
Realms Reborn: The Legends Left Behind

In a world where magic intertwines with reality and ancient spirits cast dark shadows, a young warrior named Amukelo embarks on a journey fueled by love, revenge, and destiny. From the haunting death of his mother to the brutalities of the formidable Valarian, his path is strewn with challenges that test not just his swordsmanship but his very spirit. But every hero needs a companion. Enter Eliss, a gifted mage whose own past is intertwined with Amukelo's. Together, they traverse uncharted lands, confront formidable enemies, and forge an unbreakable bond. Their adventures lead them to face the deadliest of foes, Valarian, whose ambitions threaten to drown the world in darkness. Dive into a world of epic battles, undying legacies, and a love that transcends lifetimes. Experience a tale where legends never fade, and every sword slash tells a story.

Pixelrexgunner · Fantasy
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232 Chs

Preparation For a New Adventure

The remnants of his previously worn armor, which bore the brunt of the spider's ferocious assault, hung tattered and frayed on his frame. Though it had served its purpose in protecting him during the perilous battle, the armor was now compromised beyond repair. With the gold he had received as a reward, Amukelo realized that it was high time to upgrade his gear.

As the morning sun cast a golden hue over Thandor, he strode with purposeful steps towards his first destination: the blacksmith's forge. Goran, Thandor's renowned blacksmith, was a burly figure, often seen amidst the symphony of ringing metal and blazing fire. Amukelo's gaze was drawn to a beautiful set of armor displayed prominently. Crafted from a blend of steel and the rare, flexible "shadowiron", it was simultaneously lightweight and durable.

The dark silver sheen, highlighted with mystical, swirling patterns and embedded runes, wasn't just aesthetically pleasing; the runes were designed to absorb magical impacts. After a brief negotiation, Amukelo emerged from the forge, the armor's sleek form fitting him like a second skin.

His next stop was Lira's Herbs. As he stepped into the fragrant space, Lira, the wise and elderly shopkeeper, welcomed him. He swiftly gathered essential herbs: healing moonwillow, fatigue-fighting firethorn berries, and the nightshade root, a natural antidote to poisons. Lira wrapped them in brown parchment, adding a small note on their uses.

The town's general store was bustling with activity. Here, Amukelo refilled his provisions: dried meats, hard cheeses, and dense bread. A new, waterproof tent, built for durability and ease, also found its way into his inventory.

Lastly, in the dimly lit shop of the potion brewer, Master Elban, Amukelo bought three invaluable potions: a rejuvenating Potion of Healing, the invigorating Potion of Energy, and the protective Potion of Arcane Shielding. He didn't buy them before, because even he had enough gold for one or two he didn't want to spend all his gold on the potions.

Fully armed, provisioned, and with a renewed sense of purpose, Amukelo felt an unparalleled readiness. The road ahead was uncertain, but he was more equipped than ever to face its challenges.

. . .

Inside the regal drawing room of her family's expansive estate, Eliss stood firmly before her parents. Her mother, Lady Seraphina, maintained an elegant posture, mirroring her stoic demeanor, while her father, Lord Verin, displayed a seasoned, diplomatic presence, his face weathered like an old, wise tree.

"Please, I need to do this," Eliss implored, her bright eyes meeting her parents' stern gaze. "Staying here, bound by these walls... it's stifling. I want to see the world, learn, and grow."

"You have responsibilities here, Eliss," her father countered, his voice firm but laced with concern. "Your future, your safety—"

"I know my duties," Eliss interrupted, her tone resolute. "But I have my own life to live. I have the skills. I can defend myself, and I have so much more to offer."

Seraphina finally spoke, her voice softer, "We just want to protect you, dear. The world outside... it's not as kind as the tales make it seem."

"I've already seen that," Eliss replied, thinking back to the harrowing spider incident. "But I've also seen the good that can be done. Please, allow me this."

Her parents exchanged a look, their faces filled with pain and worry. After a heart-wrenching pause, her father shook his head. "We cannot, Eliss. We simply cannot," he whispered.

Eliss's face was a mix of disappointment and defiance. As much as it pained her, she knew she could not remain.

In the following days, Eliss began her secret preparations for departure. First, she visited the town's master armorer, commissioning an exquisite set of leather armor. The material was a rare blend of reinforced drake-hide and soft deer leather, with intricate golden inlays that traced elegant patterns along the seams. It was light for travel, but sturdy enough to offer significant protection.

Next, she went to the apothecary, where she carefully selected a variety of potions: healing salves, mana restoratives, and a few potent defensive elixirs. The elderly apothecarist, noticing her determined face, added a small vial of 'Courage Brew' to her collection, wishing her luck on her journey.

Her final visit was to the town's renowned staff maker, an old and skilled craftsman.

He presented her with a staff crafted from enchanted yew wood, its tip set with a brilliant sapphire that pulsed softly in time with Eliss's heartbeat. "It will channel your energy, make your spells more potent," he explained.

On the day Amukelo was to leave Thandor, Eliss rose before the sun. In the dim light of her room, she penned a heartfelt letter to her parents:

"Dear Mother and Father,

I love you both deeply, and it is with a heavy heart that I must defy your wishes. I have to live my life, to grow, to learn, and to help others just as I have seen Amukelo do. I embark on this journey not in spite of your teachings, but because of them – because you have raised me to be strong, kind, and brave. Please understand, and know that I carry you both in my heart wherever I go.

Your loving daughter,Eliss"

With that, she sealed the letter, left it on her dresser where her parents would see, and stepped out into the dawn light, her new life awaiting her.