
Realm Sovereign

{slay or be enslaved} A squad of goblins has spotted you. You only have one option, either slay them or be enslaved. REWARDS:100 Silver Coins : Stone Chest : Village Creation Token A smile formed on Zuchy's face before he fell unconscious,due to exhaustion and blood loss. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ TERRITORY PANEL> Name: Zuchy Lord: Zuchy Level:1(0/300)EXP Size:5Km² Stone:500units Wood:500units ×3 Civilians:0 Military:0 Subsidiary Territories:None Political:5% Economic:0% Military:0% Culture:0% Religion:0% Science:0% Education:0% Entertainment:0% Chief's Hut 25% plant growth rate. 20% high grade refugee attraction rate. Zuchy died as he was on a fire fighting mission only to be reincarnated in another world with a gaming system.

Fer_Desz · Urban
Not enough ratings
21 Chs

Goblin battle.......ii

An arrow flew past his head,Zuchy cursed and swore to take out the remaining archer next. Hiding behind a massive tree he waited for the goblins to come closer,he hoped for another surprise attack but he knew well that the goblins were on high alert.

The moment the first ugly goblin shield bearer approached him,he threw a small stone he had picked in the opposite direction.

All the goblins rushed towards the opposite direction leaving their backs open,seeing that his trick had worked,he rushed out aiming his sword at the goblins archer's neck.

The archer was quick to react but not fast enough as Zuchy's stab had already connected.



A massive red number appeared on its head as it fell to it's death. Before he could retreat,two swords swung at him, leaving deep cuts on his chest and left shoulder.



Zuchy could see his health bar decrease below half and knowing he had little health before he could die again,he went berserk,a single thought replaying in his mind.....

"I don't want to die.....!"

"I don't want to die.....!"

"I don't want to die.....!"

He feared that if he did,then it would be his last. Even though he had a gaming system and probably reincarnated in a world like game,he didn't want to take his chances on wether he could respawn just like in real games.

His berserk state took over as he swung,stabbed, sliced and parried like a maniac.

His eyes were blood red and a suffocating aura emanated from his body, he could fill his strength and speed increase with each passing second.

The ugly goblins felt the changes in Zuchy and fear could be seen in their eyes,their tried to retreat only for a sequence of swings and stabs to stop them.

About an hour later, the last of the ugly goblins fell to his death.


<System Alert: Quest:Slay or be enslaved {Completed}>

A squad of goblins has spotted you. You only have one option, either slay them or be enslaved.

REWARDS:100 Silver Coins

: Stone Chest

: Village Creation Token

A smile formed on Zuchy's face before he fell unconscious,due to exhaustion and blood loss.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Half an hour later, Zuchy regained his concious as a chain of system notifications rung out in his head.


<System Alert:You have slain level 1 goblin archers×2>


:10 Copper Coins


<System Alert:You have slain level 1 goblin infantry×5>


:25 Copper Coins


<System Alert:You have slain level 1 goblin shield bearers×4>


:20 Copper Coins

Looking at the experience points gained, Zuchy realized that the reason why it took him long to kill the shield bearers was because of their massive Hp


<System Alert:You have leveled up>

<You have gained 5 status points>

<System Alert:You have leveled up>

<You have gained 5 status points>

As Zuchy leveled up,a warm feeling engulfed him as his injuries healed and his health was restored to full.

"Just like a game..."

He thought to himself as another round of notifications rang in his mind startling him....


<System Alert:You have created your first skills>

<Berserk> Increase ones strength and agility by 5% for each second when Hp falls below 30%.

Duration:30 minutes

Cooldown:6 hours


<System Alert:You have learnt {The Way of the Sword}>

<The Way of the Sword>

Mastery: Basic

Zuchy was happy for his new skill,he had already experienced the berserk state and knew how overpowered it was. The only downside to it was the fatigue that one felt later.

He didn't know that by basically replicating his sword skills would end up with him learning a technique.

From his mastery of <The Way of the Sword> and lack of skill points as a reward for levelling up,he had already deduced that for him to progress,he only had to utilize his techniques more.

To him, though he wasn't a pro-player in his previous life,he had experienced all types off classes and battle skills,since he started playing MMORPG in his junior high school years.

Zuchy had experienced the gaming life of a warrior,guardian,swordsman,knight,paladin,mage,shaman,healer,archer,thief, assassin and even played a couple of MMORPG as a pugilist, with this,he planned on replicating all the classes skills.

As he walked towards the closet goblin corpse,he mentally summoned his status panel....

Name: Zuchy










Free Status Points:10


Techniques:<The Way of the Sword>

Equipment:torn cotton t-shirt,torn cotton pant, worn-out leather boots,iron Sword.

"So I only need a hundred more experience points to reach level three..."

He thought as he distributed two status points to his strength and agility,and the rest into vitality. Zuchy was afraid of death and the only way for him to avoid instant death was by having a high vitality.

He didn't know wether he was right but he had deduced that a single point in vitality equaled 10 Hp.

Looking at his status panel,he smiled as he dismissed it....

Name: Zuchy











Techniques:<The Way of the Sword>

Equipment:torn cotton t-shirt,torn cotton pant, worn-out leather boots,iron Sword.

The gory sight in front of him made him sick,he wanted to harvest his loot but since he didn't have the relevant skill,he pondered on how to go about it since he didn't want to manually loot the corpses.

He was about to give up when he recalled the unopened<Stone Chest> in his inventory.

He retrieved it and on opening it,a couple of system notifications rung out in his mind....


<System Alert: You have opened a Stone Chest>

You have obtained:<Inspection Manual>

<Harvesting Manual>

<Basic Tool Manual>

Looking at the three manuals, Zuchy had an ear to ear smile.