the students seemed to get straight away as they focused on the gruff Professor's injuries.

"Why is Potter here then?" a snide remark from the Beauxbaton Champion muttered more to herself than Moody.

"Mr Potter is here because I believe he deserves to see what he is up against while being in this Tournament, so no going easy on him because he's younger than you"

"Wouldn't think of it" this time Krum muttered, getting a couple laughs from the Durmstrang contingent.

Harry held his head high in confidence as he began to think of the best spells that were available to him.

"I thought a Tournament would be best. I've already drawn your names, student who wins advances to the next round" Moody informed them of the way it would work. "I expect the Champions of each school to be in the Semi Final at least" this made Harry even more nervous as Moody made the announcement.

"Miss Delacour vs Mr Davies" Moody told of the first duel but continued "taking place on the main stage" this was the first time that everyone else noticed that seven more duelling areas had been set up. Moody announced a couple more names from the stage, thankfully he wasn't called up just yet which left him with the opportunity to watch the Beauxbatons Champion at work.

Fleur Delacour left the other Beauxbatons students, back straight while she walked like she was on a cat walk which could've been the case as the Stage looked very similar to that type of walking style. Roger Davies was collected a number of pats on the back from his friends, showing their support which would end up in ridicule if he lost to a girl. A girl which he knew would be more than a match for Roger as he walked up onto the stage as confidence radiated of the young man.

I've got a feeling this is going to be over very quickly

"All spells are aloud apart from the Unforgivables" Moody announced as he stood in the centre of the stage, motioning for the two opponents to come to him. After a short pause the two fighters approached the ex-Auror. "Alright, this area is warded so no spells will hit any unlucky participant that gets too close to the action. So when you're ready, you can begin"

Moody then went onto to whisper to the two duellists as they knelt in slightly. Finally the duel seemed to be ready to commence as Moody stepped off the stage, leaving the two duellers to bow to one another as they retook their positions on the ends on the area.

The duel quickly started after that as the jets of colours erupted from both of their wands. Fleur dived to one side as she narrowly avoided a spell that would've struck her leg but was caught off guard as a nasty pulse of energy impacted her arm, making her go defensive as a blue shield formed around her, annoying the hell out of Davies as all the spells came to nothing as they impacted the shield.

One moment, that was all it took when Davies stopped his assault to try another way to win the duel. This moment completely turned the duel as Fleur pounced; throwing her own variety of spell which when impacted upon the boy tore his clothing slightly.

"Protego" Davies shouted, this was the first thing spoken out loud by the opponents as all previous spells was said in silence. The use of verbalising the spell only made it slightly stronger as Fleur's spells hit and shattered the shield a couple of seconds later. As Harry looked at Fleur he saw a small smile, a small smug smile which he placed in her weakness category.

The duel was over after only a minute after his shield failed. The first spell his arm as he tried to defend his head, the next hit his leg as blood began to drip onto his shoes. The final spell ended it as he was sent upwards as the spell caught him in the stomach. He could've sworn that he gave Cedric a wave as he was in the air until he impacted the padded floor which still gave out a sickening crunch. This left Roger Davies with blood worn, shredded clothing as his flabby chest was shown to the world.

That was...informative

"Miss Delacour wins" Moody declared to the class.

The Hogwarts students seemed annoyed as some were already planning the ways they could wind up there friend, unconcerned with the injuries he'd picked up. Fleur didn't seem too bothered with the victory which was the same for her classmates as they gave her very little applause.

Probably already planning for the next round

As he stared at Fleur he didn't realise that she'd known he was staring at him, this was signalled a second later when a look of disgust passed her face as she leant into one of her friends.

Let the duels commence