
Realm Sovereign

{slay or be enslaved} A squad of goblins has spotted you. You only have one option, either slay them or be enslaved. REWARDS:100 Silver Coins : Stone Chest : Village Creation Token A smile formed on Zuchy's face before he fell unconscious,due to exhaustion and blood loss. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ TERRITORY PANEL> Name: Zuchy Lord: Zuchy Level:1(0/300)EXP Size:5Km² Stone:500units Wood:500units ×3 Civilians:0 Military:0 Subsidiary Territories:None Political:5% Economic:0% Military:0% Culture:0% Religion:0% Science:0% Education:0% Entertainment:0% Chief's Hut 25% plant growth rate. 20% high grade refugee attraction rate. Zuchy died as he was on a fire fighting mission only to be reincarnated in another world with a gaming system.

Fer_Desz · Urban
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21 Chs

Establishing the Greatest village.......i

<Inspection Manual>A manual that allows one to gain the basic skill:{Inspection},that allows one to view the status and names of items,plants and monsters and people. The skill is limited to ones level.

<Harvesting Manual>A manual that allows one to gain the basic skill:{Harvest},used to collect loot from corpses,harvest plants and herbs. The higher the mastery the better the quality of harvest.

<Basic Tool Manual>A manual that teaches one on how to craft basic tools.

Zuchy quickly learnt the <Basic Harvesting Skill> and was about to loot the goblins when a crazy idea drifted in his mind.

He approached two of the dead infantry goblins and used the <Basic Harvesting Skill> on the first goblin infantry.


<System Alert:You have looted goblin infantry>

Loot:Iron Sword×1

: Leather Chest Plate ×1

: Leather boots ×1

: Goblin Pearl ×1

Zuchy watched as the goblin turned into motes of light together with its equipped armour and it's dropped sword.He then retrieved the <Inspection Manual> and learnt the <Inspect Skill>, before pulling out the three items he had looted.

<Iron Sword>

Grade: Common


<Leather Chest Plate>


<Leather Boots>


<Goblin Pearl>Useful for crafting and alchemy.

Zuchy was surprised by the high stats of these equipment....

"They must have been crafted from a high level beast..."

He thought to himself as he moved towards the second goblin infantry to try out his crazy thought.

He stilled his nerves and stripped the goblin infantry off it's six set armour before storing them together with its sword in his inventory.

He knew by doing so he was being greedy but he didn't care at all.

Zuchy closed his eyes and prayed that his crazy greedy idea was right. A couple of system notifications made him open his eyes and after seeing his loot....


<System Alert:You have looted goblin infantry>

Loot:Iron Sword×1

: Leather Chest Plate ×1

: Leather gloves×1

Zuchy first confirmed wether the earlier loot from the stripped goblin was still in his inventory,an evil grin was pasted on his face as he quickly stripped the remaining goblins before storing their stripped damaged armour and weapons in his inventory.

He later used his <Basic Harvesting Skill> on the whole squad. He grinned as he inspected his gains.

<Iron Sword>×5

<Wooden Shields>×4

<Wooden Spears>×4

<Wooden Bow>×2

<Leather Quiver>×2

<Wooden Arrows>×80

<Leather Helm>×11

<Leather Chest Plate>×9

<Leather Gloves>×11

<Leather Arm Guards>×9

<Leather Pants>×11

<Leather Boots>×11

<Goblin Pearl>×11

From his <Basic Harvesting Skill>, Zuchy harvested a 100% of the loot,he had a wide smile as he thanked lady luck for the loot.

As Zuchy walked towards the waterfall,he inspected the stripped armour and collected weapons....

<Iron Sword>×4

<Damaged Wooden Shields>×4

<Wooden Spears>×2

<Wooden Bow>×2

<Leather Quiver>×2

<Wooden Arrows>×30

<Leather Helm>×9

<Damaged Leather Helm>×1

<Damaged Leather Chest Plate>×8

<Leather Gloves>×10

<Leather Arm Guards>×8

<Damaged Leather Pants>×10

<Leather Boots>×10

The damaged helm was from the goblin he had killed by piercing it on its head and apart from the chest plates, pants and the damaged wooden shields,the rest of the armour and weapons were in good condition.

Zuchy grinned as he dipped his now naked body in the pool of warm water as he enjoyed the scenery around him. He slowly massaged his muscles as the sound of the waterfall soothed him.

He left the pool after a whole ten minutes. He looked at his torn clothes and sadly shook his head before equipping one of the goblins leather pants,he had thought it won't fit him but was surprised when it perfectly did.

He quickly equipped the rest of the armour.

Zuchy could fill the overall increase in his strength and decided to summon his status panel.....

Name: Zuchy











<Basic Harvesting Skill>

<Inspection Skill>

Techniques:<The Way of the Sword>

Equipment: leather helm, leather chest plate, leather arm guards, leather gloves, leather pants, leather boots,iron Sword.

Zuchy dismissed his status panel and retrieved the <Village Creation Token> and used his <Inspect Skill> on it.

He had an idea of what the token was but didn't know how it was used.

<Village Creation Token>

Grade: Gold

A token used to create a village. The creator becomes the rightful village chief.


>The village created within developed kingdoms territory becomes a part of the territory, villages created outside kingdoms territory become independent villages,they neither receive support nor pay tribute to the King.

>The village has the potential of leveling up to a kingdom.

>A village can be conquered, relocated or destroyed.

>To establish a village,one has to plant the <Village Creation Token> .

"Aaaah....so it's that easy..."

Zuchy said as he moved towards the eastern side of the clearing.

The clearing was around two-kilometers squared,the northern side was where the small hill with the waterfall was located, while the southern and western side were filled with the large boulders.

Only the eastern side had no boulders. Zuchy chose this area for he speculated that after planting the token,the system may reward him with a few beginner's infrastructure.

Zuchy planted the <Village Creation Token> and moved back as he saw a golden light shot towards the sky for a second before expanding out.

A system notification rang in Zuchy's mind....


<System Alert:You have created a golden village>

Please name your village.....

Zuchy thought for a couple of seconds before replying to the system....



<System Alert:You have named your village {Zuchy}>


<System Alert:You have unlocked the territory system>

<System Alert: Check the status window for the territory panel>


<System Alert:You have been awarded....>

:Blank Basic Building Prints×3

:Stones×500 units

:Wood×500 units

Zuchy was about to summon the territory panel when another notification went off in his head....


<System Alert: Choose where to build the Chief's Hut>

A map of what he assumed to be his territory popped up in his mind,he didn't have to think much as he quickly selected the area with a green dot on it.

Zuchy had assumed the dot was him. A brown light covered the area he was.

A minute later, Zuchy found himself inside a hut with the <Village Creation Token> suspended a meter above ground in front of him. He surveyed the inside of the hut,the hut had been divided into three. The front was some sought of a hall. It had a large circular table that could comfortably serve seven adults.

The furniture was all common and the decorations were lurking. Zuchy hadn't expected much from a level one village.